Total Destruction

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Running out of town, we continued to chase after the direction that Martana headed towards. We basically kept on running for about eight hours at least, but I didn't feel too tired. "M-Martyr! Please, let's rest! We've been running for hours! I'm out of energy....!" I heard Star pant from behind me.

"She makes a good point, we should rest." Lorraine commented in agreement from beside me.

I don't wanna stop right now! "But we're this close!" I countered, not feeling tired in the least.

Blue eyes narrowed into an icy glare. "You are such a moron. You do realize that if she turns out to not be any good, and if we do end up near a demon base, there's a pretty good chance that we'll have to fight." He snapped at me.

I flinched. "Your point...?" I asked, just barely starting to figure out what he might say next.

"Are you that dense? My point is that we'll be way too exhausted to even fight by the time we make it there, let alone hold up a conversation!" He hissed.

At that, I abruptly stopped in my tracks. I let out a long sigh, and hung my head. "Fine.... let's take a break and continue later...." I sighed in defeat.

I heard a loud sigh of relief from behind me, then something falling onto the ground. Lorraine and I turned around, only to see Star lying on her back, panting, and with a relieved yet exhausted expression on her face. "Thank you....!" She huffed from her spot on the ground.

I blinked, then chuckled slightly. Lorraine walked towards Star, and sat beside her. I followed after him, and took a seat. I looked at the position of the sun, and saw that it was probably four thirty in the afternoon. "Wow... we really have been running for a while.... especially when we only recently arrived in the morning...." I heard Lorraine state from beside me.

Star nodded. "Yeah... we sure can run if we lasted this long." She giggled softly after she finished her sentence.

I couldn't agree more with them. "True.... although I really just wanna get up and get a move on..." I commented.

Amber brown and sapphire eyes blinked at me, and I turned to see that Star and Lorraine were looking at me with utter surprise. "Seriously? You're usually the person who has the least or no stamina when it comes to running. I'm amazed you still wanna keep going!" I glared at Lorraine when he said that remark.

Star nodded from beside him in agreement. "That's true!" She agreed, a dumbfounded expression still clear on her face.

I flinched. Now that was just messed up...! I have stamina! Might not be the most stamina out of the group, but I still have a lot of stamina! I complained in my mind, not daring to say it out loud. "Put a sock in it...." I growled at them.

For some reason, the two started laughing. I didn't get why though, so I just tilted my head and gave them a confused expression. "Ahahaha! What a lousy response!" The jerk from beside me laughed. I'm so tempted to punch him right now.....

Star rolled over, clutching her side and laughing like crazy. "Hahahahaha~! You really didn't know how to respond did you? Hehehehe~!!!" She laughed.

I felt my face flush into a tomato red color. So my response is what they're laughing about?! I don't get it! I didn't understand why my response was so funny all of a sudden. "I don't get it...." I voiced my thoughts openly to them.

When they finally stopped laughing, they sat up, but it really didn't look like they heard what I was saying. "Huh? What was that, Martyr?" Star questioned, tilting her head at me. I sighed and mumbled a "nevermind" and we left it at that.

We spent about an hour and ten minutes cooking food, eating, and resting up for the rest of the journey towards where Martana may be. I got up excitedly, jogging in place. "C'mon guys! Let's go already!" I said, cheering them on to get up and begin to run.

They got up as well, after finishing the last of the curry we had somehow managed to make. Honestly, I don't know why we have the ingredients to make curry in our bag, but for some reason, I knew it was Star who put it in there. Not that I mind having some curry, but it made me a hell of a lot more hyper than before.

After putting away our items, as well as everything else we had taken out, we began sprinting straight ahead, towards the direction Martana was heading in. In all honesty, I couldn't wait to see her again, to talk with her again, to laugh with her again, and all the other things we usually did together. I felt that, the sooner we met up with her, the better, and the sooner we could get a few explanations to what in the seven hells is going on in this crazy world of ours!

We kept running and running for about an hour and thirty minutes, but once again, I wasn't the one keeping time. How I knew that we were running for that amount of time? Well, anyone would know if they kept hearing Star mumble something about us running for an hour and thirty minutes straight without any breaks.

Sure, I wasn't that bright of a person, but I could still figure out the time at the least! I'm not that big a moron! I flinched when I realized what I had just thought. Did I just practically admit to myself that I'm an idiot like Lorraine says all the freaking time?! I hissed at myself, wanting to seriously sock myself in the nose for that. I shook my head rapidly, telling myself to focus on what really mattered right now.

We kept running, and suddenly, I heard a loud sound of an explosion and gun firing. From the sound of all the bullets flying out of the barrel of the gun, I could tell that what was happening over there wasn't happening just now. "What's happening over there?!" I heard Star ask, raising her voice so she could be heard over the sound of the gunshots, that were surprisingly loud, especially since we probably weren't all too close to where the commotion was happening.

"I don't know, but it's probably a fight or something! I'm betting it's Martana using those guns!" I called back towards her.

I saw them nod, as they managed to keep up their pace and stick close to me. Surprisingly, the gunshots stopped. I increased my speed, knowing that if the gunshots had stopped, then it meant that either Martana had finished up her work with her opponent, and was about to leave, or that she was defeated.... I shook my head rapidly shoving the thought of Martana's body, lying motionless in a pool of blood, to the back of my mind.

When we finally made it to the scene, it was an utter mess! Everything was blown to bits, and ashes, rubble, and many other remains of a destroyed building was lying all over the place. The area around it also seemed to be completely annihilated! Some trees had holes in them, and some plants were rooted from their stationary spot in the ground. "Whoa......" I gasped, shocked at all the destruction.

"Look over here." I heard Lorraine call to us. He was bending in front of a large piece of rubble from the destroyed building. I felt my stomach be twisted upside down when I saw what was lying underneath it. A demon. A dead demon, with plenty of holes in him. "There's some others under the rubble and over there in the surrounding area..... Looks like this person did a pretty good job of completely demolishing one of the demon bases...." He pointed out.

Star covered her mouth, looking like she was gonna throw up. Personally, I didn't blame her if she did. Who wouldn't wanna throw up after seeing thousands of dead bodies with bullet wounds all over them and lying all over the ground? "D-do you think... Martana may have did this?" Star stuttered.

I didn't know how to answer her. I stayed silent, not knowing what to say. It was obvious that Martana's corpse wasn't there, because I saw footsteps in the mud, that were just the right size of Martana's feet, leading away from the area of the corpses.

I saw Lorraine straightening back up, almost seeming completely unfazed by the sight of dead people lying all over the ground... "We should hurry. If we're lucky, we might just be able to catch up to her." He stated calmly.

I nodded in agreement. I wanted to get away from this field of death. We walked away from all the corpses and only began running once we had gotten far enough so that we couldn't smell the stench of blood and death that was hanging over the area....

I tried to imagine Martana soaked in the blood of all the other demons, and killing them all off. I shook my head, unable to picture her doing something like that. I thought back to how much she'd smile, laugh, and tease me.... I just can't see Martana doing something like this!!! 

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