Parting and Encounters

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I readied my guns quickly. Martana's pretty fast so... she might try something like a surprise attack right at the beginning...  I thought, recalling Martana's skill level. I had memorized which positions she would take when she was about to do specific things, such as using one of her skills, or other things.

I had also memorized her style of fighting, which gave me a slight advantage... But that didn't mean that I'd be able to beat Martana easily. I am completely sure that I'm at a huge disadvantage against her!

What would be nice, is if I knew a way to use her advantages against her. The question is... how? Martana would never leave me an opening that was good enough to try something like that! I tried to think of multiple ways to counter any possible attacks, except for one that would utterly destroy me if she used it.

I looked towards her, noticing that she had already drawn her gun, and was pointing it at me but... she was holding it sideways... The barrel of the gun was pointed straight at me, even though the user was holding it with her hand and the gun was twisted to the left.

She wouldn't... There is no way in hell she would use that right off the bat! I said, completely doubting that she would actually use one of her strongest attacks on me right at the beginning.

I saw her open her mouth. "Eclipse." She spoke in a blunt tone, moving her finger towards the trigger. Without a second thought, I turned and ran. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!! MUST GET OUT OF THE PERIMETER OF THE BLAST!!! I screamed inside my mind, running as fast as I could.

That was when I felt something cold and hard smack the back of my neck. I lost balance, and fell, face first onto the dirt. My vision was getting blurry, but before I blacked out, I heard something like... an apology? After that I heard footsteps moving away until I blacked out completely.

I woke up slowly, only to find that I was on something fluffy, and warm. It was actually really comfortable. My line of sight was still really blurry though, and I don't think my ears are working properly 'cause I heard weird, muffled voices.

"He... you.... thi....oka....Lor....?" I heard something that sounded kinda like a female's voice.

Then I heard some other voice respond. "Don... worry... much... fine... calm.... Sta...." This voice sounded like a male's voice.

In my sight of vision, I saw blurred up and fuzzy colors. I saw some amber brown, sapphire, silver, gold, and little hints of brown and white. I tried to make out what those fuzzy colors were, but I got no luck. "But, what if he's seriously hurt?!" I heard the female voice ask. It was more clear now, and I could make out the words without too much of a problem.

I then heard someone sigh. "I told you, he just has a simple bruise on the back of his neck. He'll be fine." The male voice replied.

"Okay...." The female voice sounded really reluctant, but gave in. I grunted, trying to get their attention so they can at least tell me where I am. My vision started clearing up slowly. "Ah! Look, look, look! He's awake, he's awake~!" The voice that belonged to a little girl excitedly chirped up.

"I'm looking, I'm looking, calm down." That was when I could make out two people. I saw a girl with long, straight golden hair, and amber brown eyes, in a white dress with star designs on the bottom edges and around the collar. She looked like a teenager, but her voice gave me the impression that it could belong to a little girl instead. Beside her, was a silver haired guy, with sapphire eyes, in black pants and a white, long sleeved, buttoned shirt.

Unlike the girl, he looked really bored. So bored, it kinda irritated me. "Hey, hey! Are you okay? How do you feel?" The girl snatched my attention away from the guy and onto herself.

I looked at her, completely confused. "Who are you, and where the hell am I?" I asked, instead of answering the girl.

The girl didn't seem to care that I ignored her question, and kept her smile on her face. "You're at an Inn inside a nearby village. Oh, and I'm Star, and he's Lorraine." She replied to me, smiling. I blinked. I didn't expect her to answer me... but okay, I guess this works too. I was completely confused. Star and Lorraine... just who are these two?

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