Chapter 20 - A Letter

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Draco sat next to Blaise in the Great Hall, deep in thought. He was still trying to wrap everything he had discovered last night around his head. He worried about Eliza.

How was he going to make sure that she didn't continue all of this when she was at home for Spring break? Obviously, he could write to her every day and trust that she was being honest with him, but could he really trust her about something like that?

She had kept it a secret from him for so long, how was he supposed to trust that she would be open with him about it now? After a long while of brooding over the subject, Draco straightened up and pulled out a quill, ink and parchment from his black blazer pocket. His mind was made up. Dipping the quill into the dark liquid, he wrote an elegant and coldly worded letter, before rolling it up, and tying it to the leg of his owl, Hyperion.

"Take this to father as quickly as possible, it is urgent." He said gently to Hyperion.

Hyperion flew off immediately and he scanned the hall. Without much effort, his eyes soon found Eliza's and he smiled gently. She soon returned an equally weak smile and buried her nose back into the book she was reading.


Later that day, Draco had met with her in the Room of Requirement, as usual, only things were slightly different. They didn't need to work on the cabinet, thank goodness and so they had more time to just be together.

"I'm going to miss you when I'm back at home." Eliza said, as Draco embraced her.

"You might not have to miss me." He said, smirking.

Eliza looked up at him with an eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean?" She asked unsurely.

"I mean that I wrote to father today and asked if you and your uncle could come and stay at Malfoy Manor for Spring break," Draco explained.

It took Eliza a while to respond.


"Is something the matter? I thought you'd be happy about that." Draco's smile disappeared.

"No, it's just, I thought you wanted to keep us a secret. Now you're inviting me to stay at your home for the holidays. It seems a little contradictory." Eliza shrugged.

"But nothing will change. Nobody will find out. I just think it would be better if I had you closer. We'd be able to talk every day and nobody would be suspicious since we are the same age and in the same place. I'll be able to keep you near me." He said gently.

"What, so you can keep an eye on me? Make sure I'm not doing anything I ought not to be doing?" Eliza asked irritably.

"Well, yes, but that's not the only reason I want to be near you," Draco replied, getting worked up.

Eliza let out a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a little uneasy about all this. Your father is rather intimidating." Eliza mumbled.

Draco couldn't stop himself from smirking.

"You don't need to be nervous about my father." He said.

"Alright, but don't you think it will be even more difficult to pretend like we're not together when we're living in the same house and see each other all the time?" Eliza asked unsurely.

"Everything will be fine, angel," Draco said reassuringly, before pulling her into a hug.

They stood there in silence, while Eliza contemplated everything.

"Maybe you're right." She eventually mumbled.


Eliza stepped off of the Hogwarts Express and looked around. She could see the white hair of Lucius Malfoy as he spoke to Uncle Walden, his wife beside him. Uncle Walden looked rather pleased with the arrangement which Draco had proposed.

He had said as much to Eliza in a letter which she received before she boarded the train. He felt that associating with the Malfoys could only mean good things for his reputation.

She felt a shudder run through her spine at the thought of spending spring break with the Malfoys. She knew that they were not as forgiving and charismatic as Draco.

As she thought about this, she felt the presence of someone standing beside her.

"There they are." Draco's voice stated calmly, as he looked at his parents.

Eliza nodded and followed him as he walked towards them. Draco had noticed that she was rather nervous, but he tried to hide his concern. Father wouldn't be pleased if he had shown concern for anyone outside of his family.

"Are you ready to go?" Mr Malfoy asked coldly.

"Yes, father," Draco said calmly.

"Good. Hello Ms Macnair." Eliza jumped as Lucius addressed her.

"Good afternoon, Sir." Eliza tried to sound calm.

"Well, I think it's time we leave." Narcissa Malfoy piped up.

"Quite right, where is that stupid elf?" Lucius asked rhetorically.

Soon after, a measly house elf emerged and at the orders of Lucius, the whole group was then apparated to Malfoy Manor.

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