Chapter 13-Content

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Rafe's P.O.V

It's been a week since Athena's birthday. Evan and I have been taking our relationship slow and steady. It's kind of felt like I was dreaming, and Evan and I weren't together, but I was grateful that we gave our relationship another go, even though I deeply believed that I didn't deserve another chance to be with Evan again. After all, we've been through, after all, I put him through and making his life difficult as hell. I wanted this relationship to last forever. Even after death does us apart. Aside from Athena, he's all I ever wanted.

"Rafe, Earth to Rafe, are you in?"

I snapped out of my daydream and looked at Evan, who was leaning against the door of our room. You heard right. Evan and I are sharing a room. Even though we are taking our relationship slow and steady, we like where we are. We haven't done anything sexual at the moment, which has been fine to us since we are still getting used to each other after our long second disastrous breakup. Goodness, he was looking good, good enough to- nope not going there. No horny thought today until we feel comfortable with each other. I realized it's been a while since he last spoke.

"Oh. Yeah. I'm in."

"It's doesn't seem like it to me. You seem like you're deep in thought. Is everything alright?"

"Umm. Yeah. I was just thinking about how far we came since the last time we saw each other."

"The last time we saw each other, we were at each other's throat and said things that weren't meant to be said. "I was ashamed of myself when he said that. It does hurt me to see that I hurt not only Evan but Michael as well. When Evan noticed my heartbroken expression and tried to clear it up.

"Rafe. What I meant was-"

"It's fine because it's true. I said things that I didn't mean and I'm sorry Evan and not only you but your dad too. I'm just wondering why both of you don't hate me. "Evan comes and sits next to means rubs my back.

"Baby. We're not that cruel to hate anyone. I may have been an immature jerk wad when I was a teenager, but I kind of grew out of that. We're just big on forgiving and forgetting. That's all. I can never hate you because I love you too much and may risk the relationship between my dad and me but in the end, you were worth it and still worth it ."I sniffed. I didn't even know that I was crying until I saw tear stains on my pants. I turned to Evan and hugged him. He was taken by surprise at first, but then he hugged me in return.

"Thanks, Evan. Not only did you forgive me and forgot about my past mistake, but it also gave me a chance to win your heart back."

"Don't mention it."

He placed a kiss on my forehead, and we stayed in each other's arm for a while and I loved it. Athena and I were able to patch our relationship. It still pains me to hear my daughter say she hated me. I was fine hearing it from other people, but heartbroken when it came to my bundle of joy. But in the end, we were still able to do things that parents and children would do. It was later in the day and I decided to go out and go shopping for a while. But let's just say my day wasn't going to be a good one anymore. While I was shopping, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"My voice was caught in my throat and my heart drops when my gaze met the gaze of the individual I never want to see ever again as long as I live.


Evan's P.O.V

It's been a while since Rafe went out to shop and I was starting to get worried. I tried calling him, but his phone went straight to voicemail and deep down within me, I knew that something was wrong. I quickly got dressed, grabbed my car keys, and ran down the stairs. My dad entered the mansion with Athena in tow. They went to the beach for daddy and daughter day that her school was hosting. He seems tired out but the moment he's a sense that I was distressed, He no longer looked tired but worried.

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