Late Night Assault

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I woke up abruptly, my golden hair was a complete mess. I woke up to the sound of strange noises coming from outside. "Oracle! Oracle Star, wake up!" I heard sounds coming from a golden string of my harp.

I recognized that voice. It was the sound of the Goddess of Wind, Skyara. "Goddess Skyara? Wh-what's wrong?" I was extremely confused. Why would the Goddess of Wind want to talk to me in the middle of the night?

"You're under attack! Demons are headed right towards your current location! Wake your friends, and tell them to get out of this area, quickly!" Skyara told me. "They're a mile away from you, so hurry up!"

I froze when I heard the word "demons". Those beasts ruined my life, and not just mine either! I noticed that the string that the Wind Goddess's voice was coming from was glowing green. "I understand, but... how many are there?" I questioned her, wanting to know if it was possible to fight them off or not.

"Too many to count... Considering from what I'm hearing, its roughly around one hundred." I heard her answer.

O-one hundred?! Why would so many be gathered in this area?! I thought desperately, trying to find the answer to my question. "There is no time to think about why, just get out of here, now!" I didn't hesitate when she said that. I got up, and rushed towards Lorraine's tent.

Unlike Martyr, Lorraine knew about me being able to hear the voices of the gods and that I was an oracle, but I haven't told Martyr that yet. I rushed towards his tent, and opened it quickly.

Lorraine woke up as soon as he heard me walk in. "Star? What is it?" He asked, sitting up.

"We're under attack! Grab your things, I'll go wake Martyr up!" He looked really surprised and confused, but I'm glad that he did as I told him to.

I scurried over to my other companion's tent, and opened it. Unlike Lorraine, he stayed asleep and snoring. I ran over to him, and shook him rapidly. It really isn't my style to be rough with people, so I felt kinda bad for this. His eyes finally snapped open, and he was looking at me with a tired expression. "What's going on?" He asked.

"We're under attack! Get up quickly, and help us get our things!" He got up quickly, and ran outside with me.

Lorraine had already taken down my tent, and put all of my stuff in it, except for my harp. He handed it to me. Martyr took down his own tent, and stuffed it in the bag. "Let's hurry up and get out of here!" I urged them to run, and they ran right after me.

"Wa-wait! What are we being attacked by?!" Martyr asked me, panting slightly.

"Demons, and I will not allow you to stay there and fight them!" I answered hurriedly.

"Why not?" I heard Lorraine question me, while he was walking beside me. "Why can't we just turn around and fight them?!" He looked a bit angry, but I also saw confusion in his eyes.

"There's too many! Around a hundred I think. Anyways, we have to hurry!" Their eyes widened as soon as I told them the amount I had heard from Skyara.

"How do you know that in the first place?" Martyr looked towards my amber brown eyes.

I could practically feel myself begin to sweat. I sighed to myself inwardly. He deserves to know, we are his new companions, so we should at least let him know something about us. I decided. "The Wind Goddess warned me. I'm an oracle, so I can hear what the gods are trying to say, and send their messages to others if needed." I replied.

"Oracle?" He looked so surprised, I actually kinda wanted to laugh.

"Can we explain more about this later, and get out of this pl-" Lorraine started, but then we heard a kind of explosion behind us.

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