Chapter 12

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Thank you all so much for all the support I already recieved!! It is unbelieveble!! And the comments on the last chapter, are you guys kidding me :O. That's just insane!!  I dedicate this one to NiallAndIceCream because she was the first one who commented at the previous chapter and she asked me too :). And who am I to say no? I hope you all will enjoy this chapter as much as you did as the last one. Thanks to TheWayYouLookTonight for helping me when I was a bit stuck, couln't right this chapter without you :).  One last thing, don't hate me after this chapter, so sorry in advance.

I don’t know what time it was when I woke up. I laid there with my eyes closed, not daring to move. I could still feel Louis next to me. His hands still holding my shirt in a tight grip and my arms secured around his waist. It was quite comfortable and I couldn't believe this was the same Louis who had yelled at me so many times. And who could make me feel worthless in a second.

I didn’t want to wake him up, scared of the things what would happen then. Suddenly I felt him moving beside me. He carefully let go of my shirt and slipt away from my embrace. I could feel him roll over, away from me. I felt a weight lifting up from the bed and I assumed it was Louis. After some more silent noises I heard the door opening and closing again. I let out a sigh I didn’t know I was holding, glad Louis didn’t talk to me and I opened my eyes. The clock in the room said it was 5pm and I decided it was time for me to go.

I stood up and before I got the change to walk out of the door, Harry came rushing in.
‘Niall, did Louis talk to you? He is in the kitchen making some food, acting like nothing even happened!!’
I took a deep sigh, I thought that Louis would finally talk, but I guess I was wrong, not that it really surprised me though.
‘No Harry, he didn’t. The only thing he said was that he was sorry and he cried in to my shirt.’ With that said, we both looked at my shirt. It was soaking wet with the tears from Louis.
‘You need to change Niall,’ and Harry walked to Louis’ closed and took a plain white shirt from it.
‘No it’s okay Harry, it will dry.’
‘Niall, don’t start with me right now and put on this damn shirt!!’ The look in Harry’s eyes said it wasn’t the time to argue and I pulled my own shirt off and replaced it with the one from Louis.

We walked to the kitchen and Louis was on the table eating some toast while Liam and Zayn were sitting on the other end of the table, giving Louis worry glances every minute.
‘Hi.’ I said quietly. Both Liam and Zayn gave me a small smile. Louis froze for a second but continued eating his toast, not giving me one glance.

‘Louis,’ Harry started ‘Can you please tell us what is wrong? We are so worried. We are your best friends, you can tell us everything, you know that right?’
Suddenly he pushed his plate away and stood up. ‘I’m fine Harry, I’m completely fine. Going for a walk now.’ And he started to walk to the front door.
‘Louis,’ Harry yelled angry ‘you are defenitly not fine and you won’t leave this house before we know what’s wrong!!’
‘Harry,’ Liam began.
Louis abruptly turned around. ‘Fine, I’ll be in my room then!’ he spat. 
He rushed past me and gave me a shove with his shoulder, I whimpered lightly. I knew the Louis was back who scared me to death.‘Louis, please, we only want to help you. Harry didn’t mean to yel at you, right Harry?’ Liam tried to settle things. 
But Louis didn’t listen and walked to his door, shutting his door with a loud bang.

‘I’m sorry guys,’ I said trying to keep my tears in.
‘No Niall, this is not your fault!’ Zayn said. ‘We are happy you came here and tried, but I guess Louis will talk when he wants to talk.’
‘Oh no, he isn’t, he is going to talk right now and apologize to Niall.’ Harry said, while he walked to Louis’ bedroom.
‘No you don’t!’ And Liam grabbed him by his arm. ‘I think it is better we let him cool off a little.’ Liam continued, still holding Harry.
'He won't have to apologize to me, he didn't asked me to come.' I said to no one in particular and honestly I don't think anyone heard me, because they where all focused on Harry, who was crying now.
‘But I can’t take this anymore Liam, I want my Louis back, I want my happy, bubbly, sassy Louis back.’ Harry whispered and silent tears ran across his cheeks. Liam took him in a hug and I decided I couldn’t be here anymore.

‘Sorry guys, I I need to go. Prepare for tomorrow or something.’ I mumbled.
But before I walked out I realized I still wore Louis’ shirt and I really wanted mine back.
‘Going to grab my shirt.’ I said when I saw the look on Zayn’s and Liam’s faces when I walked to Louis’ room instead to the front door.
I knocked on Louis’ door but there was no respond so I opened it. Louis was lying on his bed, his back facing the door.
‘Louis,’ I said quietly. ‘I’m going to grab my shirt and then I’m gone. But promise me one thing, go talk to the others. They are so worried. Especially Harry, he is crying right now.’

Louis stayed silent and with a sigh I turned around.
‘I can’t Niall, they just think I acted childish. And I can’t lose my friends again.’ He whispered.
I slowly turned around, slightly in shock that he talked to me, not yelling or saying ‘I’m sorry’ but really talking. Louis was still lying with his back against me.

‘When I was 8 I had two best friends, we did everything together. We were in the same grade and no one could separate us, not ever, or at least that’s what I thought.’ His body was shaking again.

I didn’t really know what to do. Should I stay and hear him out or should I tell him I’m not the one to talk too, but Harry, Liam and Zayn are?
I decided the last. I still didn’t want to be in a room with him alone, although we basically fell asleep in each others arms.
‘Louis, I really don’t think I am the one you should telling this, but Liam, Zayn and Harry are.’ I said as soothing as possible.
‘No, please,’ he whimpered, and I could tell he was crying again. ‘they will leave me Niall, just like Stan and Zach did.’
‘Louis’ I sighed, ‘they won’t leave you, they love you, they are your mates, your brothers!! They would never ever leave you!’
‘That’s what they said.’ He said while he turned around on his bed.

I was right, he was crying again. His eyes were puffy and red and there were unshed tears in his eyes.
‘Louis, I don’t know what you want from me. One minute you are so angry at me I’m afraid you would hit me and now you act like you can’t live without me.’

He looked at me in shock. ‘I I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too. You are right, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I think you should better leave now.’ He said with so much pain in his voice, it brought tears to my own eyes.
And before I could think twice about it, I turned around again and ran out of his room, past the other boys who where still in the kitchen and out of the door. Before I shut the door I could hear a voice screaming ‘Niall, where are you going!!’ But I couldn’t tell who it was and it didn’t matter because I wanted to leave, no I needed to leave. Louis told me too. And I didn't know why that hurts so much because I really didn't want to stay either. When I came by the elevator I noticed I was still wearing Louis’ shirt who was now almost dry. But I knew that wasn’t for long, cause I could feel the tears falling from my own eyes.

Just when the elevators door opened and I wanted to step in, I felt a hand on my shoulder turning me around. I expected it to be Liam or Zayn, but when I was fully turned around I saw it was Louis. And before I could say anything he pressed his lips against mine.

I backed away as quickly as I could and stumbled backwards in the still open elevator I tripped and fell on my ass. I looked up and saw Louis staring at me, with the same shock in his eyes I knew I had. Before both of us could say anything the door closed. 

And? What did you guys think? Please let me know :).

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