Chapter 2 - Morsmordre

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Author's Note: Thanks again for reading further! I hope you are finding value in the story so far and as always, don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments and like chapters if you feel like it. I am always so grateful for your feedback!

Eliza walked calmly along Diagon Alley, hand-in-hand with her uncle Walden. He took her shopping for her new school books and supplies every year, as her father didn't like being too involved in the wizarding world. Although he was unsure about his daughter becoming close with his brother, he chose not to discourage it. Walden was the only other family Eliza had, after all.

She felt confused when uncle Walden led her right past Flourish and Blotts, which was where they had originally agreed on going.

"Um, uncle? Flourish and Blotts is that way," Eliza said uneasily.

"Yes I know, dear, but I just need to take care of some business quickly. Don't move, I'll be back shortly," he said with a reassuring smile, before turning and pacing away before she could protest.

Eliza watched her uncle as he turned and disappeared into Knockturn Alley. She wondered what business her uncle had in Knockturn Alley. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good...

Instinctively, she began to follow him, making sure not to be seen and she turned each corner. She kept a keen eye on her uncle as he walked into Borgin and Burkes, a trinket shop that had gained some notoriety over the years from its vast supply of objects relating to the Dark Arts. After ensuring that her uncle was properly inside and out of sight, she slowly crept up to the window and allowed herself to peek inside. As her sight adjusted to the dusty windows obscuring her view, she began to make out six figures standing around what appeared to be a lit fireplace. They were speaking amongst one another in low voices.

"Macnair, it's nice to see you finally made it," a blond man with a gruff voice said irritably.

"Now now, Yaxley, I'm sure he is aware of his indiscretion and won't let it happen again," a raspy voice from the middle of the room remarked.

"Apologies, my Lord, I had company. I needed to be discreet," her uncle replied in a somewhat nervous manner.

Just then, a woman with wild, dark hair picked up Eliza by the collar of her robes and dragged her into the shop.

"Hey! Let me go! Stupefy!" Eliza yelled in a panic with her wand pointed behind her.

Although the spell missed, it did enough to get the woman to release her grasp on Eliza's collar and without hesitation, she took off running.

"Why you little! Crucio!" the woman yelled, pointing her wand straight at Eliza.

With a small gasp, she fell to the floor and began writhing in agony. Her eyes screwed closed as the sensation of thousands of needles piercing her skin overcame her and she immediately let out cries of distress.

"STOP! She's my niece! Leave her be!" Uncle Walden yelled as he ran to her, kneeling beside her and trying desperately to comfort her.

"Enough, Bellatrix!" boomed the raspy voice from before.

Now that Eliza was inside, she realised that the voice didn't belong to any of the figures in the room. 

Soon enough, the pain ceased and Eliza sat up, shaking uncontrollably, as Uncle Walden helped her up and held her to his side. 

"Come to me, little girl," the raspy voice commanded.

Now that she was standing, she saw that the voice was coming from the fire in the centre of the room.

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