chapter 20

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Hello everyone,
I'm back, thank you all for you patient and for all the lovely comments!! A lot of things happened when between now and the last time I updated. I was very busy with Uni and when that slowed down a bit, my dad got really sick. It turned out he had cancer, and unfortunatly he passed away 11 week ago, only after 2 months we heard the horrible news about him being sick :(. I'm really devasted by it and I'm trying my hardest to go on with my life, but it is really hard. So bear with me if I don't update regulary. Love you guys!! Enjoy the new chapter :).

‘Hey look at them!’ I heard someone say. ‘Eww, get a room, no one want to see two blokes kissing!!’ I jerked away from Louis and looked in shock at the two guys staring a
‘What did you just say?’ Louis was up to his feet in seconds, looking furious.
‘Oh, look, atleast one of them has balls.’ One of the guys snickered.

 If you don’t shut the fuck up right now, I promise you, you guys are the ones with no balls left!’ Louis said to gritted teeth, his hands clenched next to his body, trembling from how angry he was.
I thought I have never saw him so angry, not even at me, and that scared me a bit.

‘Louis,’ I spoke quietly, ‘just lets go okay?’ I got up and was grabbing his arm.
‘Don’t Niall!!’ He snapped. I backed away instantly. Louis knew he made a mistake and quickly turned around to face me. ‘No, Niall, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.’ He pleaded with me.

 In the meanwhile a little crowd was forming around us, the two guys who started it were backing away, but not before one of them mouthed to me ‘I will get you guys later.’ A shiver ran down my spine and I was glad Louis haven’t saw it. Because I knew I wasn’t able to hold him back if he did saw it.

‘Niall, please, I didn’t mean it, please. And what the hell are you all looking at!!’ He glared at the little crowed surrounding us.

I knew he didn’t want to snap at me, he was protecting me, or better, us, for god sakes!!  So I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around me immediately, holding me close while whispering how sorry he was and that’s everything is okay now.

‘Can we please go home?’ I asked him quietly.
‘Don’t let them get to you Niall!! We have every right to kiss in public like everyone else!’ He whispered in my ear.
I buried my face in his neck, because I knew he was right, but I just didn’t  want to be here anymore with those guys still hanging around. I shivered when I thought about the threat one of the guys mouthed to me.

I guessed Louis noticed it because he only hold me tighter while he spoke in my ear: ‘Ofcourse we can go, just let me pack everything okay and you have to let go off me for a bit.’ He carefully unwrapped his arms and I stepped back.    

He quickly put everything back in the basked  and  grabbed my hand, ‘Lets get you home babe.’
He got he phone from his pocked and dialed a number. ‘Hi, it Louis’ ‘….’ ‘can you please pick us up?’ ‘….’ ‘No, something happened.’ ‘…..’ ‘We tell you guys when you get us, just hurry okay?’ ‘…..’ ‘Yes, I promise!! He’s only a bit shaken up.’ ‘….’ ‘Okay, see you at the Tower Bridge.’ And he hung up.

‘That was Harry’ He explained to me. ‘We are going to walk back to the Tower Bridge and they will pick us up there, okay?’ I nodded and we walked to the Tower Bridge in silence.
We didn’t have to wait long before Liam’s car pulled up. Zayn was sat in front next to Liam and Harry was in the back seat. Louis let me in first and when he closed the door in curled up in to him.

‘What the hell happened!’ Zayn demanded.  ‘Lets go home first okay?’ Liam interrupted.
The car ride was silent, Louis rubbing soothing circles into my back and  Zayn and Harry giving us worried glances.

We parked in front of my and liams building. We all got out and walked to my apartment. Me and Louis sad down on one couch while Liam and Zayn sad on the other while Harry was busy making tea in the kitchen. I felt a bit uncomfortable with all the eyes staring at us.

‘So, what happened?’ Liam asked, breaking the silence. ‘Yes, why does Niall looks like he saw a ghost?’ Zayn joined in.  At that moment Harry walked in with five mugs of steaming hot tea. He passed them out and sat on the ground, with his back to the couch Liam and Zayn were sitting.
‘Yes, can you please tell us what happened? You scared us a bit.’ Harry said.

‘Well, ‘ Louis started ‘I kissed Niall.’
‘What did I tell you about doing things he is no ready for!!’ Liam yelled angry!! I saw Louis got pale and I could tell he was for once at a loss for words.
‘He didn’t do anything against my will!!’ I quickly defended him. ‘I actually quite enjoyed kissing him.’ I felt my cheeks turning pink and I hid my face in the crook of Louis’ neck.
‘Oh okay, I’m sorry Louis, I shouldn’t have doubted you and yelled at you.’ Liam apologized.
‘No you shouldn’t have,’ Louis shot back. ‘So like I said I was kissing Niall and suddenly two idiots came yelling at us how disgusting it was that we were kissing.’ I could feel Louis was getting angry all over again and I tried to calm him down by playing with the hairs in his neck and it helped a bit.

‘What the fuck!! Who does those bastards thing they are!!’ Harry said.
‘Yes, that’s what I thought!! And I was trying to make it clear to them, and I maybe scared Niall a bit off with that. And no, I didn’t hurt anyone!! There were people coming to check out if everything was alright and when I was done assuring Niall it was okay, those two pricks were gone.’ Louis finished the story. I nodded my head to tell them that’s was the truth.

But Zayn wouldn’t be Zayn without noticing Niall didn’t tell them everything. ‘Something else happened, right Niall’ He said more as fact then an answer. ‘And I bet you haven’t told it Louis either.’ I looked down, letting go off Louis and playing with the bottom of my shirt.

‘One off the guys mouthed at me they would get us another time.’ I mumbled, not sure if someone even heart me. But by the movement next to me I knew Louis did. He got up and stormed to the hall, but Liam and Harry were up and holding him before he could go.

‘Let go off me, I’m going to find these pricks and beat the shit out of them!!’ He said trough gritted teeth.
‘No you are not.’ Harry told him. ‘You are staying here with Niall, how would you thing he would feel if you left him now? You need to be there for him right now!!’
‘I agree with Harry.’ Liam stated, ‘But don’t worry Louis, if we are out and you see them, we make sure they get what they deserve!!’

‘Okay okay, you can let go off me.’ Louis said while trying to get out of their grip. They let go and he was right next to me in an instand.
‘I am sorry Niall, I didn’t want to leave you.’ He said sincerely.
‘I know Louis, can we just not talk about it for now and just cuddle and watch a movie and order pizza?’ Louis chuckled at that. ‘Of course we can babe.’ He snuck his arms around me again to put me between his legs. I rested my head on his chest and sighted in contentment.

‘So, uhm I guess we will leave you again then, now all is settled.’ Zayn said.
‘No you don’t have to go, you can watch a movie with us, if you pick out the movie and order the pizza’s at least if that is okay with Louis.’ I said, thinking it is not fair to send them away now. And luckily Louis agreed.

The rest of the day and night was spend with watching movies and eating pizza’s, me securely wrapped up in Louis’ arms. 

Please let me know what you think!! Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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