Chapter 21 - Malfoy Manor

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Malfoy Manor was exactly as Eliza had remembered. As the group ascended the pristine steps leading up to the gargantuan wooden double doors, Eliza couldn't help but glance in Draco's direction, longing for the comfort of holding his hand.

"Kooby, take the Macnair's bags and direct them to their rooms. I think you'll find your stay most comfortable." Mr Malfoy said, turning to face Walden after addressing one of the house elves.

"I don't doubt it, Lucius. As I'm sure I've told you before, you have a most beautiful home." Walden replied curtly.

Lucius nodded in acknowledgement of his compliment, before turning to Draco.

"Draco, you shall see it to it that Miss Macnair gets settled properly while Kooby does the same for her uncle." He said, before turning and walking through another set of doors and disappearing.

"Come with me." Draco nodded at Eliza with an emotionless face, before turning around and leading her to her room.

Eliza looked around at the room that she was meant to be staying in for the rest of Spring break. The walls were covered in stone grey wallpaper with silver accents. The floor was made of a plush black carpet.

In the centre of the room, stood a queen sized bed with an elegant white bedspread and adorned with grey and black pillows. There was also a nightstand on each side, as well as a dresser and a vanity table, all in the same white wood.

"What do you think?" Draco eventually broke the silence, after making sure the door was closed when the house elves had brought up her things.

"It's beautiful," Eliza said slowly.

The room was beautiful, but it was still a blank slate in some ways. There were no pictures on the walls, no ornaments, nothing to indicate that a human had lived in this space.

"I'll show you something I know you'll love." Draco smiled gently, taking her hand and leading her around a small corner in the room which she hadn't noticed before.

Eliza felt so relieved to feel Draco's touch again. As they turned the corner, she saw that a small section of the room had been added, to make room for a large bookshelf and a beautiful bay window, adorned with pillows and blankets.

"I asked the house elves to add this for you." Draco smiled.

Eliza was speechless. He knew her so well. She loved books and as she scanned all the books on the shelf, she saw many she had remembered telling Draco about.

Draco took a seat on the bay window and watched her. There was nothing better than seeing her looking around in awe. She seemed so happy and that was, after all, his new mission in life... to make her happy.

Eventually, she turned around and looked at Draco lovingly. She stood in between his legs which dangled over the edge of the seat and wrapped her arms around his neck.

She slowly pulled in and gave Draco a soft, lingering kiss, before pulling away again.

"Thank you." She breathed.

"Anything for you, angel," Draco smirked.

"So, where's your room?" She asked curiously.

She had never seen his room, but she really wanted to see the place he existed in when he wasn't at Hogwarts.

"Well, it's actually right next door, if you want to go see it," Draco smirked knowingly.

Eliza rolled her eyes at Draco. He always had everything his way and making sure she was roomed next to him was just another example, not that she was complaining.

She nodded with a grin and he soon dragged her out into the hallway and opened the door to her right. Eliza heard the click of his lock as she looked around.

The walls were all bottle green wallpaper, just like in the Slytherin common room. There was a bed the same size as hers and a fireplace with an armchair. There was also a wardrobe and a desk.

She walked over to the desk and took a look at some of Draco's things. There were a few quills, and bottles of ink, as well as a roll of parchment.

"May I?" She asked, motioning to the draw, waiting for Draco's approval.

"Sure." He shrugged.

She gently pulled open the drawer and was surprised to see a stack of papers that were rather familiar to her. It was all her letters that she sent to Draco over the last holiday.

She pulled out one page in particular, the one that wasn't in the pile, but rather sat next to it as if it was looked at often. It was her self-portrait. It warmed her heart to think that Draco kept it and was apparently sentimental with it.

"I can't believe you kept this." She said quietly, staring at the drawing.

"Why wouldn't I? All of your drawings are so beautiful, but one of you is just perfect." He said, gently wrapping his arms around her.

At this, Eliza set the page back into the drawer and turned around in Draco's arms, looking up at him with sparkling eyes.

"Imagine what your friends would say if they knew how romantic you really are," Eliza said, smirking.

Draco's grip slackened as he looked at her with exasperation.

"Shut up." He mumbled, leaning in for a kiss, which she gladly returned.

Draco heard a knock on the door and instantly sprang away from Eliza.

"Draco, dinner will be served at 6 o'clock, please keep Eliza company until then. Oh, and tell her to dress formally." Narcissa Malfoy said softly from the other side of the door.

"Yes, mother," Draco replied evenly.

He turned to look at Eliza again. She looked so beautiful standing there in her jeans and white jersey with thin black stripes. She wasn't wearing any makeup but she still looked gorgeous just the same.

If this was what she did to him now, what would happen to him when he saw her all dressed up? He ran a hand down her arm, stopping at her wrist, before bringing it up towards him.

"Have you been trying to stop?" He asked gently, as he slowly tugged her sleeve up.

She nodded, although she still felt unnerved by the way Draco exposed her scars. She felt vulnerable.

He ran a long finger down her elevated scars. There weren't any fresh ones and Draco let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. She really was trying.

"Come on, I'll show you the garden." He said, before unlocking the door and leading the way.

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