Let's Head Out!

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The next day, I woke up, stretching. I had slept nicely, considering that I was knocked out by Martana yesterday. I looked at the clock that was hung up on the wall. I woke up early, again. Will these miracles never cease? I thought to myself, amazed that I had managed to wake up early two days in a row.

Usually, it was rare to find me waking up at times like five o'clock in the morning. Like Martana, I'd usually wake up at around eight or something.

I got off the bed, remembering the past events. Well... I doubt they're awake yet... I considered the possibilities. I looked around the room that I had failed to examine yesterday because I was so occupied with Lorraine and Star, explaining everything to me.

I noticed that the floor was light brown and wooden, there was a green carpet with yellow lily designs on it, a desk with my dual guns on it and a note, and.... Wait, a desk with a note on it? I walked towards the desk, and picked up the white sheet of paper. "My room's next door to yours on the left, and Lorraine's is right across from mine. Just telling you in case you need something from either of us~! -Star." I read aloud.

"Huh... okay then..." I said to myself. I left my room, and went right, where I thought the main lobby would be. The inn we were staying in was a little bigger than I had thought!

There was a room, with people in it, tables, and... FOOD!!!! I felt myself drooling slightly at the sight of the food on the table. I was about to go into the place when I realized that... I had no idea how to get the food...

I've never been to an inn before! Why? Because Martana and I didn't travel around or anything, and the same with my father who's passed on, so I didn't really get the opportunity to go to an inn. Now here was the tough question.

It's five-o-something, and I knew exactly where Lorraine and Star's rooms were. Now, should I ask them for the help, or should I not? While thinking, I felt something tap my shoulder, and leaped away.

I turned around and saw... Star... blinking at me. "Good.... morning...?" She looked really confused right now at my reaction to her touch.

I sighed, relieved that it was just Star and not some weird person I don't know... or worse... Lorraine. I honestly, did not, want that guy, up early in the morning, scaring me out of my socks and pissing me off. "What's wrong? Scared of a little girl touching you?" I heard Lorraine's voice tease me.

And behold, there he came, down the stairs, looking at me with a smirk that pissed me off more than anything. I glared. "Shut the hell up. I was just startled, okay?" I was tempted to punch him right in the jaw, but resisted the unbearable urge.

Star poked us both hard in the ribs. The two of us flinched back, not because the poke hurt, but because I think it surprised us both to feel something poke our ribs suddenly. "Let me set a rule! No arguing, especially in the morning!" She scolded at us. Whoops. I had forgot she was even there in the first place.

"Sorry..." I apologized.

"Fine..." He said.

Star smiled at us. "Good! Now let's go get something to eat, okay?" I heard stomachs growling as soon as she said that. I knew that wasn't just my own stomach, and looked over towards a surprised Lorraine, and a flushed Star. "Ehehehe..." She laughed dryly.

"Let's go eat! I'm starving!" I exclaimed, trying to change the subject. Star and Lorraine nodded, and the three of us entered the place where the other people were eating.

We went to a table, and all three of us sat there. "So... how do we get the food?" I asked, as soon as we sat down.

"You don't know?" Lorraine asked me.

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