Chapter 2 - Facing Mr. Lawrenson's Wrath of fury.

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So, I arrived at Mr. Lawrenson's classroom before he did. He didn't like anyone to come in after him. We had to be in his class before he arrived with his cold appearance. As soon as everyone was in the classroom and seated, he graced us with his glory wearing a blue collared shirt, khaki pants, and blue toms. He went towards his desk and placed his bag in his drawer and locked it as if he left the class and one of us might steal his precious bag. From there, he gave us a lot of assignments to do and we're grading the ones we did from previous classes. After he was done grading the assignments, he got up and passed them out, some of the students were happy with their grades and others looked like they wanted to cry. As soon as he gave me my paper, I froze at the grade plastered on it. I forgot to say it in my mind and that was my first mistake.

"I got an F? But that can be right. It just can be." Mr. Lawrenson stopped passing out paper and turned towards the classroom and glared.

"Who said that?"

I then soon realized I said that out loud and everyone was staring at me. Eyes burning my face with fear. Fear for me. I realized Mr. Lawrenson was glaring at me. I gulped. Boy, was I in a hell of trouble?

"Oh. You said that. So, Evan, you think I graded your paper wrong is it?"

Before I answered, he asked the rest of the class if he had graded their paper wrong and the majority of the class who had gotten a bad grade like me, believed that he graded their paper wrong, raised their hands and he was furious. He turned his fury on me, and I knew that I was in trouble. He chuckled darkly and that scared me. I wasn't prepared for what he was going to spit at me.

"So, guess what, those who raised their hands thinking I grade your papers wrong will receive a Z on this assignment. You can blame Evan for that." They gasped and turn their heads towards me and glared furiously and seeing Mr. Lawrenson smirking triumphantly made me glared harshly at him and I thought he flinched, but I can be wrong. I wasn't going to take his crap.

"Yeah. As smart as you say you are, I don't think so." His triumph smirk fell and was replaced with a glare that can get Satan to piss his pants. But I continued my rant.

"You can't grade papers even if your life depends on it. I know this is right because I got it from the textbook and restated it in my sentence. If an infant can figure that out. I don't understand why people fear you. There's nothing to fear at all. I hope you can get help with grading papers because you need it."

I finished with my rant and all you can hear was silence. Just pure silence. He approached me and snatch my paper off my desk and ripped it up in front of me. I gasped.

"Why would you do that?" He turns to me and you can see the fury splattered on his face. Uh oh. I think I went a bit too far.

"Who the hell do you think you are disrespecting me in front of my students and insulting my intelligence? You don't know anything about me or my intelligence, so don't act as you do. Oh, and don't think about turning your work in at all. You can just keep it. Gather your things and get out of my classroom and don't come back until you learn about respect."

I gather all of my things and threw my work at him. He gasped. Probably haven't had a student talked back at him. As I headed towards the door, I turn to glare at him.

"If you think I will respect a bully, you can kiss my ass for all that I care." I

walked out of his class and slammed the door. I was so furious. Who the hell does he think he is? I just technically ruined my chance to join track but, there's next year. I sighed. The bell rings which indicates the first period was over. I didn't see Tristian until lunchtime. I greeted him from our usual table.

"Hey, Evan. I heard what you did this morning." I groaned. Oh no. This gives the devil's groom to hate me even more.

"Yeah?" Nervously looking at Tristian.

"Yeah. I heard you are the first student to ever checked him. We don't know whether you're brave or just plain suicidal." I shrugged my shoulders.

"A bit of both. I got nothing to lose. I'm going to try out for track next year anyway."

"Okay. Let's hope he doesn't cause you not to join at all." I sighed.

I won't let him win. This is just round one. There are plenty of rounds left. A few days later Mr. Lawrenson kept his grudge against me to be personal. He would find some pathetic excuse to fail me. I didn't give up and he hated the fact that I wasn't cracked under his pressure. I soon couldn't take it and decided to involve my dad in this hostile situation. I explain to my dad what Mr. Lawrenson was trying to do.

"So, explain to me again what your teacher is trying to do?"

"He's trying to fail me anyway he can and I'm trying dad. I really am. Please talk to him." He sighed and smiled.

"Okay. I will." Later that night, dad came back from his meeting with Mr. Lawrenson. I went to greet him and repeatedly ask him what happened. He chuckled.

"Okay. I'll tell you." I stopped pestering him and listen to what he was going to say.

"So, we've talked, and he told me he's only doing all of that until you apologize to him about what happened. He understands how you feel. He does apologize for the mistake he did on your first paper. He wants you to talk to him first thing tomorrow morning. By then, everything should be cleared up."

"Okay, dad. Thanks for doing that for me. If I did it, he would have kicked me out without listening to what I have to say."

"I don't think so, Evan. He seems sweet and shy. I don't believe he would be capable of doing those things." I froze and turned towards dad.

"What? I'm confused. Who did you go see? Not my English teacher." He sighed and nodded.

"I did. He was cold at first, then he warmed up to me. But he seems sweet, but oh well. If what you are saying is true, then he must not like teenagers then." I chuckled.

"That's the same thing I said on the first day of school when I met him for the first time."

"I guess great minds think alike then."

"Yeah. They sure do."

The next day, I went to meet with Mr. Lawrenson before class starts. We said good mornings and spoke to one another. I started first.

"I'm sorry about how I reacted on the second day of school. I just was shocked that I've gotten an F on my assignment. I know I was careful. I blew my top and you didn't deserve that. So, I'm saying that I'm sorry." He gave me a warm smile. For the first time, his smile wasn't cruel or cold.

"I am glad that you apologize, and I accept your apology. I just wish you speak to me after class about your grade and I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you. You were right and I did make a mistake on your paper and I'm sorry about that." I smiled.

"I forgive you. We're human. We'll tend to make mistakes sometimes. The class is about to start."

I got up to go sit in my seat. I didn't miss Mr. Lawrenson whispering, "Thank you."

Hello to all of my readers. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope to see you readers vote and comment. Have a great day.

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