Is There a Reason? Part 1

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I smiled when I heard footsteps coming towards me. Good. They're close. "Hehe..." I pushed myself away from the tree I was leaning on, and made some noise by purposefully stepping on leaves and tree branches.

At that, I heard the footsteps begin to speed up from behind me, and so, I ran as fast as I could in a direction towards the south. If I let them find me now, what good would that do? None, I can tell you that much. Besides, it'll spare me the trouble... right? I shook my head rapidly. "Well.... if they're lucky enough we might just bump into each other... who knows?" I mumble to myself, smiling at the thought.

I began taking twists and turns around the trees, stepping on more leaves and branches, making them crunch and crackle beneath my feet. I kept at the pace I was going until I could no longer hear their footsteps behind me.

I walked the rest of the way out of the forest, to find someone I knew would already be there. A girl with black long hair, black eyes with silver sparkles in them like a starry night sky, in a black dress with its skirt part revealing her knees.

She was calmly standing on a double bladed spear, like she couldn't feel the pointed tip of the blade touching her foot beneath her boots. "Hello, again." I greeted, smiling.

She huffed. "It took you long enough... what the hell were you doing? I helped you out earlier by passing along some info, now why in the world would you make so much noise while getting here?" My comrade, Loliana, growled.

I frowned. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm the leader here." I stated. We gave each other glares for a moment. "Besides, I was looking for something I had lost back in that village we were recently in."

She gave me a suspicious look. "You weren't trying to lead those human kids to us, were you? If so, then I swear..." Loliana gave me a threatening look.

I sighed. "It doesn't matter. Let's go to the next base, shall we?" I replied, not caring to answer her. She looked like she was about to roll her eyes at me, but decided against it.

She leaped off her double bladed spear, picked it up from the middle area, and slung it over her shoulders. "Fine. But we should hurry. We already took out two out of all four of them. We need to lose those kids, and finish off the rest of those idiotic traitors." She turned around.

I sighed once more, and gave her a small, forced smile. "Then let's go. It'll spare us the trouble, right?" I told her. She nodded. For once, it'd be nice if she wasn't so hard to talk to.... I thought, scowling slightly.

We began walking in silence. The morning was slowly turning into the afternoon, as I stopped mid walk. I turned around towards the forest. "We'll see each other soon... just wait and keep yourself out of trouble.... you idiot." I whispered, a faint smile spreading across my face.

I realized that even though I had stopped, Loliana kept walking without me. I sighed, turned back around, and ran after her, only to stop when I was walking by her side once more. Geez, and I thought I was the leader here.... sometimes I wish I'd be shown just a little more respect from my second in command.... I tutted irritatedly in my mind. Well, doesn't matter. As long as we get the job done, everything will be alright, and hopefully... back to normal...

The walk was a silent one, as I continued to let multiple thoughts race through my mind. I wanted to get this dreadful job over with as soon as I can, then go straight back home. It would be nice to catch my breath after all of this... The smile that was on my face only spread further when I thought about it.

Once again, I found myself behind Loliana, and by behind, I mean completely behind. We were like, five feet away from each other!! "Wait up, goddammit!!!" I hissed, running after her.

She paid me no mind. She just continued walking ahead of me without a single word. I ran after her, whacked the back of her head, and continued running ahead of her. "OW!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!" She roared at me, enraged.

I snickered at her. "You totally deserved that." I grinned at her. She glared at me, grit her teeth, and ran after me with the full intention of hitting me back.

We ran the rest of the way, her chasing me, and me laughing at her. Man, I am some adult, aren't I?


A/N: So... what do you think about this chapter? Who's point of view do you think this was? Comment below if you think you know who it is! All will be revealed in the next part, and unlike the other chapter with the double parts (Fruity Circus Clowns Make Everything Better and Information Request for Aira and Bandits) this one's name will stay exactly the same! Well, looking forward to seeing you all next chapter! Thanks for reading everyone!

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