Setting Off Once More: In a Caravan

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I quickly scurried out of the inn in front of Star and Lorraine, slightly irritated, and slightly over excited. Why? Well for one thing, I was sleeping pretty comfortably until.... (Flash Back)

I was having a pretty okay dream so far, or at least, I wished it wasn't a dream. I mean, c'mon! Who wouldn't wanna be surrounded by your favorite foods and then being able to stuff your face as much as possible?!

Okay, okay. I'm pretty sure anyone would've thought I would end up dreaming about Martana and how'd she respond when we found her, but for some reason, I ended up having a dream about food, only to be abruptly awakened by something whacking my face!

I unwillingly opened my eyes, only to find that Star and Lorraine were both in my room, and that Star was closing her eyes and hitting me in the face with a pillow. No wonder why it didn't hurt that much. It just felt uncomfortable and annoying, like Lorraine. And in all honesty I expected him to be holding the pillow, or maybe something like a pan and hitting my face.

"I'm awake, I'm awake! Quit hitting me!!!" I told her, covering my face. 

When she noticed I was awake, she stopped, dropped the pillow, and began bowing a bunch of times rapidly. "I'm sorry!" She kept repeating over and over again.

I poked her softly, and she stopped. "It's fine, but why were you hitting me?" I asked, curiously. Sure, I have a few memories of being forced awake by Martana, but it wasn't like this.

For one, sometimes, she would rip the blanket right off me. Another method was to drag me off the bed by my feet. And another one (I really hated this method even more than the others) was that she would grab a pail of water, with some live (And by live I literally mean that they were perfectly alive) fish in it from the lake that was a few miles away from my old home (Before this strange adventure even happened) and pour it right over me! I'd end up awake with fish all over my bed, hair, face, and sometimes some even fell in my mouth! And sometimes, when I'm really unfortunate, I get slapped in the face by a fish.... Seriously, Martana's methods to wake me up were way more brutal....

I snapped out of my thoughts when Star snapped her fingers in front of me. "Well... We wanted you too wake up, 'cause Aira's prepared a spot for us in a caravan that's gonna arrive in a couple of minutes." Star explained.

"Yeah, and if you don't hurry up, we're gonna miss it and have to either wait for the next one or start walking." Lorraine commented. I flinched. Normally, I would've glared at Lorraine for being his normal, obnoxious self, but when I heard that we weren't gonna have to walk unless we miss a caravan, I immediately got out of bed, grabbed my dual guns, and slipped on my shoes.

"Well, let's go then! I'm ready so let's hurry!" I replied to them, standing near the door to my room. The two got up, and ran behind me as soon as I began sprinting towards the front door of the inn. (Flash Back End)

After I began running out of the inn's front door, I was instantly grabbed by something. I didn't know what 'cause I couldn't get a clear view, but it was pretty strong, and was holding me above the ground. I then noticed a thin, barely visible, line on my wrists and legs, and I could hear someone playing a flute from close by. I looked around, and saw Aira, playing her flute. "A-Aira?? Can you please put me down???" I asked, struggling to get out of the strings, that were surprisingly very strong.

She instantly stopped playing her flute, and I ended up landing on the ground safely. "Listen, I only stopped you because I have some information that you'd love to hear." Aira said. I perked up at that.

"What information?" I heard Lorraine ask from behind me. Aira smiled.

She put away her flute, and looked all three of us in the eyes. "You know that caravan I told you to hitch a ride on? Guess what? I managed to find some information on Martana's possible whereabouts. Or at least, the area in where she could be." She explained.

My eyes widened in surprise. "Seriously? How did you manage to get that information so quickly?" I asked, curious about how she had managed to figure something out so fast.

Aira, however, put a finger to her lips. "How I get my information is my little secret. Anyways, that caravan is heading towards one of the areas that Martana may or may not be in." She said. She took out a map, and handed it to Star.

Star, Lorraine, and I all peered at the map curiously. It was marked up with different colors, some tiny notes here and there, and many other things. The marks that caught my attention most, though, were the ones marked in black. The ones marked in black had a little note on them saying "Demon Base" near it. Then there were the ones marked in red. Those ones said "Possible Location for Martana's Whereabouts" on them. "Wow, what a really detailed map!" Star remarked, amber brown eyes lighting up with curiosity. 

I nodded in agreement. I saw some other things, like marks that said "Safe Village", or "Monster Den", or "Deserted Area" in gold, blue, and brown. Aira must have taken a lot of time doing all of this... I thought, feeling pretty grateful in having her help. "Well, what are you standing around here for? Get lost already, or you're going to miss your ride!" Aira ordered, frowning at us with a serious expression.

We all nodded, and then charged off, with me following behind Lorraine, who was the fastest, and Star being slightly behind us because she was carrying a heavy looking harp, and because she wasn't too fast. Thankfully, we had made it just in time when the caravan, being pulled by a white horse, was about to ditch us, and hopped right on without hesitation.

I looked out from the back of the caravan, only to see Aira waving at us, smiling. "See ya later Aira!" I called.

She grinned widely. "Same to you! You and the others had better come over and pay a visit some times, 'cause sometimes seeing face to face instead of through a rock is much better!" She called back.

Star laughed at that comment, Lorraine sighed slightly, and I just gave a wide grin. The caravan's driver just made his horse continue walking until the village vanished from our line of sight.

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