Chapter 15 - Hogsmeade

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It was finally time, once again, for all the third years and older to go on their exciting excursion out to Hogsmeade. Eliza and Luna and walked arm-in-arm into Honeydukes, where Eliza went ballistic, buying everything from chocolate frogs to jelly slugs.

She had brought a few bags of these magical treats home to her father often and he had developed quite a liking for the exploding bonbons. Luna was a little more modest with the amount of candy she bought, however when it came to the type, as always, she chose the weird and wonderful.

Luna carried her packet of Fizzing Whizzbees and Flaming Kiwi Cups out of the store and linked her arm, once again, with Eliza's.

"So, where do you think we ought to go?" Eliza asked gleefully.

"I don't know, perhaps we could visit Gladrags. I wouldn't mind a new pair of starry socks." She said.

"Oh I've seen those, the stars actually twinkle. Those are pretty." Eliza commented good-naturedly.

She had no clue why people called Luna 'Loony Lovegood'. Quite frankly, she didn't see much wrong with the way she acted. Sure, she was a little different, but that didn't mean that she was crazy. What if Nargles were real? Then everyone else would have been loony not to believe in them.


Draco stood in the men's toilet of the Three Broomsticks with a box covered in brown paper in his hand. That stupid Potter had seen him lurking around, so he was unable to hand off the box as early as he would have liked.

Perhaps he could make someone else do it, to be less obvious. He peeked his head out of the bathroom and spotted Madam Rosmerta. He decided to follow her upstairs and when he got her alone, he pulled out his wand.

"Imperio!" He chanted in a hushed tone.

This caused Madam Rosmerta to stand completely still, her eyes filled with a vacant stare.

"I want you to ask one of the students to deliver this to Dumbledore." He said as he handed her the brown box.

Shortly after, he marched out of Three Broomsticks, being careful not to be caught. As he wandered down the road, he noticed a certain pair of starry socks through the window of Gladrags.

They were in the hands of Luna Lovegood. She was walking up to the counter to pay for them. He tapped on the window to get her attention. She looked at him and smiled merrily.

"Is she with you?" He mouthed.

She nodded in affirmative and immediately he went to the front door and entered. He could easily pick out Eliza and noticed that she was looking intently at dark green, velvet trench coat.

He enjoyed just watching her, as she ran her hands down the material. She was entirely oblivious to the fact that he was watching. Luna approached her.

"I've got to go, I'll see you later." She smiled, before practically running out of the store.

Eliza turned around in confusion until her gaze landed on Draco. Her entire facial expression dropped and she was glaring at him. He had almost forgotten that she was still angry with him.

She started to march out of the store, but Draco quickly followed her and grabbed her wrist.

"Please let me explain." He said carefully.

She stopped and turned to face him, crossing her arms.

"You have one minute." She said.

At this, Draco dragged her along until they were by the fence of the Shrieking Shack.

"Well there's your minute gone." She said irritably.

"Be serious." He pleaded.

She let out a sigh and waited.

"I wasn't trying to say that you would be my, um, 'side-dish?', as you put it. I was saying that we could date, just in secret. I would break up with Parkinson and only be with you. I just wanted to take you on a real date first. As much as I would like to take you out with me in public, you know why I can't. It's a matter of your safety, which will always come first." He said gently, as he took her hand in his.

Eliza was speechless. She had never expected Draco to be so honest, yet so romantically sweet. She had no idea how to respond.


"Just tell me, will you at least give me a second chance? I'll make it a real date. I promise." He said.

Eliza slowly nodded. She couldn't stop herself from smiling. Damn him. Why did he have to be so cute? He started to chuckle.

"Merlin's beard, you have a beautiful smile." He said, before planting his lips on hers.

She immediately responded and put her hands around his neck, while he rested his on her waist and pulled her closer. The kiss was sweet. There was no desperation, just simplicity.

It was the most calm and content either of them had ever felt.

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