Chapter 34 - Answers

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Author's note: Hey readers! I'm so so sory for not updating for so long, was at this amazing music festival and haven't been to my dad's house in a while...  Anyway, here's a few chapters. I'd just like to apologise in advance as I might add a few pictures to some of the chapters and maybe edit one or two. I hope the notifications don't annoy you too much >_< This chapter is *not edited*. Oh and PLEASE COMMENT :)

Fabian sat awkwardly in an armchair in the quiet, sunny living room of the beach house.

"Would you like some butterbeer, sir?" Luna asked as she walked into the room.

"No thank you. Where is Eliza?" He asked politely.

"Oh, she's just making sure the Floo network is closed, so that the Deatheaters can't follow us." She said.

"And who are these deatheaters you keep mentioning?" He asked unsurely.

"I'll let Eliza explain everything to you. I sense that this is not my place to intervene. I'll be in my bedroom if Eliza needs me." She said calmly, smiling at Mr Macnair.

Fabian simply nodded and stared at the rustic, wooden floor, as Luna left the room.

"Hey dad." Eliza said softly, standing at the door.

Fabian looked up at his daughter and smiled weakly. Everything was so overwhelming. Not even half an hour ago, he had been sitting peacefully in his kitchen with a steaming cup of coffee.

His coffee was probably cold now. He wondered if those intruders had trashed his house.

"Eliza... what's going on? Where's Walden?" He asked.

Eliza said nothing, but slowly took a seat on the woven loveseat and began to play with one of the soft cream-coloured cushions.

"Walden's dead." She said feebly, staring at her feet.

Fabian's eyes grew wider as Eliza's words sunk in.

"What? No! He can't be! Why? What happened to my brother?" Fabian asked frantically, not knowing how to process the new information.

"Dad, please. Let me explain." Eliza said quietly, the ball in her throat beginning to burn again as she rested her cold hand on his warm one.

Fabian looked up at his daughter with a shocked expression, but nodded quietly.

"Those people you saw. They're called deatheaters. They're magical, like me, but they're bad people."

Fabian nodded, waiting for further explanation.

"They follow this man... nobody ever speaks his name. He's incredibly powerful. He threatens the entire wizarding world." Eliza didn't know how to continue.

She let out a deep sigh.

"The wizard world is at war, and Walden was on the wrong side. He used to be a deatheater. One day when we were in Diagon Alley, I followed him and they found me..." Eliza continued to explain, from the very beginning.

She told Fabian of everything that happened to her, including her relationship with Draco, including the torture she went through, including the fact that she used to be a deatheater. She even explained the whole pureblood complex that the deatheaters had.

By the time she had finished explaining, Fabian was in tears.

"I can't believe they tortured you... Walden put you in danger. They could have killed you. They killed him! I will never forgive him! He deserved what he got!" Fabian said viciously, through his sobs.

At this point, he had pulled Eliza into a bone-crushing hug. Eliza simply patted his back and shushed him until he stopped crying, and his breathing slowed down.

He let go of her. His eyes were puffy and red.

"This Draco fellow... you say he's still a deatheater?" He asked slowly.

Eliza nodded.

"But it's because he is faithful to his parents?" He continued.

She nodded again.

"And you say he is the one that helped protect you?" He asked.

Eliza's neck was getting sore from all the nodding. Fabian was silent for a while, apparently deep in thought.

"He loves me, dad. And I love him." Eliza said softly, tears starting to build behind his eyes.

"I hope I can meet him one day." Fabian said, resting a comforting hand on her back.

Eliza choked out and smiled, before burying her head into her dad's chest and letting out a small whimper. It was her turn to cry.

Fabian simply held her.

"I just want him to be safe. I want the war to end." She cried into his torso.

"I know darling, I know." He said comfortingly.

He had so much to reflect on. Everything that he had just learnt changed his whole perspective on the world. He thought he was safe. He thought Eliza was safe. The world was at war and he had had no idea...

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