Chapter 17

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I'm sorry for the long wait, but I really doubted if should continue writing cause I'm still so so insecure about it, ugh. Thank you all for you support though, that's why I'm stil writing. Sorry for this sort and kind of shitty chapter. Dedicated to WeLuvNickJay for the lovely comment, although I don't believe I'm that talented.

‘W-What did you say?’ I stuttered. I couldn’t heard him right, he didn’t asked that. No one ever asked that, well expect for him. A shiver ran down my spine only thinking about that time, and I really didn’t want to think about that ever again.

‘Niall, you’re all right? You are even paler then before!’ Louis said, concern written all over his face. ‘Niall, come on talk to me, don’t shut me out again!’ He almost begged.
‘Promise me you are not like him.’ I whispered, looking him in the eye, knowing I only confused him more by this.
‘Like who Niall? Please tell me like who, what happened to you?’  He grabbed my shoulders, like he was trying to shake an answer out of me.
‘No, no, I won’t talk about that, please please, just promise me, please.’ I whimpered and again tears started to escape my eyes.

I really wondered how I still got tears, but on the other hand I really didn’t care at this point. I didn’t care he saw me crying again, that I was begging him for something to say he didn’t even understand, and if it’s my call he would never.

‘I promise Niall, I promise!! Whatever he did, I won’t ever do it to you. But you need to tell me what happened.’ He said desperate. Desperate to keep me talking. But I couldn’t anymore. I felt my eyes shutting again, ready to drift off in a sleep.

‘Niall, stay with me, come on, stay here with me, open your eyes! Fuck. HARRY, LIAM, HELP.’ I could hear him, but I couldn’t respond, I only wanted to sleep, to get away from this. But Louis kept me awake with his shouting. Eventually it became quite, but I It was utterly strange, I didn’t know if I was asleep or awake.

‘Hurry up, please. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. What if I pushed him too much? What if this is a panic attack that I caused? Please help him Harry.’ I could hear Louis cry now.
I wanted to open my eyes and say everything was okay, I didn’t want Louis to cry, not over me. But I just really couldn’t move, I was just so exhausted, I wanted to sleep so bad but they just wouldn’t let me.
I wasn’t having a panic attack, I was just so tired, so tired of everything.

‘Harry, you take Louis out of this room and call Zayn, I will take care of Niall.’ I heard Liam’s stern voice.

But when I heard that, I did start to panic, they couldn’t take him away from me, he promised he would never let me go.
I forced myself to open my eyes and mouth, but instead of a firm No, there only came a soft whimper out of me.

I saw all three of them looking at me, all with a lot of different emotion on their faces. I saw relieve, pity, confusion and sadness.  I tried again ‘No’ and I reach my arm out to Louis. He was quickly by my side, sitting at the edge of the bed. With my last strength I wiped his tears from his cheeks with my thumb and whispered ‘I need to sleep.’


 I didn’t know how long I slept this time, but when I woke up I didn’t feel tired anymore. I felt my back pressing against a person, arms securely wrapped around my waist and breath tickling my neck.
I felt relieved, he didn’t left me, he stayed with me and again I could cry. But this time for some strange kind of happiness I didn’t know I could ever feel again.

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