Chapter 22 - Narcissa Malfoy

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Eliza looked at herself in the mirror. She wore her Deatheater garments, which were all black. Part of her wondered whether she hated black or not. She knew it was repulsive to see on herself, however, Draco wore a lot of black, and he always looked so magnificent, she just couldn't get herself to dislike the colour.

She had spent the day exploring the manor with Draco by her side, but she felt chills at the mere thought of what was to come that night. The Malfoys had scheduled a personal dinner with Lord Voldemort, by his suggestion, of course.

She wondered if he would be impressed by her success with the vanishing cabinet. Probably not. She didn't really care, as long as it made her life easier.

She left her room and made her way downstairs to the dining room, where she met with Uncle Walden. Walden took a seat, motioning for her to sit beside him. She did as she was told and waited. Soon Draco came through and took a seat on her other side.

"Good, we're all present. I'm told that you have completed the vanishing cabinet, Miss Macnair. Am I correct?" Voldemort asked in a cool tone.

"Yes, my Lord." She replied, as calmly as she could.

She felt Draco rest a hand on her knee for comfort. She had to try very hard not to look at him.

"Good. I think Draco's chance to prove himself has come. I'll be sure to send out my word on the night that you are to kill him. I expect you to be ready." He said.

"I will, my Lord," Draco said with a small nod and a solemn face.

Eliza's heart sank at the thought that Draco would have to kill someone and not just anyone, but Dumbledore himself. She was all too aware that the act of murder tore the soul apart. She wished he didn't have to go through with it.

She squeezed his hand under the table and he squeezed back, letting her know that he was okay. They were both afraid. Not for themselves, but for each other.


Draco's heart nearly burst out of his chest as he heard a soft knock on his bedroom door. Eliza darted up out of his arms and practically dived off of his bed, frantically crawling underneath to hide. Draco had to hide his smirk as he watched her scurry under the bed in a wild panic. She looked so cute when she flopped around.

Eliza often came at night, after having nightmares, asking if she could sleep with him. Draco was always more than happy to let her, as he too had nightmares. This was especially comforting when muffled screams emerged from the cellar at night time.

"Come in." He said as calmly as he could muster.

His mother opened the door and came inside, closing it behind her.

"Hello dear." Narcissa said.

"Hello, mother. Is something the matter?" He asked nervously, now sitting up in his bed.

"No, nothing's the matter. I was just wondering if I could talk to you." She said gently, taking a seat at the end of his bed.

Eliza was silent as a mouse, as she watched Narcissa's feet from under the bed.

"Alright," Draco said uncertainly.

"I just wanted to ask you... do you have... feelings... for Miss Macnair?" She asked unsurely.

Draco and Eliza's hearts dropped simultaneously. When Draco didn't reply, Narcissa continued.

"It's just that I've noticed that you two were a lot friendlier than you were before, and I couldn't help but notice the way you two look at each other. I just wanted to know, since I think it would be a great thing if you did. Imagine how proud your father would be at the knowledge that his son was in a steady relationship with a pureblood, Slytherin girl who is a Deatheater, no less. I'd say she would tick all of his boxes." Narcissa smiled.

Eliza's heart pumped viciously at the sound of this. What was Draco going to tell her?

"Well mother, I don't know what to say. You're right. I do have feelings for her. But you can't tell father. Do you hear me?" He said abruptly.

"Why not? He would be so pleased." Narcissa asked confusedly.

"I have my reasons. Please, just trust me. He will find out eventually, but not now, alright?" Draco asked.

"Alright. I trust you. Now, get some rest. I know Bellatrix's antics are unnerving, but you need to sleep." She said gently as she touched his cheek.

"Thank you, mother. Goodnight." Draco said.

Narcissa got up and left, closing the door behind her. Eliza didn't move until she heard Narcissa's gentle tread fade away, leaving only the faint screaming which plagued her like before.

She slid herself out from underneath the bed and found Draco holding his hand out to help her up. She sat back on his bed and looked at him in shock.

"My mother knows when I lie to her. She can be trusted. Don't worry." Draco said, absentmindedly running his hand up and down her back.

"Alright." Eliza said quietly, shuffling back under the covers and resting her head on the soft pillow beside Draco.

She didn't face him, but she wasn't upset, just confused. As if knowing exactly what she needed, Draco lay back down and drew her into his arms, warming her up after being out of the bed.

He didn't mind that her soft brown hair tickled his nose. It smelt of apples and lemons, sweet, yet there was a hint of sour, just like her. He also didn't mind that he had a dead arm. Being cuddled up with her was worth it, especially as he watched her long eyelashes flutter closed, and felt her breathing become more steady.

'Everything is going to be okay, as long as she is safe.' He thought to himself, before giving in to a dreamless sleep.


"Goodbye Eliza. I'll see you soon. Be safe." Uncle Walden said gently, as he rested a hand on her shoulder.

The Malfoys stood just a few meters away, saying their goodbyes as well. Eliza's holiday wasn't as bad as she had expected. Draco was with her every day and she found that Narcissa was a lot friendlier than usual, ever since that fateful night in Draco's room.

Eliza nodded at her uncle and gave him a short hug, before making her way to the Hogwarts Express. Draco wasn't far behind and they soon found themselves seated in the same booth.

At first, they didn't say anything. They both knew that this was going to be the last term they spent at Hogwarts. Eliza felt a pang in her stomach at the thought that she would never graduate. She knew it was silly, as the chances that she'd live long enough to have to worry about getting a job were slim, but still. She felt as if she had failed herself.

Draco's mind was occupied by something entirely different. When was the Dark Lord going to send the go ahead? Was it going to be that very first night? Or maybe in a few days? Or maybe it was weeks away. He shuddered to think that he would have to kill the great Albus Dumbledore... or at least try.

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