9-Making the ultimate score (well sort of)

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Hello everyone! Thank you for putting up with the horrible updating speeds, and thank you for everyone who is actually entering the cover competition! I was surprised that you amazing people would actually want to take time out of your lives to help me it truly means the world to me and it was making me smile my face of!

From now on, I am going to try and make my chapters a bit more fast pace, as I might skip a day, a couple of weeks or a time span so I can actually get through the story and not bore all of you guys. I would hate to make you grow bored of my writing, and yet again I am sorry that it has taken me so long to update! School is an arse as you probably all know very well.

Thank you everyone for being so amazing! I love you all so so much

~ Author

Days seemed to fly by now, it gave me a weird feeling in the bottom of my stomach. School was the same every day, sitting with my new friends, going through the boring classes never really paying attention, getting some detentions, and last but not least I get to have my hour detention at the end of the day with Mr Way.

I also got to meet the famous Music teacher Mr Way, and I got along with the younger Way quite well, even if I didn't find him sexually appealing like his brother. That was more for Pete, but that was a whole other story for another time. Now, to continue with the talk of my afternoon detentions.

I have had a total of 5 detentions so far, and my 6th was just a period away.

Right now I was sitting in English, being bored out of my mind by the Jurassic aged teacher out the front. She continued to drone on about texts by Shakespeare while I did my best not to fall asleep on my desk; well, I was getting continuously getting kicked under the table by Patrick every time I was nearly asleep.

"Iero, what do you think on the acts of Romeo?"

Looking up in my dazed state, I noticed that all the students were now watching me, waiting for me to answer the teacher.

Kids still gave me some wary and odd glances ever since the beat down in the cafeteria. Patrick and Brendon simply said that it would wear down, but now everyone has gotten the idea not to mess with neither my friend group nor myself.

It was a positive that came out of the whole getting knocked out shit.

"Um, what direct act miss? He does quite a lot of things in the book" some snickers followed.

"The act of him sacrificing himself after returning to find his lover presumably dead. I do understand that many people have different perspectives on the act, but what do you think about the predicament?" Her voice was droning and annoying, and I was surprised that she hadn't had a heart attack at her age.

We had already done this unit of study at my old school, and I already had a true grasp on the book even if I wasn't in class most of the time. I was still a pretty literate kid after all.

"Well, I believe that it was extreme. I mean, they said they were truly in love, but they had hardly known each other. It's equivalent to a one night stand in our time, which you can't base a meaningful relationship off. What they had seemed to be based on pure lust, and I don't believe one could fall in love at first sight, you simply lust after them." I took a breath, all eyes still on me as I continued.

"So, the fact that Romeo simply killed himself over a girl that he hadn't known for long, and thought he could have a bond with is something that was quite dramatic and over all stupid. I don't believe that he could seriously become so attached in such a short amount of time."

I finished, letting my head somewhat lower back down onto my book. Some of the class looked away whilst others held their gazes a little longer, before turning back to face the teacher. I knew I probably wasn't the only one who thought that way, but I wasn't going to lie about it like most might have.

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