Chapter 5 - What now?

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Ever since what happened last night, Rafe and I were continuing to fuck around. Even in his classroom. He currently bent over his desk while I'm pounding into that sweet tight ass of his. I had a tight grip on his hip while I'm just thrusting away. I just loved to drown myself hearing his sweet moans escaping those pink pouty lips of his. We soon finished. I watched him pull up his underwear, then following his pants. He was fixing himself to seem decent. He can't hide all the evidence of our lovemaking a few minutes ago.

"Don't you have a class to go to?" I approach him and wrap my arms around him but not too tight to harm my unborn little sister. I place a kiss on his forehead.

"No. It's lunchtime for me, but I just had lunch a few moments ago." A hue of red splashed on his cheeks and he pushed me away gently. A smirk appeared on my lips after seeing the aftermath of my words has done to him.

"Well, you need to go now. I have a class in a few minutes." I gave him one last kiss before I left his class. I went to the cafeteria and I spotted Tristian eating alone and I went towards him and sat with him. He notices my presence and gave me a questioning look.

"Uh. I hope you know that lunch is going to be over in a couple of minutes. So, why come now?"

"What type of best friend would I be If I left my childhood best friend to eat alone." He gives me a look saying, "What are you hiding from me?"

"Okay. I'll bite. What is do you need or hiding from me?" His eyes squint in suspicion. Me being extra I gave him a look.

"Who me? I wouldn't dare hide something from my best friend." He scoffed.

"Yeah right. You know If you don't tell me, I will find out and you know I will. You can never leave me in the dark and you know that Ethan."

I sighed. I knew that for a fact. You cannot hide anything from Tristian at all. I'm going to have to tell him sooner or later. I sighed and turned to him. He smiled like he has won the lottery. I don't know how he'll take the news that I've been sleeping around with my dad's pregnant boyfriend who is also my English teacher.

"So, spill it. I want to know what you were trying to hide from me."

"What I've been hiding from you and I hoped that I could hide it from you until I was ready to tell, but knowing you, you've would have found out anyway. So, here it is." I sighed. I know how Tristian would react. Knowing him, he's unpredictable. Hearing him clearing his throat, I looked at him and he looks impatient.

"So, tell me already."

"Okay. Okay. Just keep your pants on."

"My pants are on you idiot! Stop going off-topic and tell me already or I'm going to find out myself."

"Fine! Since you want to know so badly. I've been-"

The bell rings indicating that lunch was over. I sighed in relief, saved by the bell. I got up and headed out of the cafeteria until a hand grabbed me and I turn to see Tristian. I sighed. Can't he just let this go? Just once for me since I'm his best friend. But I guess not.

"You were just saved by the bell, but giving you a heads up, you are going to tell me after school. Okay?" I saluted him.

"Yes, sir!" He rolled his eyes.

"Don't think about leaving either. Because I will know."

Damn it. Nice try on my part. I nodded and we both went our separate ways. The school was now over and Rafe offered me a ride home, but I told him I was waiting for Tristian. We kissed for a while until he got into his car and drove off. I waited for a couple of minutes for my doofus of a best friend to appear. Speaking of the devil, he has arrived in reign his terror upon me.

"Sorry, I'm late. I was speaking to my Spanish teacher."

"That's alright. Let's go."

While driving, I told him what I've been keeping a secret from him, but not the whole thing. Just snippets. I could not just flat out tell him without Rafe's okay. I know he's my best friend, but I'm not going to ruin the trust that Rafe and I have. I don't plan on telling Tristian until Rafe is okay with me telling him. After Tristian dropped me off home, I entered the mansion hearing shouts of anger. I covered my ear and went up to my room. The argument was being carried up the stairs and I could hear the argument quite clearly. I then realized who the voices were. They were-

"I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE!! WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE AND GET A LIFE!!" I sighed. My dad and Rafe were arguing. Dad was being quite mean to Rafe, but Rafe responded in his sassy way.


Rafe's words go deaf when dad wanted him to pack his things and leave. Rafe shoves dad to the side and continues to his bedroom but halts midway and turns his head towards dad. The facial expression plastered on his face was pure hatred. His soft-spoken voice became cold, emotionless, and harsh. His chuckle was even harsh. I may not be able to see my dad's face but, I know it's full of fear. The man he used to love turns back to the man he met for the first time.

"I'll leave Michael. You can have the life you had before you met me and gotten me pregnant with your child. You may think that you are a perfect specimen that all the men and women go crazy but, what you don't realize is that they just want your money. All of those leftovers that you cheated on me with are nothing but pretty and pathetic people, the rejects and scums of the world. But I'm letting you go so you can have them. All I want in return is that I don't want you anywhere near me. You are no longer need and I moved on to better pasture. Too bad you can never be him though."

Those words must have impact dad so badly that he left and slam the front door behind him. I can hear Rafe release a sigh and headed towards his bedroom. I left my room to check on him. He was packing most of his stuff, so I decided to help. He gave me a tired smile. I approached him and took his belonging from him and placed them on the floor. I push him gently on the bed. But, just for safe measures, I closed and lock the door and turn to him. He gave me a confused look.

"Evan. What is -" I placed my index finger on his lips to shh him. I know how tired and stressed out he is, and I will relieve him of his stress. I was going to give him some sex therapy.

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