Chapter 8 - What Have I Done?

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Author's Note: This is a trigger warning for anyone who is sensitive to themes of self-harm and mental illness. If you feel you might be triggered, please skip to the next chapter. 

Mental illness is a serious topic and this is in no way intended to offend anyone or romanticise mental illness. This is a flaw in Eliza's character and should not be viewed in any other way. 

If you are struggling with mental illness, my heart goes out to you and I just want you to know that you are not alone. You are valued and you are loved, and even when it feels like nobody around you can understand what you are going through, there are people out there who have faced similar challenges and come out on top, which means that you can definitely do it too! It might not get better right away, but this is a fight worth fighting and you are a fighter and a survivor <3


"Stop drawing and focus!" Draco muttered as he watched Eliza sketch out a small illustration of the plant she had been studying - the Red Valerian.

"I need to draw out what it looks like so I don't forget!" she whined.

Draco let out a deep sigh and checked the clock hanging on the wall of the empty library.

"I've been helping you study for hours. When are we going to go to check on the cabinet?" he asked irritably.

Before Eliza could come up with a snarky remark, Draco's attention had been taken elsewhere.

"Draco? What are you doing with that little mudblood?" Pansy's nasal voice boomed from the other side of the long wooden table.

"What's it to you, Parkinson?" he drawled.

"I don't want my boyfriend socializing with low-life scum like her," she all but spat, tipping her nose upwards.

Eliza looked at Draco with a raised eyebrow and a smirk to match.

"Boyfriend, huh?" she asked under her breath so that only Draco could hear.

He rolled his eyes.

"We're not socializing. I'm just helping her with her studies. She was falling behind in Potions and Snape doesn't want to see any Slytherins..." he emphasised the word as if reminding Pansy that Eliza was still in their House, "lose house points for being thick."

Draco glanced over at Eliza with a satisfied smile. He could just tell how much it killed her to pretend like she wasn't good at Potions. He knew for a fact that she was the top of her class, just like he would be if it wasn't for that blasted Hermione Granger...

"Ah, I see. Well, hang in there, Draykie. I'll see you later," she winked, before fluttering off.
It didn't take long for Draco to get up and start making his way towards the Room of Requirement.

Eliza held her tongue as she packed up her books and followed Draco out of the library. After catching up with him, she was unable to contain her giggles any longer - much to Draco's disdain. 

Once they had made it safely inside the Room of Requirement and locked the door, Draco turned to face her, unimpressed.

"What's so funny?" he asked irritably.

He had to admit, this was not the reaction he had expected from her after blatantly claiming she was thick to his... whatever Pansy was to him.

"Nothing. It's just funny to see how embarrassed you get when someone catches you talking to me," she let out a small chuckle, "I mean, don't get me wrong, it's pretty funny that Parkinson is your girlfriend, but even that doesn't seem to make you as uncomfortable as being caught in the same room as me," she gave him a cheeky smirk.

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