Parchment 39: Sharing Pain

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"How is Quest doing with the boy?"

"Fine master, the snake was a glorious addition, he's practically filled with fear..." the two voices chuckle, the one called master stands up.

"This girl, she is disturbing my whole plot, we may have to kill her instead." the second scurries over and lightly tugs at the clothes of the other.

"But sir, we can't do that, we need her for the war! If we don't have her, t-that would be a great loss for us!"

"But do you forget?!" the first ones raises his voice, for the idea of losing isn't one of his choices. "We have an army, what do they have? They have nothing but children that don't know fear when they see it, it will surprise them, oh how much it will.."

"Very true master, very true. For the when they look up at you, they will tremble in fear.."

Let's just say I'm coming back into my conscious, for those two have been talking nonstop for...I don't know how long.. But for an extended amount of time. I don't even know what day, month or even year it is. I just hope it isn't too late.

"Well, the daughter is waking..." a cold and clammy hand starts to run down my arm, I force my eyes to stay shut. "Oh, give in Nebula, give in..." The voice echoes in my head, I try to fight back but the exhaust pulls me in. I open my eyes.

There he is before me.


"You look much different than I thought you would." I blurt out, I clamp my mouth shut and look away from him.

"Oh? How did you envision me then?" He asks very curious by her comment.

"More scales, red eyes and not that pale of skin." I say honestly, Voldemort found that humorous and gave a short laugh.

"If I looked like that I wouldn't be able to get around as quickly, I'd be stared at constantly.."

"Says the guy without a nose."

"Excuse me Miss Quest but I do have a nose, how do you think snakes smell?"

"By their tongue." There comes a silence, I just beat the most powerful and feared wizard without using a wand.

Now that's ironic and utterly hilarious, and very embarrassing for him.

"Master? Did you just-"

"Keep quiet!" Voldemort hisses. The servant backs away and goes back to what he was originally doing. "How is Mr. Quest doing?"

"O-oh, he is doing, well.."

"Tell me!"

"S-sorry sir!"

I can't help but not laugh in this moment, for Voldemort is having a major mood swing because he got one small fact wrong and I corrected him.


Well, that's the first person that stood up to my dad, with a raised voice. I raise my head trying to see what they are looking at, maybe a crystal ball of some sort? I'm not sure.

A ominous voice comes through the space.

"Yes, master, of course. I shall continue to tear this boy apart until he is forced to join, and if I may say, holding my daughter and him, that was a beautiful thought..." I scrunch my eyebrows together, who is the other one in this game?

"Of course, of course, he has Lucius' blood and he will be loyal, I know that, and if he isn't, well... Things will just have to go a little differently.." Voldemort looks back at me, his eyes starting into mine with fire that soon will consume everything and everyone.

"You have... Draco?" I ask the dark wizard. He nods his head and throws his hands in the air.

"Yes! Yes! And he will join us. He will be one with us. He will be beside us...and not you."


"Oh, I'm sorry Miss Quest, your mind and conscious speaks all too much on him. You crave his touch, you crave everything that involves, Draco..Malfoy! Especially that one part, oh yes, that one memory that you cherish.. Sitting by the fire, a boy has tears running down in face, devastated and lonely he cries out to you and you answer, giving him love and affection he so deeply wanted at that moment.

"Such a sweet and innocent memory, of the two of you. So close, yet so far apart." I get a sudden itch in my right hand. I need my wand now. I need my wand now!

"Getting feisty are we? Well, I can fix that.." With one quick motion my wand is in his hands. I don't see fire or smoke coming from the grasp he has on it, it isn't burning him, it isn't even hurting him. "Now, in sure you know these words," he takes a few steps back and the bed moves upward, then turns so I am hanging off of the wall or wooden planks, "crucio." he whispers.


Draco gets a sudden jerk, as if someone shoved him, while Mr. Quest was talking to him about becoming a Death Eater. Then another, and another. He has to hold on to the arms of the chair to stay still. Then the last comes like electricity, all throughout his body start to ache with pain.

A strong yet flimsy hand clutches his shoulders and pulls him out of his chair.

"MALFOY! YOU HAVE ONLY ONE CHOICE!" Quest's voice rings throughout the entire room, Lucius just stands near the door, making sure Draco would make any attempts of escape. "Join us.."

The words from his mouth are bitter and sour, they are words that will only make the conscious mind sick.

A strike comes across his cheek, with his head down Draco bites his lip, holding back the tears and small cries. His fathers face sternly looks down upon his son that he is impatiently waiting to answer.

"Draco. Answer me NOW!" the snake starts to slide up and around Draco's body, ever so slowly making it so his shoulders and neck.

"Answer Mr. Quest Draco."

Draco keeps his mouth closed. Mr. Quest cocks his head in a perfect, horizontal flat line. His right hand goes into his pocket and pulls out his wand, with one phrase the pain returns, and it is so much worse than the first few times he received it.


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