Chapter 17- Weak

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Evan. P.O.V

I was laying comfortably next to Rafe, who was snoring ever so lightly after an eventful night at the hotel. The next day, we went home and Rafe's parents wanted to spend some more time with their grandchildren and will bring them tomorrow, which meant more alone time with Rafe. After all that we've been through, we still had each other plus one. I mean I wanted it to be just Rafe and me since, to be honest, Daniel wasn't planned. He just sort of happened and we couldn't be happier. Rafe decided to be prepared next time so we don't have an unplanned baby and I know it's cruel to say that but it's true. Daniel can sort of be a cockblocker and especially when I'm about to get some. The only way Rafe and I can have "fun" is to have dad or Rafe's parents watch him, since according to him, his parent's had a nonexistent sex life and when I asked why, he just shrugged his shoulders and said that after his parents had him, they were kind of relieved to not go through the baby-making process and they only would have sex if they wanted children. Since they went through hell with him, they've decided that sex was pointless and tiring. So his parents had been celibate for 34 years. I mean I can't even do that even if it was a bet.I was just about to go back to bed until the doorbell rang. I groaned and removed Rafe's arm and head off of me and went downstairs to see who was bothering me at this ungodly hour... Just kidding. It's almost 10 am. I opened the door and was surprised to see my best friend. Before I could greet him, he pushed his way inside.

"What the hell is your problem man? I haven't seen you for a while and as your best friend, I had to check u on you and see if you were okay and not dead with your dick in your ex English teacher's ass."

I blushed then smacked Tristian's head. Why would he say those things about my dick in Rafe's ass and why would he think that..... unless... He noticed my smirk and shook his head vigorously.

"No. I wasn't thinking that."

"Yeah. Sure you weren't. Well, I'm glad that you checked up on me. I mean I'm a dad now and it's harder than it looks."

"Yeah I can tell, that's why there are options to not fall pregnant. You were too damn horny to notice."

"Well it's like you said, I wanted my dick in him has and it happened. Many times."

"Ugh. I don't want to hear your sex life. I mean after what you've done with him- I just don't want to know anymore. So how's my nephew?"

" He's with his sister at his grandparents' house."

"Huh. It's kind of ironic about your situation. Your son and you share a sister, she is also his aunt and you are his dad."

"Yeah. I know. It is a fucked up situation, but I don't care about that."

"You never let anything bother you huh?"

"Nope. Nothing not important doesn't affect me."

While we were conversing, Rafe decided to grace his appearance. He was just in his underwear and it wasn't until he realized that we weren't alone. He notices Tristian who waved at him and grabbed the nearest item, which happens to be Daniel's blanket and wrapped it around his waist and stared at Tristian and his eyes landed on me.

" Why is he here?"

"To check to see if I was alive, or dead with my dick in your ass."

"What does your dick being in my ass any of his business?"

"Hello. I am sitting right here and I don't care about where his dick been. It could have been in your mouth for all we know."

"Tristian. Why would you say something like that?"

"It's fine. I mean between the two of you, I know who's more mature and whose a wise-ass."

"Damn Evan, he's calling you a wise ass."

"He wasn't talking about me, you idiot."

"Nope. I think he was."

"Evan. Where did you find this kid? On the side of the road?"

" Probably the same place he found you?"

" Why I ought to-"

"Both of you stop right now. You two shouldn't be fighting. We're all adults here."

"No Evan, We're the adults and he's a spoilt child."

"Says the man who slept with one."

"Tristian. Why would you say something like that? It just happened. You can't just take it out on him and used that against him like that."

"I can Evan. He's the reason why your dad and you nearly didn't speak to each other. Do you know how hurt he was to not only find out that "he" moved on, but was sleeping with his son and had the guts to sleep with you under his roof not once but twice? So, yeah. I have the right to take it out of him for nearly hurting uncle Michael."

"But you had nothing to do with it Tristian. It was between Rafe, myself and my dad. So, you don't have much to say."

"Yes I do because I am your best friend since we were born and that you always came crying to me about the awful things he's done to you, but I'm willing to let it all go because a child is now involved and I don't want to see you or your dad that way ever again. Him. I could care less."

The air was filled with tension that could be cut with a knife. I knew that Tristian didn't like Rafe for what he put my dad and myself through, but together we overcame it and judging by the way Rafe look, he was hurt that Tristian brought up the past and smeared it across his face as it was meant to be a slap. I could tell that tears were developing and they were going to fall at any moment now.

"Excuse me. I'm going to leave you two alone."

Rafe left the room and before he left, the tears that he was holding ran freely down his cheeks. I turned and glared at my best friend who seemed unbothered about it. I don't like seeing Rafe this way. He breaks down rarely easily but hearing the things that came out of Tristian's mouth affected him badly and I felt quite bad that I let it happen. Tristian didn't want to impose anymore since he felt guilty for making Rafe cry even though Rafe didn't want him to see. He hopes one day that Rafe and he can get alone without being cruel to each other because between them, mean doesn't describe the way they talk to each other. I went upstairs to go and check on Rafe. He was dressed and freshly showered. I sat next to him and comfort him.

"I didn't know I was causing your dad and you to suffer. I always told myself that I wouldn't get so caught up in the past, but hearing what Tristian said about me is true. I did sleep with a child-"

"Hey. I wasn't a child. I was a teenager who was almost an adult."

"Please don't interrupt me. I'm just saying if anyone would have caught wind that I was sleeping not only with my student's dad, I was sleeping with him also and you know what the most ironic thing about the situation, I have children from the both of you. I feel so dirty and cheap that I would stoop so low to do something like that."

"Rafe. The past is the past for a reason. Baby, you're not dirty nor are you cheap. You're a wonderful person who've been hurt by people you had trust. It happens to everyone. Don't let what happen to you in the past affect your future. Its our future okay? I love you and always love you no matter what."

My heartfelt speech got through Rafe because he was smiling and hugged me. I wrapped my arms to comfort him. I never want to see Rafe the way he was ever again. Before we can continue our day Rafe says something that makes me smile.

"Can't explain why your love it makes me weak."

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