Six Years Later

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Years had passed since the day I met Martana and my village along with everyone in it was destroyed. She had taken care of me so well since then. As the years went by, I could scarcely believe that I had gotten so close to a stranger who I had never met before until six years ago.

Martana was like the mother I had never had. My father had told me that my actual mother had passed away a few days after I was born due to an illness, so I never knew her, and I don't remember how she looked like either.

I had spent so many great days with my father before that day. Meeting Martana was also the best thing that could've happened to me, so I kinda feel bad for doing this.

I had decided to challenge her to a fight to show her just how much I've grown and learned because of her. It definitely won't be a death match though! I can't wait! I grinned at myself as I quietly slid into the living room.

It was still early in the morning and I knew Martana wasn't up yet, so I'm kinda surprised at how I managed to wake up at four. Martana and I would usually wake up at eight, so I admit that I was impressed with myself.

I had four hours to plan and train. I wrote a quick note for her, and placed it on the table. I scurried out the front door to look for a nice place to fight her. I walked through the forest, trying to look for something that wouldn't end up making us destroy things on accident, 'cause I sure knew things would be severely damaged if I fought her.

I continued walking, scanning the area. "Well... I knew this was gonna be hard but.... Not this hard." I thought aloud. After a few more moments of searching for the perfect spot, I came across, a wide, grassy plain, away from the trees, and devoid of any plants besides grass. "Found it."

I hurried back home, planning on training for the upcoming match. I had already talked to Martana about it, and she didn't really seem to mind a match between the two of us. I was thinking about what to do for the match, when I crashed, face first into something or someone, and fell onto the floor. "Ow! That hurt!" I rubbed my nose, that surprisingly wasn't bleeding from the sudden impact with the thing or person.

I looked up, glaring, when I found myself sending fierce looks at the front door. Heat rose to my cheeks as I began to feel extremely stupid. I got up, and brushed the dust off, opened the door, and went inside, shutting it behind me.

A strong aroma filled my nose, as I sniffed the air. Whatever was cooking made my mouth water, as I stepped into the house. I looked toward the kitchen, only to find Martana, holding a pan over the stove, wearing a black shirt, and white pants. She shifted her gaze toward me while grinning. "How was your crash landing with the door?" She teased. She heard that?!

Her eyes glinted with amusement in an all too familiar way. I groaned internally at the thought that she was going to begin laughing at me. In the past six years, I had managed to memorize Martana's habits and many other things that she naturally did, and that look in her eye was a dead give away. "Hey! It wasn't that funny!" I complained.

She puffed up her cheeks and covered her mouth with her free hand. "You go outside, without even changing clothes or anything, and then you crash head first into the door! That about sums up the beginning of my morning, kiddo!" Her loud snickers echoed throughout the entire room.

I looked down at my own clothes. She was right... I was wearing a black top like hers, but grey pants, and I was still in my slippers. "Noticed it at last, eh?" Her hands curled up into a fist as she cackled while trying to calm herself.

The idea was amusing, but the fact that it happened to me really killed the joke. I really hate it when she starts laughing at me like that! Okay, so I forgot to change and I smashed face first into the door, but she didn't need to laugh at me so hard like she had just seen and heard the funniest thing on the planet! I decided to change the subject when she finally stopped laughing. "What's cooking?" I asked.

"Pancakes, now go change and take a shower." Martana answered and ordered at the flip of a hat. I sighed, and nodded.

"Fine..." I walked toward the hall and entered the bathroom. When I finally walked out of the shower with different clothes on, I found that she had four pancakes on two different plates, with syrup on it, set neatly on the table, and was sitting there, drinking from a cup of water.

She looked towards me. She examined me from head to toe, and when she was finally satisfied she said, "Why are you just standing there? Are you gonna eat or what?"

I ran as fast as I could towards my plate of pancakes. I was so focused on the match and everything else, I had forgotten to make something to eat! After I sat down, Martana stabbed at one of her pancakes with a fork, and I followed her lead. I started pigging out without a single care for manners of any sort.

After finishing I got up. "Where are you going, Martyr?" She asked me, tilting her head.

"Gonna go train! See ya!" At that, I exited the kitchen again, and ran towards the front door, this time putting on my black shoes. I heard her getting up, but I didn't really care. I dashed out the front door.

When I was out of the house and a few feet away, I remembered something of importance: my dual guns. I turned back, retrieved them from their spot in the house, and went out of the house again.

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