Chapter 14- Baby on board

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Rafe P.O.V

Pregnant. I was pregnant. I was happy. Athena was going to be a big sister. I really couldn't wait to tell Evan the news. I know that we weren't able to prepare for a new member of our family. I look down at my stomach and rubbed it. There was a life growing in there and in nine months, he or she will be out and into the world. Once I arrived home, I called Evan and told him the news. He was so elated that I could hear his roommates congratulating him.

"I can't believe that I'm going to be a daddy. Baby, I have to go now, but I promise to call you and see you this weekend. I love you, baby."

"I love you too."

We said goodnight and that was that. The next day, I went to see Micheal and Athena and told them the news.

"Oh, Crap. I'm going to be a grandpa. I'm too young Rafe. How could you do this to me?"

I rolled my eyes at Micheal's boo hoo performance. Athena, on the other hand, was happy. She was going to be a big sister.

"Yay mommy. A baby. I hope it's a girl. I hear boys have germs."

"That's not true. If you say that, you might end up having a brother than a sister."

"No mommy. I take that back." I laughed.

"I know pumpkin."

Later that day, I was quite tired and wanted to rest a little. I hope this baby is a boy and won't be my last. As the weeks went by, Evan decided that he was going to stay with me until the baby comes. He was quite excited but careful around me, which I rolled my eyes to.

"C'mon Evan. I'm pregnant, not fragile. You weren't like this when I was pregnant with Athena."

"Of course not. She was my sister, but I was still cautious not to her while she was in you and I'm not going to do the same thing with our child."

"Evan? I mean it's only been a few weeks now and the baby is doing fine."

"That's good to hear but no."

Fuck man! I just want to get laid and it seems that's not happening anytime soon. I look down at my belly and rubbed it.

"I hope you grow fast and big soon, cause I wants to get laid as soon as possible."

Later that day, I was having to throw up a party, since I was spilling my guts into the porcelain throne. This was probably the worst part of pregnancies. I felt a warm hand rubbing my back and it felt good. When I was done throwing up my stomach out, I washed my mouth out with mouthwash and headed to bed. I was tired. Evan cuddled with me and off to sleep we went. The next day, Evan and I were turning one of the extra rooms in our house into a nursery for the baby. I was excited. This baby was going to have the best family ever. Oooh! I couldn't wait. Just a few months to go and our bundle of joy will be here.

"Rafe. Will you stop that?"

Evan broke me out of my daydream and approached me. He rubbed my belly and glared at me. I pouted. Why are you mad for fool? You aren't the one carrying the baby.

"Rafe, you're going to scare the baby with your excitement."

"You're such a buzzkill."

Evan rolls his eyes and from there, we when shopping for neutral things, like a crib, car seat, and stroller and a carrier. We were going to wait until we know the gender of the baby. After shopping, we when to our appointment to hopefully find out the gender of the baby. The last couple of time we when to check, apparently the baby didn't want to reveal his or her gender to us. I was really worried. What if there's something wrong with our baby? I didn't want to panic for no reason at all. Evan placed his hand on mine and gave me a reassuring smile, which eased my worry. The doctor told us the same thing the last few times here and concluded that the baby didn't want us to know. He believed that the baby will let us know his or her gender soon when it felt ready. We had one bossy baby on our hand. While in the car on our way home, I rubbed my visible belly.

"Why won't you tell us your gender sweetie? Are you a shy one? Your older sister was much bolder. She let everyone in the room that she was a girl and not afraid to show it.

Flashback (7 years ago)

I was excited to find out our baby's gender. Micheal and I couldn't wait, but I thought about how Evan would feel since we weren't on the best of terms but who cares about that selfish bastard. Right now I'm focusing on my man and our baby and not his selfish, conceited and arrogant son. Just thinking about the devil's incarnated just seems shivers down my spine. The doctor's and Micheal's laughs broke me away from my thoughts. I looked at him while they were laughing at whatever our baby was doing on the screen.

"What's so funny?"

"Well apparently, your daughter is letting us know that's she's a girl and not a boy."

The doctor points to the monitor and I look. Even time he would move the wand, the baby would move also, but that's what not making them laugh. What's making them laugh is the fact that the baby is moving her vagina to wherever the wand goes so that it's really clear that she was a girl and not a boy. She made sure that every time we went to check on her. I guess Athena was bold ever since she was in the womb. I sighed. She will be the death of me someday.

"Hey, Rafe. Don't worried. We'll find out soon. The baby is just not ready yet okay?" I sighed and nodded. The moment we got home, I attacked Evan with my lips and like the winner I am, he succumbs to my need. We ended up in our bedroom, clothes flying in a different direction and the fun soon began. Being pregnant, I was going to need all of the sex I need and Evan knows how to deliver. All I had to do was bend down and give my ass a little shake and we'll end fucking if you catch my drift. Anyways, my rant was interrupted when Evan thrust into me harshly.

"Oh god! Yes, Evan! Uh! Right There!"I moaned out.

"Oh. Evan! Faster! Harder! Keep going! Don't stop! Right there!"

Evan continued to fuck me as my thirsty insides depend on his cum to relinquished the fire within me. My bed continues to creak and groan from Evan heavy thrusting my entrance.

"Oh fuck! Evan, I'm getting close."

He continued to thrust until my orgasm came full force.

We were in our bedroom doing all kinds of sinfully stuff. My goodness can Evan fill up my hunger. He was busy pounding away into me as our lives depend on it and it sure did. His grunts were so sexy when he released. After a few thrusts, he came as well. We were catching our breath.

"Wow. That was mind-blowing. When was the last time we had sex like this?"

"I'm so tired that I don't even remember. I think it mostly happens when we are both sexually frustrated I believe."

"I guess so. We need to do this a lot."

"Here here."

In a few months, our bundle of joy will be here and well, we really couldn't wait.

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