Is There a Reason? Part 3

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It took a while, maybe even three hours, but we finally managed to make it. In front of us, different kinds of colorful, and potentially dangerous plants stuck out of the ground, just barely revealing three paths.

One straight ahead, and one to the right. The left path was completely blocked off with boulders, plants, and fallen trees, making it impossible to go through that way without wasting a lot of time.

"Which way was it again Martyr?" I asked, looking towards him with curiosity as he seemed to be recalling which way to go. "Left...?" I pointed towards the left one, trying to remember if that was true.

But, Martyr shook his head. "It was the right path, not the left one." He corrected.

So, we let Martyr lead the way into the right pathway, since both Lorraine and I knew that we could trust him to lead us safely through this place. We went from the right pathway to continue walking straight ahead.

Soon enough, there were two pathways forking out in different directions. Left and right. Martyr went left, so we gradually followed him.

It was a silent walk. Normally, I would break the silence by playing something on my harp, but.... we didn't know what could be lurking here, and if Martana were to be nearby and hear us, she might just decide to speed up her pace, and that will end up with us missing her.

It was dead silent, to the point where it kinda got creepy. We heard footsteps approaching from the left side, towards a bunch of plants. I could hear murmuring, but it sounded extremely annoyed, and I could barely make it out.

I saw Lorraine and Martyr put their hands near their weapons. We all looked ahead, wondering what or who it may be.

"Jeez! She just had to ditch me in the middle of the whole thing! "I'll go on ahead, have fun" she said! Gah, I am so pissed off!" I heard a voice curse under its breath.

We looked on, only to see a woman, with straight brown, hair, crimson eyes, and an angry expression on her face. Martyr's eyes widened.

I looked from him to the woman, who hadn't noticed us yet. Wait... could she be....? Before I could continue with my trail of thought, it was abruptly cut off. "Martana!" Martyr exclaimed.

Martana looked up, finally noticing us. "Crap..." I heard her mumble.

Soon, however, to my surprise, the frown on her face turned into a smirk. "Hey there. Mind if I explain things later, 'cause I really have to run? Gee, thanks, later!" She spoke rapidly, only to turn tail and run.

"Hey, wait!" Martyr and I called to her, but she didn't listen. Lorraine sighed, and chased after her, us following soon after.

She was fast! I could barely keep up, especially with all the plants! She leaped over the different plants, and soon, we had chased her out of the forest.

But even after that, she continued to run.... in the direction of the demon base. "Hold it!" Lorraine shouted.

He raised the blunt end of his blade, and, just barely, managed to whack Martana down. She fell on her face, cringing. "Ow, ow, ow...." She hissed out a minor curse, as she tried to stand up again.

Too late. "You're surrounded, now give up the chase, would ya? It's starting to become a pain." Lorraine had an irritated expression on his face as he pointed the tip of the blade at the possible demon general's throat.

"Martana, what in the world is going on?" Martyr asked, walking in close to her. I sat nearby, making sure that we had her surrounded on all sides.

She looked around, with careful red eyes. She sighed out, and raised both hands. "Alright, alright, you kids win." She said teasingly.

Lorraine and I didn't seem to fully trust her yet, but Martyr seemed really confused. "Martana?" He called her name again.

Martana looked towards him with a wide grin. "Good to see you again, Martyr." She titled her head slightly to the side, smiling.

Martyr looked tempted to return the smile, since I noticed both corners of  his mouth twitching upwards slightly. "Can you answer the question already? What is going on?" Lorraine stepped in for Martyr to ask the question.

Martana blinked at him, and gave him a cocky looking smile. "What do you mean by, what's going on? Be a bit more specific, okay?" She seemed to be trying to provoke him, and Lorraine twitched a little.

"Lorraine, don't hurt her!" I scolded at him, noticing that he was just itching to hit Martana right now.

He let out a long sigh. "Whatever..."

"Martana! Are you really a demon? Are you really the leader of their attack force? Did you attack that demon base? Why did you leave so suddenly like that? Why-" Martyr started bombarding her with questions, but Martana stopped him midway.

She whacked him on the head. "Stop with the questions! I'll answer them soon, just shut up so I can answer you!" She scolded at him, almost as if she were his mother.

I noticed Lorraine let out a small snicker. I flicked him, and he stopped. "Anyways.... yes, I'm a demon and the leader of their attack force. And yeah, I did attack that base because it was my job to do so. My lord asked me to eliminate the demon bases and so far that's two out of four." She sighed out, answering the first few questions.

Martyr's eyes widened. "No way.... why would you...?" He looked utterly shocked.

Martana sighed, got up, and walked towards him. Unexpectedly for us, she didn't draw the gun that was on her belt, or do anything at all. At first. She gave him a small smile, and patted his head. "I took care of you because I cared. There's a long story behind all of this, and I'll need you to listen for me to tell it, okay kiddo?" She smiled at him with a kind air, making me feel slightly jealous of him.

I wish my mom was there to do the same thing for me. I took a glance towards Lorraine, who didn't seem to trust Martana yet. He was eyeing her suspiciously. "Well then, explain." He crossed his arms, and looked straight at her.

Martyr stood there, frozen in place. The demon general sighed, and looked towards all of us. "Then sit down, and let me explain."


A/N: Sorry if this chapter seemed a bit rushed, but I was really aiming to update as soon as I had dealt with my writer's block. Hope you liked it, even though it probably wasn't the best, but I'll see you all next chappy!

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