The Truth

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Martana sat down, following by the rest of us. I have so many things running through my head right now.

A part of me wants to hit Martana for leaving without saying anything like that. And yet.... another part of me wants to hug her tight and cry on her shoulder, tell her everything that's happened and how much I missed her.

I never thought I'd be able to find her so soon.... I'm happy, but... I'm just so confused.

Yet, here she and I were. Sitting across each other with Lorraine and Star sitting on either side of me. She peered calmly into our eyes, took a deep breath, and opened her mouth. Just when we thought she was gonna say something, she closed her mouth again, and rested her head on her hand, as if thinking.

"Martana?" I called out to her, but she didn't respond, just scrunched her nose in an expression of even deeper thinking.

"Hey, demon general! An explanation as soon as possible would be nice right about now!" Lorraine sighed out irritably.

Martana flinched, clenched her teeth, and glared. "WOULD YOU SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRAT???!!!! I'M TRYING TO THINK HERE!!!!" She barked at Lorraine who flinched back.

I held back a snicker. That guy totally deserved it. Star had a small bead of sweat forming on the side of her face, and with expression of utter shock with slight fear. "Y-yes ma'am....!" She chirped.

Martana sighed and went back to thinking. In the mean time, Star, Lorraine, and I played a game of rock-paper-scissors for absolutely no reason.

I had rock, Lorraine had paper, and Star had scissors. "Heh?? Guess we all lose this round, huh?" Star muttered in disappointment.

"Well, at least I beat the moron. That's an accomplishment at least." HE HAS TO BE IRRITATING RIGHT NOW?!

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I snapped, glaring.

Lorraine glared back, frowning. "Why don't you try and make me?" I could tell he was trying to get on my nerves at the moment, but I didn't care too much.

I was about to open my mouth to spit out a retort, when.... "Stop playing around, unless you don't mind me leaving." Martana's voice piped  up from behind us.

At that, we all turned our attention back to her. She sighed, and carefully eyed us all once more. "How do I put this....? Well the truth is there are rebels among the demons. Rebels I'm sure you've met before when you're village was attacked, right, Martyr?" She looked at me waiting for an answer.

I tilted my head to the side, utterly confused. "Rebels? What are you talking about?" I asked.

She sighed, and slapped a hand to her forehead. "The demons that you met. The ones that destroyed your village. They're the rebels." I could see that I wasn't the only one with a look of confusion and surprise on my face.

"Wh-what...?" Star stumbled over her words, trying to respond but utterly failing to do so. Instead, she just kept quiet.

"A long time ago, the demon lord formed a peace treaty between humans and demons. The only reason he had done that in the first place was because he had found humans amusing... but now, as you can see, some rebels have formed four bases here in the human realm, and have started destroying the homes and lives of the people here." She explained to us, but I was still really confused.

"Why? What's the point in doing that in the first place?" Lorraine questioned, trying to make sense of the situation.

Martana sighed once more. "To break the peace treaty, obviously. Some demons didn't agree with his decision, and decided to cause a ruckus here in the human realm to break the treaty for good. They've been trying to force the demon lord's hands to break the treaty for years now." She continued on, saying things we couldn't believe. "So, because the demon lord isn't very pleased with those demons right now, he sent me and my so called partner to destroy the demon rebels and their bases. But, as you can see.... my stupid partner, Loliana decided to up and ditch me....!" Martana hissed out, looking really angry.

"When did he give you that order in the first place?" Star asked, a look of curiosity on her face.

"It was when Martyr and I were about to have our sparring match. Just a little bit after he went to "train" in the backyard with his guns for the upcoming fight." Martana replied.

Wow... the demon lord must have some amount of patience with these rebels... "Wow..." We all muttered in front of Martana, who still looked slightly irritated.

"Well, that's the whole story. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got two more bases to rip apart." She said getting up.

"W-wait! I wanna come with!" I called to her.

Martana looked at me with a strange, unfamiliar expression on her face. "No, it's way too dangerous." She immediately rejected the idea.

Lorraine stood up, and crossed his arms. "Then how do we know you're telling the truth if we don't come along to confirm for ourselves?" He argued.

Martana seemed to think for a bit on this. "You may make a good point, but there is no way I'm letting a  bunch of kids come along on such a dangerous mission." She protested. I saw a flicker of hesitation in her eyes.

Star got up as well. "Martana, if you want us to believe your story we'll have to see for ourselves." She said siding with Lorraine.

I got up to, and nodded in agreement. "They're right... as much as I want to  believe this easily, I really would like to see for myself..." I could tell that Martana was hesitating..

She then let out a long, loud sigh. "Fine, but if you kids get hurt, I'm not taking responsibility." Our eyes brightened at Martana's response, and we high-fived each other.

Martana gave me a small worried look. I smiled at her, and I couldn't wait any longer. I hugged Martana tightly, who, in return just stood there in utter shock. "M-Martyr?"

I smiled brightly. "I missed you so much.... mom..." I whispered, feeling slightly light. I had never used that word before.... mom.... And I never really thought I would, but, when it comes to Martana, it just feels like the right word for her.

Martana stayed frozen in place for another few seconds, but smiled and hugged me back. I could feel Star and Lorraine's eyes on me, and I know I couldn't see it, but I can just picture the big, obnoxious grin on that guys face, as well as Star's sparkly eyes at the scene.

Martana and I soon undid the hug, and looked back at the others. Just as I had predicted, Lorraine was standing there with an obnoxious grin on his face, and Star had a bunch of sparkles in her eyes. "Mama's boy." I heard Lorraine tease.

"Shut the hell up." I hissed back, annoyed.

Star laughed slightly. "Well, let's go?" She asked, picking up her harp. We all nodded, and sprinted off, to the last demon base that was still around.

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