Chapter 29 - Kooby

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Author's note: Okay, so this chapter is pretty short, but it is important. Enjoy! :)

Narcissa held her son for a few moments longer.

"What do you think they're going to do to Walden?" Draco asked.

"I don't know, they'll tell the Dark Lord and he'll decide." She replied quietly.

Draco looked at his mother with cold eyes. They both knew what happened to traitors in the Dark Lord's army.

He felt shivers run down his spine at the thought of what would happen to Eliza. Why did she have to make him promise? He could be down there with her.

Draco's train of thought was soon interrupted by a piercing scream. He looked out of the door in alarm.

"Liza!" He cried desperately and began running out.

He was soon stopped by his mother as she grabbed his arms to hold him back. The screaming stopped for a while, and he could hear Bellatrix's chilling cackle. Eliza started shrieking again.

"I'll kill her!" He yelled, as Narcissa held him back once again.

"No Draco! She wouldn't want you to give yourself away!" She said desperately.

He soon stilled in her grip once the screaming ceased. He was breathing heavily out of anger, frustration, and sheer fear. He couldn't lose her, he just couldn't.

He turned to face his mother.

"Mother, we need to save her. If we don't, I will kill Bellatrix if it's the last thing I do." He growled.

"We will, Draco. We just need to lay low until we know when the Dark Lord is coming." She said quickly.

"We need to watch over her father. He will be in grave danger if they find out where he lives." Draco continued.

"And we will, darling. I'll call Kooby."

"Do it now, mother. I need to talk to him." He said quickly.

She nodded, and quickly left Eliza's room to go down to the kitchen. Draco looked around. Her room was empty. He wasn't going to have her sleeping with him anymore. The screams in the basement will be hers...

He quickly left her room, before he could get emotional again, and followed his mother to the kitchen.

"Kooby, we need to speak with you." Narcissa said urgently, as she entered the kitchen.

"Yes, madam." Kooby said timidly, before following her out of the kitchen.

Draco shut the door, so that the three of them were alone in the hallway.

"Kooby, Draco is going to tell you everything he needs you to do, and you will do it, alright?" Narcissa asked, unsure of Kooby's loyalty to her and Draco, rather than Lucius.

"Of course, madam. Anything for Master Draco, madam." Kooby said bashfully.

What Narcissa was unaware of, was that Draco actually treated the house elves quite well behind his parents' backs. Yet another thing Eliza had taught him to do. He was actually on very good terms with Kooby.

"Alright. This is where I'll be leaving you, Draco. I cannot know the plan. I am a terrible liar when it comes to your father, and if he grows suspicious, I'll surely give it all away. Just do what you need to do." She said, giving Draco a gentle hug, and walking away.

Draco turned to Kooby and gave him a weak smile. Kooby was one of Eliza's favourite house elves.

"Kooby, I need you to go to this address and watch over Eliza's father, Fabian Macnair. He is in danger. If anyone comes for him, I want you to apparate him to the safest place you know of, far away from here." Draco said seriously, meeting Kooby's big eyes.

"Yes, Master Draco, sir. Anything for Miss Eliza, sir." Kooby said.

"Good. Oh, and one more thing." Draco said, resting his hands on Kooby's timid shoulders.

Kooby looked at him with large, expectant eyes.

"I need you to find Dobby for me." Draco said.

"Right away, sir. Kooby shall direct Dobby to Master Draco." Kooby said determinedly.

"Thank you, Kooby. Good luck." He said, patting him gently on the back.

Kooby wiped a tear from his happy face, before snapping his fingers and apparating.

Draco let out a sigh. Now all he could do was wait.

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