Chapter 37 - Punishment

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Author's note: *Not edited*

The next day of school was even worse than the first. In their new class, The Dark Arts, both Luna and Eliza were instructed to use the Cruciatus on first years as practise. Part of Eliza's new identity was the fact that she enrolled as a seventh year – not that she would struggle much with the work.

Neville Longbottom was the first to refuse, what with his parents losing their minds from constant exposure to the Cruciatus Curse. Luna didn't take long to follow his lead, being completely against violence in general, but particularly against torture.

Eliza was no stranger to torture. She had endured plenty of it from the mistress of torture herself. She knew perfectly well what kind of pain they were asking her to inflict on the first years which had been brought in for practise.

Luna had been surprised when Eliza didn't refuse to use the curse. She could have sworn Eliza of all people would have refused as well. But she didn't.

When Amycus Carrow, the new Professor of the Dark Arts, called Eliza up to demonstrate the curse, she simply nodded and walked up to the front of the class.

Luna and Neville were flabbergasted. Eliza's face was like stone, cold and unreadable.

"Now, show the class how a Cruciatus Curse looks, Miss, uh-"

"Penhallow." Eliza interjected.

"Miss Penhallow." Amycus smiled sadistically.

Eliza pulled out her wand and pointed it at the trembling first year standing before her. Luna covered her eyes, not being able to bear the thought of Eliza doing such a thing.

"Crucio!" She heard Eliza say strongly.

She expected the little girl to cry, but she didn't. Instead, Luna's ears were assaulted by a loud growl which turned into a scream. Removing her hands, she was shocked by the scene that lay before her.

Eliza had turned, and instead of casting the curse on the first year, she had casted it on the Professor. Even now, she was still pointing her wand at him while he writhed in pain.

"Tell me, how does that feel?" Eliza asked coldly.

"Gah!" He cried out.

"Does it feel good to be tortured? Does it feel good to hear little girls scream in agony? I'll tell you something, usually I'm completely against this, but I must admit, it feels good to hurt people like you. You know why? Because you deserve it!" She shouted angrily, using her wand to throw Amycus across the room, causing him to fly into the wall and land in a crumpled heap.

Eliza was breathing heavily now. It had been a while since she had let her rage get the better of her. When she turned around, she saw that the entire class was looking at her in amazement.

Seamus Finnigan's mouth was gaping, and the Parvati twins were wide-eyed. However, some of the Slytherins were smiling. Blaise Zabini was particularly impressed.

Eliza adjusted her glasses and started walking towards her seat, but it was too late. Amycus had recovered now, and immediately grabbed her by her hair.

"You have earned yourself discipline for the rest of the day!" He shouted angrily, dragging her out of the classroom.

Eliza didn't make a sound. She assumed she'd be punished. It was worth it to her. They couldn't do anything to her that hadn't already been done.

After five hours of torture from Amycus Carrow, Eliza was finally allowed to retire to the common room. She walked out slowly, rubbing her arms, as if she was trying to rub off all the pain she had just experienced.

"Wendy?" A voice said softly from behind her.

She turned around to find Neville standing there. He didn't look too good either. He had been punished along with Luna and the others who had refused to participate a few hours earlier. Had he been waiting in the hallway for her?

"Yes?" She asked unsurely.

"Uh, Luna told me what happened to you, you know, in the past. I know your real name too, but I thought I'd still call you Wendy for precaution." He explained.

"Oh." Eliza said.

She had no idea how to respond to this. Was he going to be angry with her?

"You're very brave. I'm not sure that I could have gone through everything you went through." He said gently.

"Thanks." She said quietly, feeling slightly awkward.

"Say, would you like to join us in the Gryffindor common room? Luna's there right now." He said, perking up slightly.

Eliza simply nodded and followed Neville.

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