Chapter 28 - Crucio

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Author's note: Hey my beautiful readers who have stuck with me this far! Thank you for being so patient! Finally have wifi again :D even if it's just for this weekend... Anyway, the shit is about to hit the fan so watch out, but never fear, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

"Come on, dearie." Bellatrix cackled, as she dragged Eliza down the dark, dingy stairs and into the cellar.

Eliza let out a strangled oomph as she was thrown onto the moist, flagstone ground. She was still trying to comprehend everything that had just happened.

She had been discovered. Uncle Walden had been taken away. Draco had pretended he didn't care about her - thank Merlin.

"Now, let's have some fun." Bellatrix smiled maniacally.

Eliza looked up at her with hard eyes. She said nothing. There was no way she was going to let Bellatrix feel like she could break her.


Eliza suddenly felt as though thousands of knives were stabbing into her body. The pain was everywhere. Her feet, her arms, her stomach, her head, even her face.

She let out a loud grunt of pain. Maybe if the pain of being cut wasn't so familiar to her, she might have screamed a little louder. After a few minutes, Bellatrix stopped.

Eliza let out ragged breaths.

"Had enough already?" Bellatrix asked, smiling wildly.

Eliza looked up at her with a smirk.

"Why? Are you getting tired?" Eliza asked, her smirk growing at the look of astonishment on her face.

"Why you little-"

Bellatrix was fuming. She walked straight up to Eliza and kicked her, hard, in the ribs. Eliza's breathing quickened as she felt her rib crack inside of her.


This time, Eliza felt her skin burning. It was as if her whole body was on fire. She was surprised that her skin wasn't breaking out in rough burn marks.

She let out a scream in pain. She couldn't hold it in. Bellatrix started to laugh hysterically at her.

"Ahahahaaa! You're so pathetic!" She yelled.

Eliza stayed strong, her face was covered in sweat, but she wasn't crying yet.

"Want some more? Crucio!" She yelled again.

Eliza suddenly felt as if her whole body was being pricked by needles, or stung by bees. The sweat poured down her face and body as she cried out in agony.

Bellatrix started laughing again. She dropped her wand and pounced onto Eliza, who was kneeling down on the ground.

She yanked up her sleeve, and looked at the Dark Mark with disgust.

"You don't deserve this." She said viciously, pointing to the mark.

Then she noticed the scars.

"These, however, are perfect for you." She grinned, picking up her wand.

The end of her wand began to glow red.

Eliza let a whimper escape as Bellatrix ran her wand tip over Eliza's other arm. She could feel hot blood begin to pour out of her arm and onto the floor, as Bellatrix carved and burned her arm until she was satisfied.

When she was finished, Eliza was sprawled on the floor, breathing heavily. Before she could get up, Bellatrix raised her wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" She bellowed.

Eliza floated in mid-air, as Bellatrix pointed her wand at her. She directed her further back into the cellar, where yet another set of stairs awaited. After descending the stairs, Bellatrix threw Eliza across the room.

Her body ached as it rammed into the opposite wall, and fell to the ground.

"See you later, dearie." Bellatrix giggled, and ascended the stairs again, shutting the door behind her.

"Eliza?" She heard a timid voice speak.

Eliza slowly got up, groaning.

"Luna?" She rasped.

Her throat still hurt from all the screaming.

Luna emerged from the dark corner. Immediately, she rushed to Eliza's side, helping her up.

"I'm guessing they found out." Luna asked gently.

Eliza nodded, still shaking. She lifted her bloody arm to the light. The word mudblood burned in red on her arm. Her sleeve was soaked.

"I'm sorry- I'm sorry for lying to you." Eliza rasped.

Luna smiled gently at her.

"It's okay. You were clearly in a tough situation. Besides, I think you've been punished enough." She said softly.

Eliza smiled weakly at her.


In The Endजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें