chapter 2

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Hope you all will like it!! Thanks to @TheWayYouLookTonight for the feedback :). Sorry it's a bit short, but I'm still learning! X

I walked in the queue and waited till it was my turn. I gave my ticket and my passport to get checked with shaking hands. I feel my hands become sweaty again. ‘No no no no no’ I whispered to myself, ‘I can’t let this happen.’ I took a few breaths and walked in to the plane. I said hi to the flight attendants and let her see my ticket for my seat. It isn’t a really big plane, 3 seats at every side. My seat is almost at the end and to my relieve next to the aisle.

‘Well, at least I don’t see the ground coming to me when we crash’ I mumbled to myself. It’s only when I sit and put my bag under the chair in front of me, that I see the person who I’m sitting next too. It’s Harry, the guy with the curls who I fell on and next to him, by the window is Lou, the guy who helped me up and guided me to my seat. ‘Ow great, just what I need, like I haven’t humiliated myself enough.’ I thought to myself. I tried to ignore the stares from both of them while I’m trying to get comfortable in my seat. I closed my eyes and started my mantra in my head ‘Planes are saver than cars, planes are saver than cars, planes are saver save than cars’. But I got interrupted by one of the flight attendants, who started to explain about the safety procedures at the plane. ‘Why are there even life jackets on board, when we hit the water we are most likely death’ I muttered to myself.

‘What did you say?’ Harry chuckled besides me.
‘Huh what?’ I asked confused.
‘What did you say about life jackets and being death?’ He chuckled again.
‘Ow uhm, why are there life jackets when water is even harder as a rock, we will be death the minute we hit the water’. I explained with a small voice.

At that moment I feel the plane moving, my whole body tensed up and I closed my eyes again. ‘Deep breaths in and deep breaths out, it’s going to be okay, it has to be!! ’ I thought to myself.
‘Hey relax, we’re not even flying yet, you really don’t like it, do you?’ He asked a bit concerned.
I left out a deep sigh ‘is it that obvious? I’m scared to death.’ I said through gritted teeth, still with my eyes closed.
‘You know traveling by plane is the safest way to travel? You have more changes to get in a car crash than in an airplane crash.’ He said serious.
‘Hmhm’ was the only thing I could get out of my mouth.

‘Harreeeeh,’ I heard Lou say, a bit annoyed. ‘I’m sitting here you know.’
‘Louis, stop acting like a child, I was only chatting a bit with…, What’s your name?’
‘Niall’, I whispered, so only he could hear it.
‘Niall here.’ He continued to Lou, or Louis, whatever his name is.
‘I’m Harry by the way, and the little whining child next to me is Louis’
‘Hey, I’m not a little whiny child, actually I’m two years older, thank you very much!!’
‘Yeah, yeah, well start acting like it then.’
‘Ouch, why would you slap me on the back of my head, this is exactly what I meant with you being a kid!! You’re so going to pay for this Tomlinson!!’
‘Ow yeah, and how would you do that?’ I heard Louis smirking.
And right after that I heard him squealing, I peeked through my eyelashes and I saw Louis was being under attack by Harry, tickling him in his sides. ‘Harry, please stop!!’ He managed to say. ‘Say you are sorry’ ‘Okay okay, I’m sorry, I will never ever slap you on the head’
‘And?’ Harry asked, still tickling him.
‘And, I will try to not acted like a kid anymore.’
‘Good boy’ Harry said while tapping him on the head, ‘But lets see how long you can keep up with that’ He chuckled afterwards.
I laughed silently, but I guess not silent enough cause I heard Louis say harsh. ‘What are you laughing at?’
‘Ow uhm, nothing’ I muttered, feeling my cheeks turning red and quickly closing my eyes again.

Suddenly I fel the plane making speed, and I feel my stomach clung together. I put my head against the head support, I squeezed my eyes shut so hard, it almost hurt and tried to keep calm. I fel tears coming up, but I tried to push them away. This was really not the time to cry. Niall remember ‘planes are saver than cars, planes are saver save than cars.’ During all this I still heart the bantering between the other two boys. Suddenly the plane started to shake and I couldn’t take it in anymore. The tears started to stream down my face. I know for sure, this is it, I’m going to die, right here, right now. Sobs started to escape my mouth until I heared a reassuring voice next to me. ‘Niall, it’s okay, we only went through the clouds, it’s only some turbulence. It already stopped. Please calm down.’
‘Harry, leave the kid alone and look outside the window, it’s beautiful!’ I heared Louis say.
‘Louis, shut up, can’t you see he is terrified!’ and his attention was back to me. ‘Niall, stop shaking, it’s okay, open your eyes and you will see everything is okay.’ I slowly opened my eyes, and the only thing what was still shaking were my hands. I kept my head down, cause no way I was going to look at anyone after that horrible breakdown. I wiped my tears away with my sleeve and tried to compose my breaths.
‘Hey Niall, look at me,’ Harry said, ‘You are going to be okay, nothing is going to happen on this flight.’ I still refused to look at him but I noded lightly. Why is this happening to me? Why am I crying like a baby due some stupid turbulence? Why in the first place I got that panic attack? How the hell did I even think I would be able to do this? What has gotten in to me? This whole thing is going to be a disaster. If I survive this flight, I’m sure as hell will never be able to start a new life in London, on my own.’ I thought. And again I fel the tears leaking down my cheeks. I turned my head away from Harry and closed my eyes again.

I heared Harry and Louis fight whispering next to me: ‘Harry, just let that kid be, you don’t even know him. I’m sure he’s just overreacting and likes the attention.’ ‘Louis said through gridded teeth’
‘Louis’, Harry whispered yelled. ‘How can you say that!! Look how miserable he looks!’
‘Well that’s his own problem, not yours or mine. Just enjoy the view.’ Louis said with an annoying voice. ‘The real question here is, Louis, what is YOUR problem, are you jealous or something?’ Harry spat back.
And that’s the last thing I heard before I drifted in to a sleep.

Thanks for reading!! And what do you think? I'm in desparate need for feedback!! X

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