Chapter 7

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So so so sorry for the long wait! But here it is, chapter 7, dedicated to Terrificchocogirl for always being so enthausiastic :). I can't believe I have more then 8k reads, thank you all so so so much!! Also for all the votes and comments!! You are soo sweet, really appreciate it!! And yes this is my first ever written fanfiction, and yes English really isn't my first language, Dutch is. And no, I will not turn this into a Narry story, sorry!! 

The next morning I woke up with a minor headache. I checked the clock and saw it was 9am. Wow, I thought to myself, I must have been really tired! I slept for like 16 hours straight!

And at that moment all the events from the previous day came in to my mind. I really couldn’t believe I had an panic attack again. What the hell was wrong with me? What kind of power had that Louis guy over me? Why was I so affected about what he thought of me? It’s not like no one else ever judged me before, but I never have let it get to me like this.

Of course I had panic attacks before, but that is because I’m claustrophobic and it only happened when I was in a big crowd or in a small space. But the panic attack I had yesterday, had nothing to do with that. It was Louis, and that scared me more than anything. I really needed to stay away from him, the effect he had on me wasn’t healthy, I could end up in the hospital for god sake!

 Before my thoughts could go further I heard a knock on my front door. I checked the time again, 9.30. It couldn’t be Liam, he would be here at 11 for showing me around town. But I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go with him, well actually I really didn’t want to. What if we ran into Louis? I really can’t let that happen, I want to stay away from that guy as far as possible. And if that meant I didn’t got to be friends with Liam, then so be it! Maybe I could talk myself out of it, telling him I still didn’t feel good. But  I don’t think he would fall for that…

 Before I could think further the one in front of the door started to get impatient because the knocks became harder. ‘Yeah yeah, I coming,’ I muttered and I slipped in a sweat pant. I walked to the door and opened it. Before I could say anything Liam was in my apartment.

‘ Liam, what are you doing here?’ I said confused and a bit harsh .

‘Well, I thought you could use a proper breakfast,  don’t think you have any food here, right?’ He said cheerly, not in the slightest bit affected by my harsh tone.

‘Oh, well, uhm thank you.’ I said a bit taken aback.

‘And I was a bit worried you would try to talk yourself out of me showing you around today. And you didn’t reply to the texts I send you. I was worried about you Niall, so were Harry and Zayn.’ Liam said way more serious now.

‘I’m sorry I didn’t reply to your texts but I didn’t checked my phone, you really don’t  need to worry about me, I’m perfectly fine.’ I said with the most unconvincing smile on my face.

And you where right  about the order part to, I thought.

‘How can we not worrying about you after what happened? Niall, you are a friend now! So I suggest you will take a shower and I will get this breakfast on plates.’ And while he said that he shoved me to my bathroom.

I stepped in and I heard Liam walking to the kitchen and rummage through the cupboards to find plates. I guessed I really didn’t had a choice anymore and would most likely spend the rest of the day with Liam. Well fingers crossed we don’t ran in to Louis! I sighed deep and got in to the shower. I took my time and half an hour later I walked in the kitchen.  

The table was set and filled with a lot of food. There where sausages, pancakes, French toasts, beans, bacon, scrambled eggs, fish fingers and blueberry muffins. It all smelled delicious and my stomach started to rumble. ‘Woah, Liam, you didn’t have to got me all of this.’ I said shocked.

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