6- my drawing finally knows who it is

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Hey guys! just want to thank you so much for all of your support, likes and comments on this story! I didn't think it would ever reach over 10 likes hahah. But seriously guys, thank you so so much. It means the world to me and it helps me keep on writing!! It helps me continue my passion knowing that you guys like what I do and it makes me feel good about my work :)

So where ever you guys are now, I hope that your day is going well you amazing and beautiful people!

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Keep amazing you beautiful people!



Did I tell you guys that I have nearly finished that sketch drawing?

Well, I did have quite a lot of spare time so I decided to actually do something productive and I continued working on the drawing I had started in my first art class. The problem is though, as I started to slowly add features to the blank face, it sort of started to look like Mr. Way.

This had startled me when I had first realised, but me being the stupid dickhead I was, decided to continue onwards and as a consequence I had a nearly finished prorate that looked eerily like my red headed teacher.

So, of course I hadn't told anyone that while we were in first or second class. Luckily, these were pretty breezy classes and I spent most of the time talking to my new friends and not even bothering with half of the work.

But as we drew closer to art, I couldn't help but start to grow worried and slightly anxious.

What if someone saw that it looked like my smoking hot art teacher? It wasn't hard to miss, and the way I had been staring at him earlier on wasn't going to be helping my case either. Then I also had to think about the reaction that sir was going to give himself.

I was sure that It would feel pretty creepy that one of your students were drawing pictures of you, and you hardly even knew the kid and the kid hadn't been here quite long.

So.... I was pretty close to ripping the art out, but my damn pride wasn't letting me. Also, I didn't want to come up with some bullshit reason on why I didn't have my sketch, so I would just going to face the music and humiliation and get this over and done with. If this didn't make people think I was a weirdo I don't know what would.

We were all sitting together in the cafeteria again, surrounding the same small table that we had been the last time I was here. I could still feel the occasional stare, but even just looking around I could vividly remember the brutal beating that I had been served while standing up for my friends.

"So what did you even do while you were spending all of that time at home?" Pete asked me.

He had decided to take the chair beside me, and the whole time we had been sitting here he had been smart enough not to make any moves on me, which was something that I was quite grateful of.

Pete was munching on pizza, because today was dubbed apparently pizza day, and was slinging his legs up on a spare chair he had stolen from another table. No one had said anything about it or asked for it back, so none of us really worried about it.

I grimaced as I watched him eat the meat covered pizza. It hadn't come up in any of our conversations yet, but I hadn't told anyone that I was a vegetarian. Hence I being one of the only people not eating meat lovers and actually eating a veggie pizza.

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