Chapter 9

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Thank you all for sticking with me!! This one is dedicated to Rukia1DWolf. But I really love all your comments, I really do, thank you so much!! And 19k reads, are you guys insane :O. This capter is a bit short, I'm sorry, but I'm way to busy with Uni... And sorry for the grammar and typos mistakes... Well enjoy this chapter :). Xx

I woke up the next day from  hearing stumbling in my kitchen. I looked at the clock and saw it was 8am. I groaned, 8am on a Sunday moring, this is way too early! And at that thought I shoot up. 8am on a Sunday morning and I woke up from hearing someone stumbling in my kitchen when I supposed to be alone! This is not good I thought to myself. Think, Niall think, I said to myself. What happened? And then it hit me. LOUIS.

 At that moment, I heard someone walking to my bedroom, no, not someone, him! I quickly laid down again and I just closed my eyes before I heard him open the door. He walked to my bed and sat on the edge of it. My body was frozen, my mind was telling me to run away, to get away from him as far as I could, but I just couldn’t. I was literally frozen on the bed.

 ‘Niall,’ he whispered, ‘Thank you. For last night. You don’t like me, heck, you probably hate me, but you still took care of me.’ After that it was silence after two minutes or so, I didn’t dare to move, I didn’t want him to know I was awake. I know he only told me this because I was asleep and that he would never ever tell me this if I was awake.

But after the silence he spoke again ‘No one ever did that for me.’ I heard his voice cracked at the end of that sentence. I felt he stood up and rushing out of my bedroom, and after one minute I heard him open the front door, leaving my apartment.

After five minutes lying as still as I could with my eyes still closed I finally dared to move again. What the hell just happened. What was he talking about and was he crying at the end? Those thoughts were running through my mind. I got up and walked in to the living room. The blanket I covered Louis under, lay neatly folded on the couch. I walked to the kitchen and saw he washed to cups I made tea in for us. This all confused the hell out of me. Why was he so polite all of the sudden? If he really hated me, he wouldn’t have come to me to say thank you or folded the blankets or washed the cups. Maybe he was turning into a nicer Louis? No Niall, he isn’t, he was probably still drunk.

Before my thoughts would go even more crazy I decided to take a shower. Hot water running down my body always seems to calm me down. The minute I walked out of the shower I heard someone banging on my door and muffled voices. ‘Harry calm down, you don’t want to scare him, do you? You know how he is!’ I recognized Liam’s voice. ‘I swear to god Liam, If Niall really helped Louis, just like that man sad and Louis did something to him, I’m going to kill him! I know he is my best friend, but he needs to back off!!’ Harry almost yelled.

I quickly dried myself and threw some closed on. By the time I reached the door, Liam had managed to calm Harry down a bit. I opened the door and Harry flew in. ‘Where is he Niall? Are you okay? You are not going to tell me you did help him last night, right?’ Harry shouted, while he was running down my apartment.

I sighed deep and Liam looked at me with curious eyes, now standing in my hall. Harry came back to us after he found no one in my apartment. ‘Niall, please answer us! You did let him in, didn’t you? I saw the blanket on your couch! Tell me what happened.’ Harry half screamed.

‘Harry, please calm down, I’m okay, he didn’t do anything and yes, I did help him and let him in.’ Harry and Liam looked at each other in shock and turned to me again with the same shock still visible in there eyes.  ‘ I swear, you would have done the same.’ I told them. ‘Let’s go to the kitchen and I will explain everything.’ They followed me with worried eyes. I sat down a so did Harry. Liam crabbed some cups and started to make some tea. ‘You don’t mind, do you? Me making us some tea in your kitchen?’ He asked when he realized what he was doing. ‘No, of course not Liam, I really can use one.’ I said to him.

