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It was a short walk out of the swamp, but we made it... barely... I collapsed to the ground, fresh, beautiful air filling my nose. "FINALLY!!! I thought I'd never be able to smell things ever again!" I sighed out on the grass.

Star and Martana nodded in agreement. "Some fresh air is a great improvement from the stench of the forest." Martana placed a hand on her hip, smiling.

Lorraine sighed loudly. "Yeah, yeah... this is good and all, but can we please hurry up?" I knew he didn't mean any harm with his comment, but it bothered me a bit.

I pushed myself up. "Fine, fine.. Can't you change up your attitude for once?" I sighed, frowning at him.

"Not as long as you keep acting like a kid, I won't." I glared at him, but he just brushed it off, and started walking.

Star cooled the flame a bit by reminding us that arguing won't get us anywhere and will make things so much slower than they should be. All of us had to agree with her, and we walked on.

What bothered me during the whole walk was one word. To be more precise, one name.


I had only heard that name once before, and that was when my village was attacked. The only thing I know about the guy is that he was one of the demons that attacked my village. I didn't know anything else.

The scenery quickly changed as we walked past a patch of thick trees. We kept close to the trees that were lined up side by side in rows. I didn't even bother to think about how the trees were oddly placed, and continued walking, following the others as Martana took us to walk in between the first and second rows of trees, like a pathway of sorts.

I sighed, crossing my arms, thinking. I don't know how many minutes passed, but soon enough, a voice interrupted my train of thought. "Hey, what took you so- what are you doing with those kids?!" A familiar voice sounded in surprise.

I looked up to see the girl from the caravan, staring at us in shock. Her slightly pointed ears poked out visibly from her black hair, as her starry night eyes gazed at us. Her mouth was slightly open.

Soon enough, her gaze sharpened into a glare. "Martana, what the hell is this?!" The black haired girl yelled at Martana.

A small smile curved upwards on the general's face. "What the hell is what, Loliana?" She spoke back. Her voice was dipped in venom, and even I was smart enough to notice just how pissed off Martana was. "No, no... I should be the one asking things here... WHY IN THE SEVEN HELLS DID YOU DITCH ME BACK IN THE VEGETARIAN PIT?! YOU MOTHER $%#&#!# !%$%&!!!" All of us simply stared at Martana, as she began landing mountains and mountains of colorful language onto her partner.

Lorraine and I moved over to Star after the second word, and covered her ears. An oracle needs to be pure enough to call upon the power of the gods, right? So, we should try to keep her ears as pure as any other part of her body and mind.

The both of us knew that Star was the youngest member of the group, being only fifteen, while I was sixteen, Lorraine was seventeen, and Martana was who knows how many years old. To be honest, she looked twenty-ish to me... but that's besides the point.

Ten minutes flew by, and soon enough, I was starting to wish I was deaf. Hearing Martana swear so intensively made me wish it even more with every word. To be honest, I had never heard Martana swear so much in my entire life before, but that was probably because I was lucky enough to have not pissed her off that badly..

After seven more minutes, Martana finally cooled down. I noticed the black haired girl plug her ears, and slowly but surely began moving her hand away from her ears. "Is.. it safe now?" I heard her whisper.

Martana let out a long, loud sigh. "Luckily for you it is... but don't worry, this is just the beginning for you... I'll make sure you regret thinking that you can ditch me like that ever again...!" She hissed.

The girl flinched. Martana walked her over to us, and away from the tree she was previously standing beside. "Everyone, this is my partner, Loliana. Loliana, this is Star, Lorraine, and Martyr."

Loliana and the rest of us said our greetings to each other. The five of us all sat down in a circle to discuss some things. "So, any movement from anyone or anything from the base lately?" Martana asked, her crimson eyes looking at Loliana.

However, Loliana shook her head. "Nothing has happened.. or that's what it looks like.." Her eyes dart over to a large, towering gray building just a little farther ahead, surrounded by the massive amount of trees.

Star and Lorraine eyed Loliana carefully. Loliana let out a long sigh. "Well, anyways, can we hurry up and take out the next base? I'm tired of waiting." She questioned, looking irritated.

Martana sighed, and nodded. "Alright, alright, hold your horses... It's not like we can just barge in and make a commotion like the last two times."

"Only because you brought some human kids with you..." She hissed under her breath.

Lorraine sent her a glare, but she brushed him off quite easily. "Well.... how about the kids be a distraction and we use that to infiltrate the base?" Martana suggested.

"W-wait! Are you saying we should be bait?!" Star got up, surprised.  "That's dangerous! And not just for me, but for Martyr and Lorraine too!" She protested.

I nodded in agreement. "She's right..." I sided with Star immediately.

However, Martana and Loliana shook their heads. "We can't let you do the infiltrating. That's much more dangerous than standing in front of the base making a commotion. When we infiltrate, it's most likely that the stronger amount will stay inside to make sure no one infiltrates. We've got a lot more experience in this than you do, so all you have to do is make a racket and start bashing heads in. We'll come help you once we finish inside." Martana wouldn't let us do the infiltration, stating the facts that, compared to her and Loliana and how they've done so far that they can handle the more dangerous part easier if we just be a distraction for the minors.

The three of us sighed in defeat, and agreed to the plan. Martana seemed slightly relieved too, but Loliana just seemed like she didn't care at all.

And just like that, our two groups split up, to make it easier for both sides to complete their half of the mission.

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