5. I Changed

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[ M a c y ' s  P O V ]

"I ... It's ... It's about that letter." I start as I feel as if my heart is going to pops out any seconds right now . I never been this nervous before . I just start talking but he looks annoyed at me as he cuts me off .

"Listen Macy , if you want to talk about the letter forget it . It was in the past , I don't know how many times do I need to tell you." He said , I feel so hurt by what he just said but I don't want to give up on him .

"Brooklyn I -"

"Look , I changed okay ? I'm not the same as when I wrote that letter anymore . I moved on from you , there's nothing for you to fix . Forget it." He said again , completely shutting me off . And once again looking so expression-less as he keep his staright face looking at me .

I was unable to speak as what he just said conpletely shocked me . I love him , I still do . I don't want him to ever stop loving me , but he did . He moved on .

"Why are you like this ?" I asked slowly as he turn his head looking at the floor . As if he's afraid if I see his expression right now .

And for a few seconds I thought that maybe he still has feelings for me . But he just doesn't want to show me . He probably still love me .

This glimpse of hope really enlight me .

But that thought quickly disappear as he was just checking his phone to see what time it is . I feel the pressure holding me as I try my best not to cry in front of him .

If I cry the chance of him leaving me is like 100 % . And that means I lost the chance of talking with him . And that the last thing I want . So I try my best to put myself together and tell myself that I cannot cry right now .

It's just going to worsen the situation .

"It's not your business anymore." He said after checking his phone . The bitterness on his voice is drawn clearly , and it's hard to convince myself that he doesn't hate me that much .

I swallow the lump on my troath as I try to find what to say . My eyes wonder around to prevent the tears straming down . He keeps that straight look on his face and how I miss his smile .

"I got to go , I got practice this afternoon ." He said and then walk off leaving me completely alone with my thoughts . He didn't even bother to say 'good bye' to me , heck he didn't even give me the chance to say anything .

He just walk off like that .

As if he doesn't even care about me being here , a girl who nearly cried because of him .

Who is him ? He's not the Brooklyn I used to know . He's a different boy .

I changed him , this is my fault . He was the warmest bot I've ever known before . And now all I can see in him is just his coldness and bitterness .

And this is all because of me , I drove him in to this . If only I wasn't that stupid girl , this wouldn't be like this .

The only right thing to do right now is probably for me to let him go , let him be whatever he want to be . He's probably happier without me .

But I can't seems to let go , this is my fault . I have to fix this , I have fo bring back the old Brooklyn Beckham . That cheerful and bubbly boy I know .

I'm so not going to give up on him , I promise .

Brooklyn Beckham , now is my turn to win you back .


After the 'talking' with Brooklyn I went home straightly . And went to bed , I didn't know why but I just felt so tired all of sudden . And it's probably just myself not wanting to deal with reality .

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