Chapter 33 - The Tally Ho

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Author's note: Sorry for not updating for a while. Been really busy with school work -_- Feel like I'm a prisoner in Azkaban.... Anyways, here is a small chapter. I will be writing more later this week, and hopefully will have wifi again on the 1st. Hope you enjoy it :)

*Not edited.*

"So what are you going to be doing?" Luna asked, as she and Eliza sat together on her bed.

"I think I need to check on my father, make sure he's okay." Eliza said.

"That's a good idea. I'm going to do the same, I'm sure dad is worried about me. The last time he saw me, I was being taken by deatheaters." She said dreamily.

"Could you come along with me to check on my dad, and then I can join you? I just think it would be safer for both of us if we stuck together." Eliza said seriously.

"That's a great idea. I'll go pack my things. We'll go to your dad first. He seems to be in more imminent danger." Luna said, jumping up off the bed and walking over to her dresser.

"Thanks Luna. You really are the best friend I've ever had." Eliza smiled.

Luna smiled as she packed her small bag of things, including some of Hermione's clothes which she had left for both of them, and her new Butterbear cork necklace, which she made during their short stay.

Eliza sucked in a breath as she took some Floo powder into her hand. As she was still underage, she could not simply apparate into her house, and Luna had no idea where it was. Luckily there was a fireplace in her home, which Uncle Walden had built after he became part of the family again.

She felt a jolt in her heart at the thought of her uncle. He was dead. She would never see him again, and it was all her fault. How was she going to tell her father?

She stepped into the dusty fireplace, and held her breath.

"The Tally Ho!" She shouted clearly, and threw the powder down onto the dirty ground, before disappearing in green flames.

Luna giggled slightly at the name of Eliza's house. It was an old Victorian cottage which they had inherited from distant relatives.

She then took some Floo powder of her own and shouted the same thing, before following Eliza through the Floo network.

The two girls landed in a heap and rolled onto the wooden floor of Eliza's living room. Lune got up and dusted herself off, Eliza following closely behind.

"Eliza? Is that you?" Fabian asked as he rounded the corner.

"Dad!" She said happily, running into his arms and embracing him.

"What are you doing here? I thought you and Walden were at Malfoy Manor." He said confusedly.

Eliza visibly tensed at the mention of her uncle's name.

"Dad, this is Luna." She stepped back.

"Hello Mr Macnair. What a lovely home you have here." She said dreamily.

"Thank you, uh, Luna." Fabian said gently.

"Dad, I need to tell you something, but not here. It isn't safe. Luna, can you apparate my father back to the beach house and I'll meet you there via Floo network?" She asked, turning to her friend.

"Of course. Whenever you're ready, sir." She said, offering a hand to him.

"Go with her." Eliza said reassuringly to her father.

He smiled weakly and nodded, taking Luna's hand. Eliza walked to the fireplace and took a handful of Floo powder, ready to leave when they left.

Just then, the front door burst open, and deatheaters started pouring in. Fabian's startled face was quickly gone as Luna apparated them away. Eliza soon followed suit, yelling her destination and throwing the powder down, just on time before Yaxley got to the fireplace.

Eliza landed on her knees, and quickly jumped up, dusting herself off. She ran outside of the beach house, looking around frantically for Luna and her father.

"Over here." Luna shouted, waving.

She was standing beside Fabian, who was throwing up from the apparation, and slowly patted his back for comfort.

Eliza took off running at them, and fell to her knees beside her father, who was sweating and breathing heavily.

"Looks like we got there just on time." Luna reflected, helping Fabian to his feet, along with Eliza.

"Who were those people?" Fabian asked frantically.

"Deatheaters." Eliza stated, clenching her teeth.

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