Chapter 19

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Thank you for being so patient!! Hope you like it!! Love you all. No promises for when the next update is. 

The rest of the week passed in a blur. I was really busy with preparing the music lessons when I wasn’t at the school teaching the kids. I also played a lot of guitar myself and I had dinner with Liam and Zayn one more time. I made sure to avoid the topic of me playing the guitar, because I just really wasn’t comfortable talking about it. I knew they, especially Zayn, where dying to talk about it again, but every time it went in that direction I changed the subject. Obviously we also talked about the date I would go on with Louis. They knew more about it than they told me and that was highly frustrating.
I didn’t hear a lot from Harry. According to Liam and Zayn he was way too busy texting the waitress who kind of looked after me the evening  I got shit faced drunk. It is beyond me how he got her number the few minutes they were inside to  drag me out. But honestly I really didn’t remember much of that night. And I really couldn’t care less, I was just happy for him.

Of course I got a few texts from Louis. It was nothing special, just about how my day was. But it was nice knowing he was thinking about me.

But now it was Saturday morning, the day of the date. And saying I was freaking out, was an understatement. The plan was that Louis would pick me up at 8pm, but when I woke up this morning I saw I had a text from Louis, saying there was a change of plans, and now he was already picking me up at 2 pm.  And with this morning I meant 11.30 am, which meant I had only 2,5 hours to get ready.

And don’t get me wrong, I really don’t need that much time to do my hair, but we are talking about me going on a date. Not only on a date with Louis, but just a date in general. I haven’t been on a date in ages. And me being nervous is slightly an understatement. Maybe I should just call this whole thing off. There is a big change after all that he really isn’t interested in me anymore after today. And I’m not sure if I’m ready for such a big rejection. So yeah, probably the best thing is just to call him and to say that I can’t do this after all. That it is not him, but me, that I am not ready and that I am sorry. Yeah Niall, you should do that. Or I just can text him and telling him I am sick. But then there is a big change he wants to come over, and I really want that either.

Before I knew it, I had my phone in my hand, typing a text to Louis: ‘Hi Lou, I’m sorry, but I need to cancel today. I’m really not feeling well. I am so so sorry. X’

But before I could sent it, there was a knock on my door. I shot up, and checked the time again, making sure it really was only 11.30am and not 2pm. But it really was 11.30am. I knew for sure it wasn’t Louis, but I didn’t have a clue who else it could be.

‘Niall, are you awake? Open up, we are here to help you to get ready!’ I heard the faint voice of Liam shouting from the front door.

I could have known one of the guys would come. I only had to convince them that I was sick, and not let them in.

After a few more knocks and shouts and threats of breaking the door, I finally got up from my bed. I draped the covers around my shoulders, to make sure it at least looked like I was cold. I shuffled to the door, but my plan for opening the door on a crack was quickly vanished, because the minute I opened my door Liam barged in with Zayn in tow.

To say I was baffled, was an understatement. I walked slowly into my kitchen, but there was no Liam or Zayn anymore. Before I could get back to my bedroom, Zayn was standing in front of me with my phone in his hand.

The look he had on his face was mixed between disappointment and sympathy.

‘Niall, what is this?’ He asked me quietly but stern. I didn’t dare to look up, my cover suddenly way more interesting.  I knew exactly what he was talking about, the text I was about to send to Louis before they interrupted me.

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