The Island of Fire Part 1

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I let out a long sigh as I leaned over the rim of the boat. I stared at the vast ocean with bored eyes. I looked over at Martana and Loliana playing cards on a table, while Star was playing her harp next to Martyr, who was puking over the side of the ship. "Never... again.... I will... never.... urgh..... ride another boat...." I heard him mutter, glaring at the ocean, only to throw up again.

Star left her harp and started rubbing the puking moron's back. I let out another sigh, and pushed myself away from the edge of the ship. I went over to Martana and Loliana's game to see who's winning. Martana was grinning like the devil, while Loliana was staring at her cards intently. I noticed Martana had slipped off her jacket and boots, and was now sitting in her skirt and shirt.

I had noticed that Martyr had done the same, as I pulled up my sleeves slightly, and undid one of the top buttons on my shirt. Star had folded and pinned up the bottom rim of her dress.

I moved away from the demons playing card games and started wandering around the boat. I was so bored.... There was nothing to do, and it was slowly getting hotter. After about one more hour, the heat had intensified to the point where we all ran into the cabins.

We had been on this ship for seven whole days. One week, which meant we were almost there... Just a little longer and we'd finally make it to that island.

After another long, dreadful two hours, we were finally released onto the island. Martyr was the first to run out of the ship, shouting something about freedom from the "dreaded" sea. The first, most noticeable thing was the towering volcanoes up ahead, while the second was a few huts and houses here and there.

"Who knew people actually lived here..." I mumbled, looking around. Star and Martyr nodded, looking around in awe, while Martana pulled out the map from the bag that was hanging on my shoulder.

Loliana leaned over as the two examined the map. The rest of us, noticing that those two were leaning over the map, crowded around it too. "The base should be further up north... although in that direction is a lot of volcanoes... towards the east is a tiny village that should have people living in it, so going there is our best bet if we want to find a safe place to stay at..." Martana muttered, scanning at the map.

"We should get moving. The base seems pretty far away from where we currently are..." Loliana spoke up, her eyes examining the map carefully.

We nodded, and soon enough, we had begun moving again. Unfortunately, this place is probably filled with all kinds of things that could turn out to be a possible danger... and other than that, we barely know the terrain...

As I had suspected, I was right. The place was filled with unexpected surprises. We had been walking until we ended up on a vast space of land with multiple holes in it. The ground beneath our feet was a light shade of red as we walked through.

I peered at one of the holes. It seemed like it was just an incredibly deep crater, but that impression only lasted for a moment. A column of flames blew out from the hole as I leaped back.

It seemed like the others were facing a similar problem since I heard Star yelp. I turned to see Martyr, Martana, and Loliana leaping away from the flames while Star was grabbed by the collar of her dress by Martana, dragging her away from the flames. Soon enough, more of the holes scattered on the ground began spitting out fire, making walking in a straight line difficult.

It took us a while to navigate through it, especially with Martyr nearly getting half of the hair on his head burned off. I heard him mutter a curse as he avoided the holes, his hand unconsciously tracing through his hair. 

Star held her harp close, mumbling something, which I couldn't really understand. Little did any of us expect, a strong gust of wind blasted through the area, forcing some of the flames back into their holes.

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