After we all had a cup of tea I told them everything. Liam gasped at the part where I told them why Louis was there in the first time. ‘I told him to stay away from that girl, I knew she was trouble!’ He sighed.
‘Don’t worry Liam, it is nothing new for him.’ Harry sniggered. ‘But I wonder why he couldn’t find us afterwards.’ He frowned.
I ended the story with me waking up and finding out he was already gone. I didn’t want them to know what Louis did, that he came to me. I knew for sure they would confront him with it and I didn’t want Louis to know I heard him. He would definitely be extremely mad at me and I wasn’t ready for that.

Suddenly something crossed my mind. ‘How did you guys now he was with me?‘
We got home at 6am or something and Harry here was a bit loud.’ Liam explained.
‘I really wasn’t that loud, that man is just a light sleeper and doesn’t know what fun is.’ Harry defended himself.
Liam gave him a stern look and continued. ‘Like I said, we came home and Harry woke, okay, okay we woke up one of the neighbors.’ Liam quickly said, after Harry shot daggers at him. ‘And he said this was the second time he was woken up and muttered something about a blond boy helping another one.’ Liam explained further.
‘And that’s where it clicked’ Harry continued. ‘I wanted to wake you up immediately and take Louis with us, but Liam didn’t let me. He was scared we would woke you two up and make things worse.’
‘Making things worse?’ I asked confused.
'Yes, we didn’t know if he stayed or not and maybe you were upset and I wanted to let you sleep.’ Liam explained again.
‘Ow, well, okay. I wasn’t upset and Louis didn’t do or say something really hurt full. But I appreciate it you let me sleep.’ While I said that my stomach grumbled, I hadn’t had breakfast yet and Harry heard it.
‘Come on, we are buying you breakfast, for thanking you for taking care of Louis, it is the least we can do. I bet he won’t do it himself.’
If you guys even know, I thought to myself, but I didn’t say anything.
‘Yes, that’s a good idea Harry, come one Niall.’ Liam said excited.
‘You really don’t have to that guys!! Like I said, I would have done this for anyone.’
‘You are way too good for this world Niall, but you are going with us, we don’t take no for an answer, do we Liam?’ Harry said, grabbing me by the arm.
‘Okay, okay, I’ll come with you, but you don’t have to drag me, I’m perfectly capable of walking myself’ I said half jokingly half seriously.

 After I put on my shoes and my jacket, we walked to the same diner, we went before. I closed the door behind me and heard an o so familiar voice. ‘Harry, Liam, what are you two doing here? Were where you last night?’
‘Louis! We can better ask what you are doing here! How’s your nose and eye?’ Liam answered Louis while he and Harry walked to him.
I was still at the door, I didn’t know if I should go and run or just walk behind Harry and Liam like nothing is wrong. And that is the problem, I don’t think there is something wrong, at least no more wrong then usual between me and Louis. But I’m not sure if I can act like I didn’t heard him.
I sighed deep and followed Liam and Harry to the table of Louis.

Louis was in the middle of telling Harry and Liam what happened the night before, when he saw me. ‘Oh, I see why you two are here. What are you thinking Harry,’ he almost screamed ‘I understand when Liam goes all protective, but did you really need to bring him along to everything! And why is he even here!! I thought you two came checking up on me, since I always eat breakfast here after a night out! Oh, wait, I get it, you didn’t even realized that! Did you even missed me last night, where you even concerned about me?’ Louis was now full on screaming.
I looked at Harry and Liam who were just as shocked as me. ‘Louis, that’s not the case at all, and you know it.’ Liam tried. ‘No Liam, shut up , I can’t deal with both of you right now!’ Louis still screamed. And before we even could react Louis stood up and sprinted out of the dinner.
I thought I saw a tear escaping his eyes, but I didn’t know for sure. The only thing I could think was, this is my fault, and my fault only. I need to fix this! And without saying anything to Liam and Harry I sprinted through the door, Louis just escaped through. I needed to find him, I needed to fix this.

Thanks for reading!! Please let me know what you think and vote if you like it :). If you have questions you can ask them on my message board or send me a private message. I'll answer them all!! Thank you all again! Xx

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