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It was a dark night, six years ago, when I was still a child. The only thing that could be heard or seen was the loud screams and the towering flames coming from the village... I was terrified to the point of becoming rooted to the spot I stood in.

My father stood behind me, pushing me toward the back door while shouting, "Run and hide, now! Whatever you do, do not allow them to catch you!"

"Bu-but... what about you, and everyone else?" I stammered as my body trembled furiously.

"Don't worry about me! Just run and hide! Now!" He shoved me out of the house, and I stumbled away.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry!" I turned around, and ran for my life. Coward. I sprinted until I was out of breath, and had dashed a corner. I found an open wooden crate in an alleyway, and hid myself in it. A small, circular hole in the box allowed me to peak at the area in front of me.

That was when I saw them: the people who had disturbed our peace, and ravaged our village. Demons. Pointed ears, and sharp canines was enough for me to identify them. 

 "So there's one of you left." A demon male holding up a blood-soaked scythe stared down at a man that I could only recognize as my father.

"One of you left..."  The words kept repeating inside my head, over and over again. No... this can't mean that... everyone in the village is... dead...? No... No!! My vision blurred as I felt heat overtake my eyes.

"Monsters...!" The snarl from my father only made the demons let out an amused chuckle, as they advanced toward him. Half of me begged to look away from the scene before me, but my gaze remained where it was.

"Monsters, he says!" Another one of them mocked, laughing as he watched my only parent take a step back.

"Come on, Aron! Just kill the guy already!" One of the other demons who stood beside the scythe-wielder complained with a bored expression on is face.

"Fine, fine..." With a sigh, the man raised his curved weapon. My father turned around in an attempt to escape, but the demon smiled. "You're not gonna get very far like that." The blade gleamed as it swung downward, and sliced right through it's target.

Crimson pooled out onto the floor, as I clamped my hands over my mouth to muffle my quiet cries,

Multiple feelings surged through me while I watched them turn away from my father's tattered corpse. No... NO!!! I heard the laughter of the demons. Monsters. Sick, disgusting monsters!

When they were out of my sight, and I could no longer hear them, I carefully crawled out of my hiding spot, and dashed toward the forest that covered the outskirts of the town. Run...! Run and don't look back! Those words echoed in my mind endlessly, as I scurried past the burning houses and into the vast greens.

I entered the forest, but even though it was supposed to be a safe point, I continued running. I knew I couldn't just stand there. The demons probably weren't that far away, and if they were to notice that I was still around, they would catch me, and kill me. My father's efforts to keep me safe would have been wasted.

I blindly ran, not having any destination in mind. I tripped over a large root that I had failed to notice from the tears in my eyes, and fell into the dirt.

My entire body ached as I started bawling. I tried to keep my voice down, but found it a near impossible task to accomplish. Light footsteps made shivers dance up my spine as I froze. No... they couldn't have caught up to me already...! I tried to get up, but felt a strong bolt of pain from my left ankle, forcing me to stay in the same place.

Demonic FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon