10- Making up for lost time

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Hey guys!!! I have decided to extend my editing contest for another week, but I am hoping that you all really love thie chapter!

I have been working on this all week amd I am getting so excited to start this part of the fan fic. Enjoy lovlies.

Thank you for always being here and reading. I love you all, have an amazing day lovelies!!!!

Gerard's car was far from clean; now don't get me wrong, it was a nice car but, well let me explain the moment in further detail.

As we finally reached the car park, still walking at a steady pace, Gerard led the way towards his car.

Even after the countless afternoons of parting ways in the school car park, I still didn't have a remote idea on which one of the remaining cars actually belonged to him.

In my head I imagined, stereotypically, a car as red as his hair, and something that was as sexy as he was himself. But a car that sexy would be pretty hard to come by.

I'm getting lost yet again.

We were walking towards the back rows of the car park, and it made me wonder further.

"Is it a long drive?"

I was quick to snap out of my outlandish and odd thoughts to look over at the red head walking beside me as we held a steady stride.

His eyes had glanced down to me, the usual friendly grin on his face as his free hand was digging in the back pocket of his jeans for what I suspected would be the car keys.

"Not too long really. Maybe 10 minutes at most?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well why don't we pick up that pizza on the way, or should we be lazy and head home first and simply order there?" His hand retreated from his pocket with a pair of keys.

"I prefer the lazy option" I smirked.

"Great minds think alike, now, don't mind the mess."


"In the car, now get in."

I stopped, and realised that we were now at the very last space in the parking lot. So by the process of elimination this was his car.

It was a mini black Volvo, and it looked quite new. It was a sleek black, and there seemed to be a lot of artwork and art products on the back seats of the car in tall stacks, and all over the back floor of the car also.

It wasn't too bad, but I'm guessing it was going to be a lot messier on the inside.

"Come on, get your arse in" I head the teasing tone of Gerard usher me in.

He was already sitting inside, and he had leaned over and pushed open the passenger door for me. It was pretty adorable, but I did my best to push the small gesture to the back of my mind, I'm sure it didn't mean anything at all.

"That sounds so pedophilic, you know that right?" I scoffed.

Gerard raised an eyebrow, but we both started to laugh as I made my way into the car. Closing the door, I took in the rest of his car. I placed my bag at my feet, amongst some ashtrays and empty Starbucks coffee cups that Gerard had neglected to get rid of.

It smelt strongly of cigarettes and coffee, and that unmistakeable scent that came with Gerard Way.

"Oh right, I'm going to abduct a kid like you" he scoffed as he started the car.

I gasped in mock hurt as I buckled my seatbelt up, sticking my tongue out which caused the redhead to laugh at me more.

It felt good to be the source of his beautiful melodic laugh, it made the restless feeling at the bottom of my stomach which had laid dormant stir. Like one would say was butterflies, but that sounded simply too girlish of a term.

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