Chapter 30 - Harry Potter

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Author's note: I tried to keep it as accurate to the film as possible. (I have read the books but it's difficult to find exact scenes.) Anyway, hope it all makes sense to you. More will be explained in the next few chapters. *Not edited.*

Eliza sat with her back against the wall as she sat beside Luna. She felt her stomach grumble. They only ever fed them when they were on the brink of starvation, and it was only just enough to keep them alive.

It had been two weeks now, and Eliza and Luna would be tortured by Bellatrix, or Yaxley, or Dolohov at least twice a day. They would constantly ask Eliza where her father was, but she wouldn't tell them.

Her uncle had been killed with Avada Kedavra, and Luna had comforted Eliza the night she found out. She couldn't remember much of it now, only sobbing quietly so to not let them hear her feeling defeated.

Uncle Walden may have done some bad things, but he always treated her well, and she would always love him dearly.

On the bright side, if there could be said to be one, Eliza and Luna had become closer than ever. One could assume that shared torture could do that to people. They would talk to each other when they were bored, or scared, or homesick, or depressed.

Luna often mentioned the Golden Trio, and her experiences when she was in Dumbledore's army. Eliza was starting to admire the people she was learning so much about.

Like Neville Longbottom, whose parents had been tortured senseless by the Lestranges, and Hermione Granger, who was a muggle-born, like herself, who proved that you don't have to be a pureblood to be a bright witch or wizard.

Eliza started to wonder whether Draco only hated Harry Potter because he was jealous of him, or because his father taught him to hate those who didn't support his beliefs.

Harry actually sounded like a nice guy, who was fighting for the right reasons. Unlike Eliza. She may have been forced to fight for the wrong side, but that didn't make her feel any less guilty about it.

Draco waited in the foyer with his father beside him. Some snatchers had knocked at the gate and Bellatrix had gone to see why they were here. Draco had been sent for soon after, to identify none other than Harry Potter.

He knew it was Potter instantly, even though his face was distorted. Granger and Weasel were with him, it had to be him.

Harry let out a grunt and Bellatrix pulled him up by his hair.

"Well?" Bellatrix asked excitedly.

"I can't be sure." Draco said.

"Look closely, son. If we were the ones to hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything would be forgiven, all will be as it was. Understand?" Lucius asked desperately.

Draco gave a shaky nod. He was unsettled. He didn't want the Dark Lord to win, but he didn't want to betray his father, or put his family in danger.

One of the snatchers began to talk, and Lucius got upset, but Narcissa held him back. Draco didn't really take much in. He was too busy looking at Potter's distorted face.

"What's wrong with his face?" He asked rhetorically.

He was mostly stalling, hoping they had a plan. Hoping his plan would come into action any minute.

Bellatrix began to walk around, smiling and laughing at the scene. Draco was trying to stay calm. He only had one thing on his mind, and that was Eliza's safety.

His attention was only held, when Bellatrix noticed the sword of Godric Gryffindor in a snatcher's hand. She soon lost her temper and attacked the snatchers, causing them to flee.

Draco felt himself glued to the spot, as he heard Bellatrix to instruct Wormtail to put the boys in the cellar while she had a talk with Granger. He was only too familiar with what happened next.

Eliza and Luna jumped up as they heard people being thrown into the basement with them.

"What are we gonna do? We can't leave Hermione alone with her." A familiar voice said frantically.

"Ron? Harry?" Luna stepped out from the shadows, Eliza close behind.

Ron opened some strange device, which immediately lit up an old lamp nearby.

"Luna?" Harry asked in shock.

Suddenly, a piercing scream came from upstairs, and Eliza and Luna only looked at each other sadly.

Ron and Harry, on the other hand, were alarmed.

"We have to do something!" Ron said desperately.

"There's no way out of here, we've tried everything. It's enchanted." Said Mr Ollivander, another prisoner in the cellar, which Luna and Eliza occasionally spoke to.

"You're bleeding, Harry. That's a curious thing to keep in your sock." Luna said, as Harry pulled something shiny out from his old sock.

Harry looked into it and whispered something. They were soon interrupted by Wormtail, who requested the goblin, another prisoner, to come with him.

When they left, there was a sudden flash of light, and a house elf appeared in the middle of the room.

"Dobby? What are you doing here?" Harry asked in amazement.

"Dobby has come to rescue Harry Potter of course. Dobby will always be there for Harry Potter." He said.

"Are you saying you can apparate in and out of this room? Could you take us with you?" Harry asked.

"Of course, sir, I'm an elf." Dobby said.

"Sounds good to me." Ron commented.

"Right, Dobby, I need you to take Luna, Eliza and Mr Ollivander-"

"He'll know where to take them. Trust me." Ron interrupted.

"Whenever you're ready, sir." Luna said.

"Sir, I like her very much." Dobby said bashfully, before taking Luna and Mr Ollivander's hand, and giving some final instructions to Harry.

Luna held Eliza's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. The dark basement soon disappeared before their eyes, as Dobby apparated them to a safe place.

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