Parchment 34: Draco Meets Jasper

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Somehow Draco gets back in without anyone seeing us, if it's pure brilliance or just the knowledge of the place and sneaking around professional, then I don't know what else it can be.

"Thankfully everyone else is somewhere else," he whispers, both of us entering into the common room. It's empty and I let out a sigh of relief, I'm very happy that it was only Draco. If it was Flint or someone else I think I would have gotten bit by that snake more..

"Yeah really, I wouldn't hear the end of it from anyone in our house. I'd die of embarrassment.."

"It wasn't that bad Nebula," I make a loud and very sarcastic laugh.

"It was that bad Mr. Malfoy, I'm glad you were enjoying yourself carrying a partially naked girl through the castle," Draco stops walking and lowers his head, his eyes looking into mine. Hurt and anger are in those stormy clouds for eyes.

"Don't call me Mr. Malfoy, sounds like your talking to my, father," he lays me down on the couch then stomps away, leaving me near the fireplace to dry off.

I get a endless pit in my stomach, one of guilt and worry. Did I hurt him that much by calling him Mr. Malfoy then Draco? But, it doesn't make any sense, it's just a name.

That could be used wrongly.

Standing up I walk to my room and there on the perch is both animals, staring intently at something below the wind. Curiosity grows in me, wandering over to them I take a peek at what is down there.

Looking down I see a dark shape pacing back and forth on all fours.

"Jasper?" I whisper, he is suppose to be at my moms house, not here! He will get caught! And then, they will do terrible and awful things to him! "Jasper get up here!" The black head pops up in my direction and jumps up to the window and inside. He knocks me over and starts to lick my face as if a dog would.

"Oi! Jasper! What are you doing here?!" I ask the magical creature, he gives me a bright smile and whacks his tail against my shoulder. A very playful act, though I am quite worried for him... I don't want to loose him, he still is very young..

I place my arms around the tough beast and hold him close to my chest. I can't leave Jasper here with me, someone is bound to find him and then he will be taken away. Jasper leans his head against my neck, rubbing the scales against it, I know there is going to be a mark left.

"Yeah, I love you too Jasper, no one can replace you.." I whisper, the sound of a light wheezing catching my attention. "Eh? Are you sick?" Jasper shakes his head and flaps his wings. "Flying? You're injured?" Nodding his head he lifts his left wing and there is a sore red spot.

What happened? And when did it happen?

Quickly, I get some wrap and gauze for this wound. I dab it lightly with a type of cleaning bacteria my mother made to clean out cuts.

"Is that better?" I ask, Jasper nods his head and rubs his against mine messing up my hair in one motion. "Glad to know that.."

A knock comes from my door, I go into instant panic mode.

"Hellou, Nebula? Are you in there?" Draco. It's Draco! Why him! Why him!

"Y-yeah." I say back to him.

"Are you decent?"

"Yes, but don-" the door swings open and the blonde stands tall and strong before us. His eyes go straight for the beast close to me, his mouth opens slightly to say something but Jasper lets out a string of flames through his nose. A warning towards Draco to stay away.

"Why the bloody-why do you have a dragon?!" He asks waving his arms around in the air, closing the door Draco leans against it.

"Hagrid gave him too me, during my first year, after Pansy dragged me to the Black Lake.."

"Oh, but, how will, does anyone else know?"

"Only Mavis, since she is the one I trust most.." Worry drops off his face, not the best expression to have at this very moment.

"You haven't told Dumbledore?"

"No, why would I, the only thing Jasper has caught on fire was two books.."

"But that could be a person next-" Jasper lets out a roar and takes multiple steps closer to Draco. "And he is extremely intelligent for his breed, he understands what I'm saying."

"Jasper," I say in a serious tone, the black shiny head turns back to me, his eyes staring into mine. Words and emotions are sent through blank space. Then, Jasper comes back to my side.

"H-how did you do that..?" Draco asks moving away from the door. I shrug my shoulders and rest a hand upon Jaspers head.

"Dragon tamers, it isn't about words but emotions and eye contact, it's almost like telepathic and communication in each others mind. It's very fascinating."

"But what will you do with that on your neck?" Draco's hand rubs against the red raw skin from where Jasper rubbed his head. I didn't think it was going to look that bad, but apparently it did.

"Ah, nothing just a rash that wizards or muggles can get if they touch a dragon." I shrug it off, not being that much to me but to Draco, this was a deadly infection.

"Do you need anything to help it swell down or something?"

"Draco, I'm fine, really.."

"Whatever you say," removing his hand he places it behind his head, "now to what I originally came up here, you know, this weekend, there's a Quidditch match, it's Hufflepuff against Gryffindor, and I was wondering if you wanted to go?"

"Yeah sure! I'd be happy too!" I reply with a smile. Not connecting the dots in my head fast enough to tell what he was actually trying to do.

"Alright, meet by the fireplace at, let's say after supper and around, six."

"Sounds good to me.."

And like that he was gone. Jasper lets out a long huff of smoke through his black nostrils even rolling his eyes.

"Well, I didn't know that dragons had sass.."

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