Chapter 15- Daniel Jace Stone

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Rafe P.O.V

I was currently 8 months pregnant and till this day, we were able to find out the gender of the baby, but I wanted to be a surprise. So both Evan and I didn't know the gender of the baby. We were going to throw a baby shower and hopefully found out the gender of our bundle of joy. Later that day, we were throwing the baby shower at our house. Evan and Michael had been a great help unlike me were panicking about the tiniest thing, like the food being placed plainly and not extravagantly, or that maybe we should have the baby shower outside since it is a beautiful day out. Let's just say they were very annoyed with me and that I was told to go to my room and stay there until they were done preparing for the baby shower. I pouted. I wanted to help but my complaints were just annoying them instead of helping them. I'm so bored man. I need something to do. I thought about all of the things I've been through since I was involved with both father and son but then I soon felt guilty. Before I could wallow in self-pity, a sharp kick broke me out of my self-pity.


I glared down at my belly where the future soccer player was residing. I didn't know why the baby would kick me so fiercely. I don't ever want to go through this ever again. Probably a few years or decades from now. Athena was sweet and gentle and then proceed to beat me up from the inside when she wants to evacuate, knowing that I couldn't grab her myself, but I love my baby girl so much, now I have this one. I have a feeling I know the gender of this baby.

"What was that for? You're so lucky a can't go in there and beat your baby bottom. How can you hurt someone who's- Ouch! Nope. You need to get out now before you cripple me. Ouch!"

Throughout the whole time that I was alone, my child was beating and kicking me from the inside and it hurts so much. This baby doesn't like to be threatened. The kicking was so unbearable that I cried. What did I don to deserve this? I couldn't hear the door being opened.

"Rafe. We're done so you can- Rafe what's wrong? Is it the baby? Oh my gosh, the baby is coming now? Alright, we're-"

"No. The baby is fine it's just that, the baby has been kicking me very harshly and it hurts so much."

"Aww, baby. Don't worry. The baby will be out in two weeks and you won't feel the pain you went through. C'mon, we're ready to start now."

I nodded and we headed downstairs to the baby shower. After everyone chose their guess on the baby's gender, Evan and I place the boat off the ground which said: " It's a..." Evan stated the count down

"On the count of three, one, two, THREE!"

"It's a BOY!

We were so excited. Our friends and families congratulate us and Evan and I were excited. I had a feeling the baby was a boy. I mean the brutal kicking and him not wanting to reveal his gender.

"So, how does it feel to have a son?"

"It feels awesome. I still can't believe that I'm going to be a dad."

"Well, you better believe it since you put him in me."

"Baby it takes to two tango."

" Uh-huh. Except we did more than tango right?"

"My goodness Rafe. This is not the time to be horny."

"I am not. Evan was the one who started it."

"Rafe you are so childish."

"Says the man who loved it when I was childish."

"Oh, you shut up."

We ended up laughing. The night was still young and Evan and I were saying goodbye to our family and friends. We head to bed early and called it a night. For the next few days as we were slowly approaching our due date, few were preparing for the arrival of our son. I was really worried that he might bake for too long, but Evan reassured me that he will arrive on time. I rubbed my stomach in worry. I hope he does come on time.

Two days after the due date

I was panicking. Our son was two days overdue and we were getting ready to go to the hospital so I could be induced. I was so worried about getting to the hospital that I didn't even hear my water breaking and ignore the contractions I had before my water had broken. It wasn't until Evan pinched me.

"Ouch Evan! what was that for?

"You're over here panicking like a headless chicken that you didn't even know that your water has broken."


I looked down and notice my pant were wet, but I wasn't sure until my contractions started to close in on me and I waddled my way upstairs and laid on our bed and did my breathing exercise because from that moment on I knew that we weren't going to make it to the hospital. Evan seems to understand what was going on and called the police. I felt pressure and I took my pants off and checked to see if I was crowning. I felt the baby's head and I pushed. Hearing my anguished screams, Evan comes to my side and soothes me. The paramedics arrived after I gave birth to our son and off to the hospital we went to. In the hospital, we all stared at our son who was sleeping so peacefully.

"He's so handsome and looks at peace."

"Congrats you guys. He's so perfect."

He was, wasn't he? This baby boy has put me through hell and I didn't mind going through it as many times I want. Evan picked him up from his cot and placed him in my arms. I placed a kiss on his forehead. He looked some much like Evan which his blonde hair, pouty lips, long lashes, and a cute button nose. He was just perfect.

"So what are you guys going to name him?"

"Daniel Jace Stone. That's the name Evan and I decided on."

" What a wonderful name for him."

It sure was for our bundle of joy and we will always love, protect and care for him.

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