City of Gambling and Brin

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I woke up earlier than I thought I would, but not to the rising of the sun. I saw someone's fingers poke through the opening of my tent only to pull it open. "Loliana?" I called her name, confused as to why she would be in my tent in the middle of the night.

Loliana didn't reply. Instead, she entered my tent and sat. "Hey, what do you think about the whole 'kill the key and open the gate' thing?" She asked me.

I blinked, sitting up straight. A small frown curved onto my lips. "I don't really know... If Esper had known more it would've made things much easier for us, but...." I muttered, wishing that Esper had known a little more.

Loliana nodded, sighing. "Well, anyways, you do know that the next base is in the middle of the ocean, right?" She questioned, looking me in the eye.

I nodded. I had taken a peak at the map earlier and seen the location of the base. "That means we'll have to get a ship.... but the question is, do we even have enough money and supplies left to be able to set sail and make it to the base in top condition?" She shrugged.

"Probably enough money from the ship since that silver haired kid looted all the money he could find off of the other rebels. Enough money to get more supplies... that's another thing all together." She was right.

At the beginning of the mission we had enough money to travel and buy supplies for just the two of us, but now, with Martyr and his friends tagging along, we may not have enough money to sustain us all as well as pay for a ship.

I saw Loliana dig through a black hand bag that was beside her, only to pull out a map. "We might not have enough money now.... but if we stop by here..." I saw her point to a location on the map with a small smirk on her face.

In black ink, the words 'City of Gambling: Grimgar' was scribbled on the map over a blue colored area on the map. "I heard that Grimgar had a port, where we could pay the captain of the ship to sail us, as well as a lot of gambling sites all over the city. If we play well, we could be able to have enough money to be able to buy some more supplies for the trip." A wide grin was on her face as she looked at me.

I flinched. Great. Now we have to gamble to get money. Hello beautiful stains on my reputation as general, goodbye dignity and respect. I thought, frowning. "You just love finding ways to destroy my reputation, don't you..." I sighed out.

Loliana rolled her eyes at me. "Oh, come on, you already had a bad reputation long before you became general. Though I do have to say your reputation improved ever since you did become general, but.... yeah, it was crappy in the beginning." I glared at her sharply, but she ignored my gaze.

She rolled up the map once more, and slid over to me. "So? What'll it be? We return to the demon lord saying that we didn't complete the mission successfully because of us being low on money, or we go to Grimgar, play some games, earn enough money, and then finish our mission?" She threw the only two options we had at this point at me.

Now which would be more of a pain to deal with? Mission failure, or gambling? Obviously the former. There is no way in hell that I was going to go to the demon lord, and tell him we couldn't finish the mission because of something as small as money! I don't care if I have to swim to that volcanic island in the middle of the ocean, I will finish this mission no matter the cost!

I sighed. "Fine... I'll gamble...." I hissed out in defeat. She smiled, pleased while I was irritated.

Soon, she left my tent, and I pushed myself to sleep until morning came. I opened my eyes rather early in the morning, and crawled out of my tent. "The City of Gambling.... looks like I'm gonna have to try and blend in with humans a little sooner than I expected..." I mumbled.

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