5 - I think my art teacher is a bit of a stalker

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Hey guys! Turns out my auntie and Nan let me use their laptop! So I will be able to make a small update, I hope that you guys enjoy!! I felt horrible that I wasn't going to update, and then I realised that my nan and auntie had a laptop and I didn't think this would have all worked hahah. But here we are!

I am sorry for the false alarm, I will update today! Also, don't forget to leave a like or leave a comment so I know what you guys think about this! Any critiquing is good, I love to know what you guys always think.

This chapter is a filler, but it will explain enough to branch into the next chapter. So please enjoy, take care and have an amazing day wherever you are!!

Thank you for reading!!!



"Are you sure you want to go today? I mean you can still have another wee-"

"Mum, I'm fine. Seriously. I don't need to hang around the house anymore" I cut through my mother's worried speech

"Hmm... If you're sure. If you need anything or feel sick, call me and I will pick you up"

"Sure ma" I grinned, closing the car door and waving.

It had been a week and a half after the incident in the school cafeteria, and I had decided that it was time for me to return to school. Don't get me wrong, laying back at home and having my mother take care of me was like having a servant, but after a while staying in bed all day got boring, and her constant asking if I was okay and if I needed anything was getting quite annoying.

God bless her soul, but finally she could go back to work and annoy the people in her work with her kindness. She loves me too much for her own good.

As I was making my way up the stairs, trying to keep my breathing steady as if I did it too deeply it felt like something was stabbing my lungs, and I could feel stares of people digging into me. I guess I had already grown a reputation, well, better off then having to grow it over weeks.

Obviously standing up, and some what picking a fight, to the 'bullys' of the school was going to get me somewhere around here.

Now, since I hadn't gotten any ones numbers before getting my face bashed in and being confined to my bed, it meant that I hadn't been able to inform any of my friends that I was still alive and kicking. The school probably told them, but I still would have liked to have gotten in touch with them while I was in bed.

So, when I saw Brendon barrelling towards me, tugging Ryan behind him, I wasn't exactly surprised by it.

It was pretty funny to watch though, and Ryan looked quite petrified as he was being dragged along at quite a speed. Brendon himself had a large smile on his face, and looking at the two of them like this sort of made you realise that they were a pretty amazing match for one another.

I silently hoped that they would last for a long time, well, until Brendon's loud ass mouth opened.

"Fra-a-a-a-a-a--ank!" The brunette hollered, making everyone who was entering the school turn and stare, and he stopped right in front of me with a sharp stop. Ryan himself stumbled a little, but he caught himself, sending a glare to his boyfriend before his eyes hovered back over to me.

"Nice to see you're alive Frankie!" Ryan exclaimed with a smile.

"Nice to see you guys still look as gay as usual" I joked, causing Brendon to fake punched me in the arm, luckily where none of my bruises were. My arms were the best off, only a couple of bruises as where they had held me in place.

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