Parchment 9: Mavis Ol-Tell

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Wearing a guys uniform less than a week straight is painful and very, very embarrassing. Especially when the nicknames come on from Draco and his little minions, making up things mixing boy body parts and girl parts. Ones that are recent are 'small crotch', and 'short boy stuff'. Like yay, love it, you make me want to crash your head into small pieces or I'll go into my room and ball my eyes out, for my self-esteem goes downhill very quickly. It's either it's never both. Right now, I'm close to breaking.

Breaking is never a good thing, the overflowing, overstuffed, and closed of feelings that just burst, like a small needle to a balloon.

The balloon, a huge and great force due to the power of flight and light weight, yet... When a small, extra sharp needle comes into the picture, thing change. A harmless tool that does much damage, too much damage for something or someone to handle. Then the debris getting over everyone, not sparing anyone, they are overwhelmed by the sudden burst for it seemed fine, but, oh it wasn't at all.

"Miss Quest," Snape's voice comes to me, I turn my head in his direction and straighten up my pose, "welcome back, now, can you explain why Malfoy isn't here?" Turning my head in surprised by this, I didn't even notice the crazy, spoiled prince was gone.

"I cannot Snape, sir," I reply honestly, I don't remember him being at breakfast this morning, not unless he grabbed an invisibility cloak or something. I don't know how possible that would be though, "could it be something involving his parents? For the Malfoy's are an important family in the world.." I say trying to sound intelligent, Snape gives a small nod of his head, continuing to walk around, his robes floating above the ground once again.

"Could be Miss Quest very well could be," Snape asks another student and they give a different answer, I just glance at my side, it's kind of empty now, and much more quieter, but quiet never made things easier for me.

Just worse.


Leaving the Great Hall I find myself wondering around, going left and right, climbing staircases and looking behind the huge paintings, along with some interesting replies from the grand people.

"My, my," I stop in my tracks, though one was gone, the other two remained, "munter, munter that's what you are, munter, munter, white hair, no wand-"

Wait. How did they know.?

I slightly start to turn, that's when I receive two knuckles to my face, one in the eye and the other in the jaw, this takes me by surprise.  Staggering backward I regain my balance and blink my eyes furiously, trying to keep them in focus.

"Munter girl, munter girl," they tease, "small crotch and short stuff, oh only if Malfoy was here, we could take her down after what she did to him a few nights ago!" Crabbe, I think that's who it is, says. The other, Goyle, let's out a loud pig snorting laugh, almost sounds like a huge house of hogs ready to feed on corn.

Not giving a reply I run up the next staircase, they, of course, follow me, but if I can get lost that means they would get lost twice as fast.

I find a small corner underneath one of the stairwells that lead further upstairs, to that story or level seven, I want to know what's up there. But curiosity isn't getting me this time, just not yet.

Their words echo in my mind, becoming louder, screaming, cursing, torturing. Ringing in my already confused brain I find my heart beating faster, my breaths shortened by quite a lot.

Not another one.

Tears slowly start to drop down my face, they start to race down my reddened cheeks, faster and faster they slide heading towards my chin. I continue to rub my eyes to stop the flow of salt from my eyes but it doesn't, it just pours more.

"Why can't anything become right," I mumble to myself, the darkened corners taunting me almost. Letting out stiff and short sobs I hear footsteps coming from below, I tuck myself further in under the stairs, then, the sound comes on this level. Though, I'm not sure what level this is.

"Oh my, how I've been looking for so long and oh, my," a girly voice comes down the hallway, I want to stick my head out but I know how awful I must look currently, "this must be the sixth floor, but I can't go the seventh, Headmaster said so," the voice comes closer and closer, my breath goes silent.

"Well, my, it's damp here..," I get a small flash of a dirty blonde color of hair in a small pony tail, I stretch my neck out further so I can see her more clearly, "hm," then she stands still, as if analyzing something, seeing the green tie I see she is from my own house.

"There's someone here," I'm taken back by her sudden knowledge, how did she know, how did Crabbe and Goyle know. How does everyone know more about herself than she does, "most definitely a girl, and since it's damp, she has been crying.." There comes a silence, she, whoever she is, thinks hard about what information she has gathered.

"Damp, girl, sixth floor, hiding, hiding, and most incredibly embarrassed by something," with one quick turn she points exactly in my direction, "you can come out from the shadows." Taking a few steps back I shake my head at her request, or more like a command, but I face my fears and step forth from the shadows.

Her face falling into semi horror filled instead of the other face she had in previously. "Um, I. I'm Mavis, Mavis Ol-Tell," she holds her hand out and I take a few steps closer to her, a loud gulp is heard from this, Mavis.

"Nebula," I whisper, Mavis nods her head and her grip gets a little bit tighter, more confident in what she is doing currently.

"No offense but, first seeing you I thought you were a Death Eater, though, that would be kind of too short for a Death Eater," she lets go of my hand and holds her chin instead, a puzzled look on her face.

"Yeah, honestly.." I say trying to be happy and understanding as she is.

And I'll tell you one thing, it's really, really hard.

"Anyways, would you like to help me get back down to the main level where the Great Hall is and such?" Nodding my head, I wipe off my drying tears and start to lead her back down.

Glancing at her tie; I'm surprised, the same colors as mine. But she seems more like a Hufflepuff, kind and still full of knowledge. And not to mention a terrific finder.

I don't make a comment, for she is probably thinking the same thing.

What am I doing here?

Why am I in this house?

Shouldn't I be somewhere else?

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