Chapter 18

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First of all, thank you for all the lovely messaged. You are the reason why I am still writing, I am not kidding!! If it weren't for you I would have stopped a long time ago. I just read all the comments again on the previous chapter and it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for believing in me!! I will always be insecure about my writing but this really realy helps me!
Every single one of you deserve the dedication on this chapter so that's why I won't dedicate it, cause it won't be fair!! Sorry for the very late update, but I just started my last half year of Uni, and I'm busy to the max, I hope you all understand!! Also thank you for the 110k reads and almost 300 followers, it's overwhelming!! Like I said before, you are the reason for this!! Now enjoy :).

A week past and I hadn’t heard anything from Louis. But I hadn’t much time to think about it, because a day after Louis asked me out on a date, I got a call from the school, they told they were very happy to have me as the new music teacher. First I was in shock, because how would they ever wanted me? But I was very happy about it none the less. I could start right away, and that was what I did.  It was so much fun to teach those kids, I really loved it.

In the weekend I didn’t do much. I was way too tired from the previous week so I just stayed in and declined the invitation from Liam to grab some dinner. Zayn and Harry both checked up on my by text and I assured them I was fine.
I just wanted to be on my own for a while. I also called home. My mum wasn’t very pleased about the fact I didn’t call sooner, but I explained to her that I was just very busy. I told her about how I already got four friends, but I didn’t tell her the events that happened between Louis and I. I didn’t want to worry her, and I know she would just do that and then bring up him again.

So now it was Tuesday. I had another good day teaching the kids. As I opened my door to my apartment, so did Liam’s door open. I turned around to greet Liam, but it wasn’t Liam who came out of his apartment. A blush creped on to my face, turning my cheeks a bright red. I looked down, completing with myself what I should do, rush in into my apartment or talk to him. Gladly I didn’t have to make that decision myself.

‘Hi Niall,’ Louis spoke softly, like he was afraid he would scare me away. I mumbled a ‘Hi’ back. ‘Uhm, can I maybe come in?’ Louis asked shyly.
‘Ye, Yeah, of course’ and I stepped into my apartment, leaving the door open for Louis to follow me.

We sat awkwardly in the kitchen, both not sure what to say. I knew everything looked just fine a week ago, but since neither him or me texted each other, I didn’t know where we were standing right now.

I still hadn’t looked up to Louis, my eyes fixed on my fingers who played with the hem of my shirt.
‘Niall, can you at least look at me?’ He said.
I lifted my head and my eyes where met with his blue orbs. I cached my breath, because I didn’t realize we where this close.

I got even more nervous then I already was so suddenly stood up, my chair almost falling over.
‘Uhm, you want something to drink, I have tea, coffee, hot coco  or a beer, do you want a beer?’ I rambled while looking into my fridge.

I heard Louis chuckle, ‘Niall calm down, a glass of water will do it. Besides, I didn’t ask you if I could come inside for something to drink.’
‘Ow’ I slumped down on my chair again. ‘okay.’ I buried my face in my hand, ashamed of my stupid behavior.

‘Stop hiding from me, will you?’ Louis asked, and I felt his hands on my wrist to free my face from my hands.

‘I missed you, you know, I really wanted to give you a call or texted you. But I was afraid you didn’t want to go on a date with me anymore. I just talked to Liam, and he said I was being stupid and if I didn’t call or text you today, he would do it for me. I just don’t want to force you to go out on a date with me. I know you where vulnerable when you agreed to it and I just didn’t want to take advantage of you. But when I saw you back there, I knew I needed to talk to you.’ He finished with a big sigh.

I couldn’t help the smile that crept on my face. I sure did miss him too. And I also was afraid to call or text. I was surely convincing myself that he had figured out I wasn’t worth his time, let alone worth to take me on a date.

I looked at him, ‘I missed you too, but I thought you found out how pathetic I really am and didn’t want anything to do with me anymore, so that’s why I didn’t texted or called you.’ I looked down again, not wanting to see how he would react.

I heard him taking a deep breath, ‘Niall, you are not pathetic or anything like that!! I would never ever think something like that of you and I’m sorry I made you feel that way.’  

He tilted my chin up with his finger so I was looking at him again. ‘I promise I won’t ever make you feel like that again, so would you still like to go on a date with me.’

This time I didn’t look down, but I smiled at him. ‘Yes, I still really want that.’
‘So, how about I will pick you up Saturday  at 8pm?’ Louis was beaming now.
‘Yeah, yes, that sounds good.’ I smiled at him.

Louis went home after that and I was really relieved we talked. It was like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders, even though I didn’t even realized it was there in the first place.
I was in such a good mood, I decided to play a bit again on my guitar. I really haven’t had time to play since the last time when Zayn barked in.

I was just done with the first song, when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and found Liam and Zayn with big grins on their faces.

‘So you talked to Louis?’ Liam stated happily when we walked into the living room.’
‘Yes, I did, he is taking me on a date Saturday night.’ I said shyly.
‘I’m happy for you man!’ Zayn patted my shoulder. ‘But that’s not entirely why we are here.’
‘Zayn told my you play the guitar and that you have a great voice! There is small pub we visit regular and we think you should play there.’

I paled at that, never ever in a million years I will go play in a pub, are they out of their minds?
‘NO, I can’t do that, I won’t do that, ever.’  I told them.
‘Why not, you are really good Niall, you could earn money with it if someone discover you.’ Zayn pleaded.

‘But I don’t want that, I’m not good enough for that, I only play for myself and for the kids at school. And that’s scary enough! You can drop it now cause I won’t do it, ever, period.’
They both looked at me in shock, ‘I don’t believe you aren’t good enough, I heard it myself, you are damn good at it!!’ Zayn stated.

‘I said you could drop it now, I won’t do it. And if you don’t mind me, I need to start cook dinner now.’ And I walked into the kitchen, leaving Zayn and Liam baffled behind in the living room. I really didn’t want to be that harsh on them, they didn’t deserve it. But I couldn’t let them convince me, because the last time someone did  that, it didn’t end well. And I didn’t want to go through that again, hell, I didn’t even want to think about it.

I heard quite footsteps entering the kitchen. ‘Hey Niall, we are sorry, we didn’t know it was such a touchy subject.’
I took a deep sigh and turned around  ’I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like I did. But please don’t ask me that again.’

Zayn and Liam looked warily at each other and then back to me. ‘Okay, we promise, but why?’. Liam asked.
‘I don’t want to talk about it okay? Just leave it.’ I spat again.
‘Okay, okay, we won’t talk about it for now.’ Zayn rushed to say, 'but why don’t you come with us to grab some dinner?'

I agreed to that, but I also noticed Zayn looking at me like wasn’t going to let it go, like he knew something big was behind it. It really amazed me how Zayn could read me like an open book, cause this wasn’t the first time this happened.

Thanks for reading!! Sorry because it's short. The next chapter will be the date. What do you want them to do? If you have any ideas leave it in the comments, on my message board or pm me :).

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