Is There a Reason? Part 2

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We ran towards the sound of the crackling noises, and the further we went the more cracked and snapped leaves and twigs were scattered all over the ground. I sighed. Looks like the idiot and Star don't know how to speed up.

I turned to them with a bored expression. "Hurry up, you two, or we're gonna lose her." I called. Martyr glared at me. He's so easy to annoy to the point where it's actually amusing.

"Shut up!" He growled. I couldn't help it. I grinned at him like an imp. He looked even more pissed and sped up his pace to catch up with me.

"Hurry up now, slowpoke, can't have you wasting my time by dragging your feet now can I?" I teased, smirking. He looked so angry right then and there, I almost burst out laughing.

Star sighed from behind us, and sped up her pace as well, panting. "Can.... you.... two... not.... fight?!" She hissed.

I wanted to shake my head and say that it was impossible, but kept my mouth shut. Suddenly, we heard those loud crunching noises stop, and the amount of broken leaves and twigs decreased. Is Martana playing with us? Is she leading us into a trap? I started thinking about possibilities for why, if it was her, she would be making these loud, obvious noises. Was she being careless? Or is it someone else entirely? 

I was immersed in my thoughts, only until I felt something hit the back of my head. I turned, rubbing the back of my sore head, and glaring. Of course it would be Martyr. Who wouldn't have guessed that it was him from the obvious look on his face and the wide grin?

I smirked inwardly. I made a quick movement with the sheathed sword on my belt, and tilted it slightly, just enough to make that idiot fall face first onto the floor. Star and I soon burst out laughing, slowing down to a stop.

He pushed himself up, glaring at me with his mud covered face. "Wow. I'm surprised there's no worms there. Guess they didn't want to get infected by your stupidity and ran away." I joked.

He growled at me, and looked like he was tempted to shoot me to death. I don't really care. The sooner I get a chance to hit that moron the better.  "Why you....!" Just then, the little blond oracle decided to interfere with our argument once more.

She smacked the both of us on the back of our heads. "That's enough! Anymore bickering and Martana may be long gone by now!" She made a good point.

Seems the idiot understood that much too. The three of us cut the chatter and began running as fast as we could. Surprisingly, the noises stopped. Could she be out of the forest already?! 

The others seemed to notice that as well, and we all raced forward. When we came to the exit out of the forest, we found that there was no one to be found for miles. It was just an empty field of grass and trees. I clicked my tongue, annoyed. This is gonna be one long chase. 

"Everyone! Can you hear me?" Aira's voice called. It took me a moment to remember that Aira had given us a crystal to communicate with.

Star pulled out the blue stone, and Aira's worried face mirrored vividly onto the crystal. "Bad news, I managed to figure out Martana's position. She's heading to another demon base, but it's surrounded with monsters." She told us.

Martyr looked at her with surprise. "Monsters?" He repeated. She nodded. "Then how in the world are we supposed to get to her without figuring out a way to avoid those monsters?" He questioned.

He made a good point. We couldn't get through a bunch of monsters without making a bunch of noise, and Martana isn't stupid. If she really is a demon, she'll hear us a mile away and figure out a way to avoid contact with us. "There's a southern path around the monsters and towards the base. Although, it may be a bit hard to find due to all the vegetation in that area..." She answered us.

"Vegetation? Where exactly are we going?" Star asked.

I could hear our pink haired friend sigh, rather loudly. "Directly south. No turns until you see a bunch of pants sticking out from all over the place, then you turn right to enter the path around the monsters. If you keep going straight when you see the plants you'll most likely run into a bunch of monsters, so best to not forget those directions. Keep going forward as soon as you make the turn and take a left when you see the path splitting into two directions." She told us.

We all blinked. "Pants?" We asked, confused.

I could see Aira's face become red as a tomato. "Ahem. I meant plants. Sorry." She gave us a dry laugh and we left it at that. She repeated the directions once more just in case.

I don't really think I could memorize all that even if my life depended on it. "Got it. Directly south, no turns until you see a bunch of plants then you turn right, go forward once you enter and take a left turn when we see a crossroads. Consider it done!" Martyr memorized from beside me.

Star, Aira, and I all looked at him in surprise. Out of all the people who could possibly be able to remember all that, I certainly didn't expect Martyr to be one of them. Realizing why we were even looking at him in the first place, he gave us a wide grin. "I have a photographic memory. It makes things easy to remember for me." He answered.

Oh you have got to be kidding me. Note to self, never expect Martyr to be able to forget things easily, ever again. I thought. Great, there goes some pranks I was planning on playing on that moron after we find Martana.

"Wow..." The two girls murmured, surprised. 

He gave us a wide, pride filled grin. "Bet you didn't expect that, huh?" He said proudly.

I sighed. Fine. Just this once, I'll give the fool a point. "No, no we didn't expect that. Happy?" I sighed, wanting to get this over with.

He puffed up his chest. "Very." I swear, one of these days, I'll kill him.

Aira blinked quickly. "Ahem. Anyways, get moving." She reminded us that we shouldn't be wasting time, and at that, her image faded from the crystal.

"I guess that settles that. Let's get moving!" Star cheered enthusiastically. Martyr and I nodded, and soon after, we rushed to go find Martana, and some answers.


A/N Okay, I lied. This will possibly be more than just two parts XD And woohoo, Lorraine finally had a chapter in his point of view! Congrats, kiddo. Anyways, hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you guys later!

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