Chapter 10

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Helloooo, thank you for everything you all did for me. This support is overwhelming, thank you very much! I know this one is very short, I'm sorry, but it's all I can do right now, cause busy like hell. This one is dedicated to jlazyb25 . Lauhged way to hard at your bipolar question, and I used it :). Ofcouse thanks to everyone who commented and voted for it!  Enjoy the chapter :). Xx

I was just outside in time to see Louis disappear around a corner. I ran as fast as I could and I screamed his name. But I wasn’t sure if he could hear me. When I turned the same corner I saw Louis disappear, I slowed down. I didn’t see him anymore. I shouted his name, but nothing. I walked down the street until I heard someone whimpering in an alley. I decided to check it out and what I saw at the end of the alley broke my heart. I know he treated me like shit, but I never ever saw someone that miserable as Louis at that moment. He was sitting against the brick wall with his knees pressed to his chest, his arms wrapped around it and he hit his face in it.

I slowly walked up to him. ‘Louis,’ I whispered. ‘I’m so sorry Louis.’
His head shot up and if looks could kill I was death right then and there. But I was done being scared of him, I needed to fix this.
‘Go away,’ he growled. Trying to hide the hurt in his voice.
‘No Louis, I won’t go anyway. I’m not scared of you anymore. I realized after you came to me this morning, yes I was awake,’ I told him when I saw the shock on his face.
‘I realized it wasn’t me you hated, there is more to it. And when you stormed off a view minutes ago I was sure about it. So I won’t go away until you tell me what’s wrong. Tell me what I did, or what I didn’t do.’ I now pleaded. I didn’t know what triggered him, but he broke down and sobbed like there was no tomorrow.

 I quickly closed the space between us and crouched down beside him.  I wrapped my arms around him and he tensed under my touch.
‘Shh, Louis, it’s okay.  Don’t worry everything will be okay.’ He relaxed a bit and he actually did let me comfort him.
After 10 minutes of rubbing his back and saying soothing things, he calmed down a bit.
‘I I’m sorry Niall, I’m so so sorry.’ And a few more tears escaped his eyes.
I wanted to wipe them away, but I knew this wasn’t the time.
‘Please, just tell me what’s wrong.’ I pleaded. ‘I want to fix whatever I did.’

 ‘Not everything is about you Niall.’ He suddenly yelled.
He pushed me away and wanted to stand up.
I was in shock, that boy surely has some serious problems, but I decided I wouldn’t let him treat me like that anymore. I stood up and towered above him
‘What the hell Louis, I ran after you, I wanted to know what’s wrong with you, I was WORRIED about you, even after what you did to me, and this is what I get?’ I was furious by now.
‘You know what, you see it yourself!! I’m done dealing with your shit!! First you are all worried at the airport, yes I remember that! And in the plane you were an absolute arse. What the hell did I ever do to you!! And what was it this morning? You where right about one thing, I don’t understand you and I’m not sure if I even want that anymore.’
Louis looked at me with eyes wide open, full of shock.
I turned around and walked away, trying to force back my tears. I definitely wasn’t to let Louis show how upset I really was. I wouldn’t want to give him that statisfication.
I heard Louis stand up and suddenly he grabbed my wrist and turned me around. His eyes were red and puffy from all the crying, he really looked like a total mess.
‘Niall,’ He whispered, ‘please don’t give up on me, not yet,  just please.’ And he walked away.

 I stood there in total shock, what the hell is wrong with that boy? Is he bipolar or something? The way he said, ‘please don’t give up on me, not yet,’ the vulnerability was shown in his eyes and there was something more in his eyes, it looked like fear but I didn’t know for sure. I really didn’t want to give up on him, but he’s making it damn hard for me!

 I walked back to the dinner, still highly confused.  I stopped in front of the door, not sure if I wanted to go in and face the others. I’m not even sure myself what happen down that alley, so how could I explain it to them? And I knew for sure they wanted to know everything what happened and I couldn’t tell him that before I was 100 percent sure myself.

 I walked home to my apartment and walked up the stairs, praying I wouldn’t run into Liam or Harry.
I made it inside without seeing anyone.

 I wasn’t even inside for one minute before someone knocked on my door. I hesitantly opened it, but to my relieve it wasn’t Harry or Liam. Instead there was a guy around my age from a delivery agency, with my guitar case in his hands.
‘ Niall Horan?’ He asked.
‘Yes, that’s me.’
‘I have a package for you, if you would sign here?’ He put some paper in front of my nose and I signed it.
‘Thank you very much, I have waited for this.’ I said excitedly and took my guitar.

I said goodbye and rushed back inside. I was eager to finally play again. It always has been a way to gather my thoughts if I was confused. And I was now more confused than ever.  I started to play a song by Olly Murs. When I finished the song I heard applause. I shot my head up and on the couch sat Zayn.
I felt my cheeks become red, I never ever played in front of anyone expect for my mum, dad, brother and Josh. ‘What, how, what, when did you came in, how did you came in?’ I asked confused and embarrassed.
‘The door was open, and I heard you playing. You don’t have to be embarrassed Niall, you are really good!’ But we can talk about that later.
‘I’m sorry to bring it up, but what happened between you and Louis? Harry and Liam called me. They eventually found Louis at his apartment and he’s a mess. He’s only mumbling about how sorry he is and how he don’t want to lose his friends. Liam and Harry are with him and they asked me to talk to you and to see if you are okay. Please Niall, tell me what happened.’

I felt tears forming in my eyes, what did I do to Louis?

Please let me know what you think. It is really appreciated. For questions ask it on my message board or send me a private message. Love you all. XX

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