Boredom and Traces?

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I let out a soft sigh. The caravan sure was taking a while to arrive at its destination... I heard Star, out of boredom, begin to play her harp, and Lorraine was just staring at the view around us.

Honestly, I didn't really see what was so good about the view. All there was was a forest in the distance, and us: riding on the caravan down a path with nothing but dirt, and absolutely no people other than us, the driver, and the other passengers of the caravan. The caravan stopped every once in a while to feed the horse and for the rider to also catch a small break too, but that was about it...

It was a boring little ride, with absolutely nothing to do.... "Gah, I wanna get there already!" I said out of frustration. Why the hell was this taking so damn long?!

"Quit being so impatient..." I heard Lorraine say to me. He was still staring out of the opening to the caravan.

"Oh, put a lid on it for once! You're just as bored of this as I am!" I stated.

Star nodded, setting her harp beside her. "It's true... I wanna arrive at the destination as well..." She said, letting out a soft sigh.

I heard a loud sigh coming from beside Star, on the right side of the caravan. I turned towards the person who sighed and saw a girl, with pitch black hair, and black eyes with glimmers of silver spots on them, kinda like the night sky and its stars. She looked pretty irritated. "This caravan needs to hurry the hell up! I have someone I need to meet, and if this takes any longer I might just jump off and run there!" She hissed.

I couldn't help but nod. I wasn't the only one who seemed to agree with her either. I saw other people give small nods, some let out sighs, others just closed their eyes. This trip was taking forever, and we all knew it too. It seemed like the driver of the caravan heard our complaints, because I noticed him flinch, and suddenly, the speed of the caravan increased ridiculously!

The horse looked as if it was running a hundred miles per hour! I noticed Star cling to her harp, Lorraine get farther away from the entrance of the caravan, and everyone else grab onto something. Not knowing what to do, I just moved away from the entrance like Lorraine did. If that thing were to stop at the rate it was going now, I think someone might end up flying out of the caravan!

The black haired girl looked really frustrated and angry when this happened. "Oh driver... Can you please tell me.... WHY THE HELL YOU WEREN'T GOING SO FAST IN THE FRICKING BEGINNING?!" She yelled out.

The driver himself seemed paralyzed as soon as she said that. Hah, looks like you should've just gone faster in the first place! Maybe then there wouldn't be any complaints! I thought, not bothering to say it out loud because the girl already said what I was thinking. "U-um... Well, you see.... the horse..." The driver began, stuttering slightly.

She sent him a glare. "I don't care about the flipping horse! If you could go this fast from the beginning, why the hell didn't you do it sooner?! Do you have any idea how boring it was in this caravan?! Do you even know that some people have important things to do in the town your driving us to?! We can't just fricking sit here and just patiently wait for something that should come sooner than this all day!" She barked.

I saw some of the passengers nod in agreement. She made a good point: If the driver could go this fast, then why didn't he do it from the beginning and spare us from the long, boring hours of a caravan like this? Even Star and Lorraine seemed to agree with her.

Star may be an oracle and all, but it seems that she can still agree to things like this, even if it might be a bit harsh on the driver. Lorraine didn't really seem to care what the driver felt at the moment, because, just like the black haired girl, he was sending the driver an icy glare.

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